About GPSC
General Purpose Scattering Chamber is the 1.5 m diameter scattering chamber facility installed in Beam Hall I of IUAC. The chamber is equipped with two rotating arms and in-vacuum target transfer system. This facility is being used for both nuclear physics as well as materials science experiments
The stainless-steel chamber is of 1.5 m diameter, 0.6 m height and 1100 l volume. Several ports are provided to the chamber, for viewing as well as for attaching additional equipment. It has 10-inch dia ports at 30o, 90o, -20o and -90o; 6-inch dia ports at 120o, 160o, -120o and -150o. The ports at -90o, -150o, 60o, and 160o have viewing glass windows. The top lid also has a viewing port.
This chamber is equipped with a 2000 l/s diffusion pump backed by a 2000 l/m rotary pump with fore line trap. Operation of the pumping system is pneumatically controlled and facilitated with proper interlocking. Operating pressure of the chamber is low 10-6 mbar
A target ladder, which is movable in vertical direction and rotatable in 360o, is provided from the centre of the chamber bottom plate. Several targets can be mounted on the ladder including a beam-viewing quartz. The target ladder is isolated from the chamber body and there is provision for taking ladder current signal outside the chamber through a co-axial cable. There are two rotatable detector arms. Each detector arm has provision for mounting detectors at a separation of 6o. The arm angle can be read with an accuracy of ± 0.05o. Remote control system is available for the movement of the target ladder as well as the detector arms.
There is provision for mounting two monitor detectors at ± 10o on the chamber wall and two detectors at ± 15o by hanging them from the chamber lid. A collimator of required dimension can be mounted at the beam entrance port of the chamber. The exit port of the chamber has a beam dump provided with electron-suppressed Faraday cup to measure beam current.
Gas detector set-up
Different types of gas detectors like ionization chambers, parallel plate avalanche counters (PPAC), multi wire proportional counters (MWPC) etc. are used in GPSC for nuclear physics as well as materials science experiments. A flange with gas feedthrough is mounted at a back-angle port. The gas flow control system is made in such a way that it can handle different gas pressure regions according to the requirement.
In-vacuum target transfer facility
This versatile facility which consists of a feedthrough, a transfer body and an intermediate body has multipurpose usage. Within a time lapse of about 20 minutes, one target ladder can be replaced with another with very little disturbance in the chamber vacuum (chamber vacuum changes from low 10-6 mbar to low 10-5 mbar).
Nuclear physics
- Break up reactions
- Fusion cross section studies with light ions
- Study of in-elastic scattering
- Dynamical and entrance channel effects in fusion reaction
- Heavy ion-induced fission fragment angular and mass distributions at near/below barrier
- Heavy ion-induced complete and incomplete fusion and pre-equilibrium emission
Group Members
- Fusion-fission dynamics of 188,190Pt through fission fragment mass distribution measurements, Kavita, K. S. Golda, T. K. Ghosh, A. Jhingan, P. Sugathan, A. Chatterjee, B. R. Behera, Ashok Kumar, Rakesh Kumar, N. Saneesh, M. Kumar, Abhishek Yadav, C. Yadav, Neeraj Kumar, Akashrup Banerjee, A. Rani, S. K Duggi, Rakesh Dubey, Kavita Rani, Shoaib Noor, Jaimin Acharya, and Hardev Singh, Phys. Rev. C 100, 024626 (2019)
- Role of viscosity in fusion-fission dynamics via simultaneously measured neutron and α-particle multiplicities, K. Kapoor, N. Bansal, Chetan Sharma, S. Verma, K. Rani, R. Mahajan, B. R. Behera, K. P. Singh, A. Kumar, H. Singh, R. Dubey, N. Saneesh, M. Kumar, A. Yadav, A. Jhingan, P. Sugathan, B. K. Nayak, A. Saxena, H. P. Sharma, and S. K. Chamoli, Phys. Rev. C 100, 014620 (2019)
- Measurement of incomplete fusion cross-sections in 6,7Li+238U reactions, A. Pal, S. Santra, D. Chattopadhyay, A. Kundu, A. Jhingan, P. Sugathan, B. K. Nayak, A. Saxena, and S. Kailas, Phys. Rev. C 99, 024620 (2019)
- Mass distributions of fission fragments from nuclei populated by multinucleon transfer or incomplete fusion channels in 6,7Li+238U reactions, A. Pal, S. Santra, D. Chattopadhyay, A. Kundu, A. Jhingan, P. Sugathan, N. Saneesh, Mohit Kumar, N. L. Singh, A. Yadav, C. Yadav, R. Dubey, K. Kapoor, Kavita Rani, Honey Arora, Visakh A. C., Devinder Kaur, B. K. Nayak, A. Saxena, S. Kailas, and K.-H. Schmidt, Phys. Rev. C 98, 031601(R) (2018)
- Study of incomplete fusion reaction dynamics in 13C + 165Ho system and its dependence on various entrance channel parameters, S. A. Tali, H. Kumar, M. Afsal Ansari, A. Ali, D. Singh, R. Ali, P.K. Giri, S.B. Linda, S. Parashari, R. Kumar, S. Muralithar, and R. P. Singh, Nucl.Phys. A970, 208 (2018)
- Measurement of excitation functions of evaporation residues in the 16O+124Sn reaction and investigation of the dependence of incomplete fusion dynamics on entrance channel parameters, D. Singh, Sneha B. Linda, Pankaj K. Giri, Amritraj Mahato, R. Tripathi, Harish Kumar, Suhail A. Tali, Siddharth Parashari, Asif Ali, Rakesh Dubey, M. Afzal Ansari, R. Kumar, S. Muralithar, and R. P. Singh, Phys. Rev. C 97, 064610 (2018)
- Effects of the projectile break-up on fusion cross sections at energies near and above the Coulomb barrier: A case of incomplete fusion, Mohd. Shuaib, Vijay R. Sharma, Abhishek Yadav, Manoj Kumar Sharma, Pushpendra P. Singh, Devendra P. Singh, R. Kumar, R. P. Singh, S. Muralithar, B. P. Singh, and R. Prasad, Phys. Rev. C 98, 014605 (2018)
- Entrance Channel Effect on Incomplete Fusion, R.N. Sahoo, M. Kaushik, A. Sood, P. Kumar, V.R. Sharma, A. Yadav, M.Shuaib, D.P.Singh, P.P. Singh, U. Gupta, M.K. Sharma, R. Kumar, B.P. Singh, S. Aydin, H.J. Wollersheim, R. Prasad, Acta Phys.Pol. B49, 585 (2018)
- Sensitivity of low-energy incomplete fusion to various entrance-channel parameters, Harish Kumar, Suhail A. Tali, M. Afzal Ansari, D. Singh, Rahbar Ali, Kamal Kumar, N.P.M. Sathik, Asif Ali, Siddharth Parashari, R. Dubey, Indu Bala, R. Kumar, R.P. Singh, and S. Muralithar, Eur. Phys. J. A (2018)
- Incomplete fusion in 16O+89Y reactions at energies of ≈7 MeV/nucleon, Muntazir Gull, Kamal Kumar, Sabir Ali, Tauseef Ahmad, S. Dutt, I. A. Rizvi, Avinash Agarwal, and R. Kumar, Phys. Rev. C 98, 034603 (2018)
- Observed side feeding in incomplete fusion dynamics in 16O + 160Gd reaction at energy ∼ 5.6 MeV/A: Spin distribution measurements, R. Ali, M. Afsal Ansari, D. Singh, R. Kumar, D.P. Singh, M.K. Sharma, U. Gupta, B.P. Singh, P.D. Shidling, D. Negi, R. P. Singh, S. Muralithar, R.K. Bhowmik, Nucl.Phys. A968, 403 (2017)
- Investigation of incomplete fusion dynamics at energy 4-8 MeV/nucleon, H. Kumar, S. A. Tali, M. Afsal Ansari, A. Ali, D. Singh, R. Ali, P.K. Giri, S.B. Linda, S. Parashari, R. Kumar, S. Muralithar, and R. P. Singh, Nucl.Phys. A960, 53 (2017)
- Low-energy nuclear reaction of the 14N+169Tm system: Incomplete fusion, R. Kumar, Vijay R. Sharma, Abhishek Yadav, Pushpendra P. Singh, Avinash Agarwal, S. Appannababu, S. Mukherjee, B. P. Singh, R. Ali, and R. K. Bhowmik, Phys. Rev. C 96, 054614 (2017)
- Fission-like events in the 12C+169Tm system at low excitation energies, Arshiya Sood, Pushpendra P. Singh, Rudra N. Sahoo, Pawan Kumar, Abhishek Yadav, Vijay R. Sharma, Mohd. Shuaib, Manoj K. Sharma, Devendra P. Singh, Unnati Gupta, R. Kumar, S. Aydin, B. P. Singh, H. J. Wollersheim, and R. Prasad, Phys. Rev. C 96, 014620 (2017)
- Systematic study of low-energy incomplete fusion: Role of entrance channel parameters, Abhishek Yadav, Pushpendra P. Singh, Mohd. Shuaib, Vijay R. Sharma, Indu Bala, Unnati, Sunita Gupta, D. P. Singh, M. K. Sharma, R. Kumar, S. Murlithar, R. P. Singh, B. P. Singh, and R. Prasad, Phys. Rev. C 96, 044614 (2017)
- Breakup effects on alpha spectroscopic factors of 16O, S. Adhikari, C. Basu, I. J. Thompson, P. Sugathan, A. Jhinghan, K. S. Golda, A. Babu, D. Singh, S. Ray, and A. K. Mitra, J.Phys.(London) G44, 015102 (2017)
- Effect of collective enhancement in level density in the fission of pre-actinides, Tathagata Banerjee, S. Nath, A. Jhingan, N. Saneesh, Mohit Kumar, Abhishek Yadav, Gurpreet Kaur, R. Dubey, M. Shareef, P. V. Laveen, A. Shamlath, Md. Moin Shaikh, S. Biswas, J. Gehlot, K. S. Golda, P. Sugathan, and Santanu Pal, Phys. Rev. C 96, 014618 – Published 27 July 2017
- Influence of Positive Q-value Neutron Transfer Coupling on Fusion Enhancement in 28Si+154Sm Reaction, Gurpreet Kaur, B. R. Behera, A. Jhingan, B. K. Nayak, R. Dubey, Priya Sharma, Meenu Thakur, Ruchi Mahajan, N. Saneesh, Tathagata Banerjee, Khushboo, A. Kumar, S. Mandal, A. Saxena, P. Sugathan, and N. Rowley, Acta Phys.Pol. B48, 619 (2017)
- Fission time scale from pre-Acta Phys.Pol. B48, 619 (2017)fission neutron and α multiplicities in the 16O + 194Pt reaction K. Kapoor, S. Verma, P. Sharma, R. Mahajan, N. Kaur, G. Kaur, B. R. Behera, K. P. Singh, A. Kumar, H. Singh, R. Dubey, N. Saneesh, A. Jhingan, P. Sugathan, G. Mohanto, B. K. Nayak, A. Saxena, H. P. Sharma, S. K. Chamoli, I. Mukul, and V. Singh, Phys. Rev. C 96, 054605 (2017)
- Study of nuclear fusion-fission dynamics in 16O+194Pt reaction, K. Kapoor, S. Verma, P. Sharma, R. Mahajan, N. Kaur, G. Kaur, B. R. Behera, K. P. Singh, A. Kumar, H. Singh, R. Dubey, N. Saneesh, A. Jhingan, P. Sugathan, G. Mohanto, B. K. Nayak, A. Saxena, H. P. Sharma, S. K. Chamoli, I. Mukul, and V. Singh, Proc.Carpathian Summer School of physics 2016, Exotic Nuclei and Nuclear Particle Astrophysics VI. Physics with Small Accelerators, Sinaia, Romania 26 June-9 July 2016, L.Trache, D.G.Ghita, Eds. p.080005 (2017); AIP Conf.Proc. 1852 (2017)
- Fission fragment angular distributions in pre-actinide nuclei, Tathagata Banerjee, S. Nath, A. Jhingan, Gurpreet Kaur, R. Dubey, Abhishek Yadav, P. V. Laveen, A. Shamlath, M. Shareef, J. Gehlot, N. Saneesh, E. Prasad, P. Sugathan, and Santanu Pal, Phys. Rev. C 94, 044607 (2016)
- Fission fragment mass distributions in reactions populating 200Pb, A. Chaudhuri, A. Sen, T. K. Ghosh, K. Banerjee, Jhilam Sadhukhan, S. Bhattacharya, P. Roy, T. Roy, C. Bhattacharya, Md. A. Asgar, A. Dey, S. Kundu, S. Manna, J. K. Meena, G. Mukherjee, R. Pandey, T. K. Rana, V. Srivastava, R. Dubey, Gurpreet Kaur, N. Saneesh, P. Sugathan, and P. Bhattacharya, Phys. Rev. C 94, 024617(2016)
- Incomplete fusion studies in the 19F+159Tb system at low energies and its correlation with various systematics, Mohd. Shuaib, Vijay R. Sharma, Abhishek Yadav, Pushpendra P. Singh, Manoj Kumar Sharma, Devendra P. Singh, R. Kumar, R. P. Singh, S. Muralithar, B. P. Singh, and R. Prasad, Phys. Rev. C 94, 014613 (2016)
- Precompound emission in low-energy heavy-ion interactions from recoil range and spin distributions of heavy residues: A new experimental method, Manoj Kumar Sharma, Pushpendra P. Singh, Vijay Raj Sharma, Mohd. Shuaib, Devendra P. Singh, Abhishek Yadav, Unnati, R. Kumar, B. P. Singh, and R. Prasad, Phys. Rev. C 94, 044617 (2016)
- Interplay of fission modes in mass distribution of light actinide nuclei 225, 227Pa, R. Dubey, P. Sugathan ,A. Jhingan, Gurpreet Kaur, Ish Mukul, G. Mohanto, D. Siwal, N. Saneesh, T. Banerjee, Meenu Thakur, Ruchi Mahajan, N. Kumar, M.B. Chatterjee, Phys.Lett. B 752, 338 (2016)
- Study the Fission Dynamics of 225Pa Nuclei Around the Sub-barrier Energy, R. Dubey, P. Sugathan ,A. Jhingan, Gurpreet Kaur, Ish Mukul, D. Siwal, N. Saneesh, T. Banerjee, Meenu Thakur, Ruchi Mahajan, Acta Phys.Pol. B47, 953 (2016)
- Study of fusion-fission dynamics in 19F+238U reaction, R. Dubey, P. Sugathan ,A. Jhingan, Gurpreet Kaur, Ish Mukul, G. Mohanto, D. Siwal, N. Saneesh, T. Banerjee, Meenu Thakur, Ruchi Mahajan, M.B. Chatterjee, 12th Int.Conf. on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions 2015, Catania, Italy, June 21-26, 2015, V. Greco, et al.(Eds.), p.08023 (2016); EPJ Web of Conf. v.117 (2016)
- Measurement of Quasi-elastic Scattering: to Probe 28Si+154Sm Reaction, Gurpreet Kaur, B. R. Behera, A. Jhingan, B. K. Nayak, R. Dubey, Priya Sharma, Meenu Thakur, Ruchi Mahajan, N. Saneesh, Tathagata Banerjee, Khushboo, A. Kumar, S. Mandal, A. Saxena, P. Sugathan, and N. Rowley, Acta Phys.Pol. B47, 847 (2016)
- Effect of coupling in the 28Si+154Sm reaction studied by quasi-elastic scattering, Gurpreet Kaur, B. R. Behera, A. Jhingan, B. K. Nayak, R. Dubey, Priya Sharma, Meenu Thakur, Ruchi Mahajan, N. Saneesh, Tathagata Banerjee, Khushboo, A. Kumar, S. Mandal, A. Saxena, P. Sugathan, and N. Rowley, Phys. Rev. C 94, 034613(2016)
- Barrier distribution from 28Si+154Sm quasielastic scattering: Coupling effects in the fusion process, Gurpreet Kaur, B. R. Behera, A. Jhingan, B. K. Nayak, R. Dubey, Priya Sharma, Meenu Thakur, Ruchi Mahajan, N. Saneesh, Tathagata Banerjee, Khushboo, A. Kumar, S. Mandal, A. Saxena, P. Sugathan, and N. Rowley, 12th Int.Conf. on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions 2015, Catania, Italy, June 21-26, 2015, V. Greco, et al.(Eds.), p.08025 (2016); EPJ Web of Conf. v.117 (2016)
- Influence of vibrational excitation on surface diffuseness of the internuclear potential: Study through heavy-ion quasielastic scattering at deep sub-barrier energies, Gurpreet Kaur, B. R. Behera, A. Jhingan, P. Sugathan, and K. Hagino, Phys. Rev. C 92, 044609 (2016)
- Experimental study of cross-sections in the 12C+27Al system at ≈3–7MeV/nucleon relevant to the incomplete fusion process, Manoj Kumar Sharma, Abhishek Yadav, Vijay Raj Sharma, Devendra P. Singh, Pushendra P. Singh, Unnati, Indu Bala, Rakesh Kumar, B. P. Singh, and R. Prasad, Phys. Rev. C 91, 024608 (2015)
- Systematic study of pre-equilibrium emission at low energies in 12C- and 16O-induced reactions, Manoj Kumar Sharma, Pushendra P. Singh, Devendra P. Singh, Abhishek Yadav, Vijay Raj Sharma, Indu Bala, Rakesh Kumar, Unnati, B. P. Singh, and R. Prasad, Phys. Rev. C 91, 014603 (2015)
- Effect of projectile breakup on fission-fragment mass distributions in the 6, 7Li + 238U reactions, S. Santra, A. Pal, P. K. Rath, B. K. Nayak, N. L. Singh, D. Chattopadhyay, B. R. Behera, Varinderjit Singh, A. Jhingan, P. Sugathan, K. S. Golda, S. Sodaye, S. Appannababu, E. Prasad, and S. Kailas, Phys.Rev. C 90, 064620 (2014)
- Detector system for the study of low energy heavy ion reactions using kinematic coincidence technique, Akhil Jhinagan, S. Kalkal, P. Sugathan, K. S. Golda, R. Ahuja, J. Gehlot, N. Madhavan, B.R. Behera, S.K. Mandal. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Physics Res. A 745, (2014) 106-113
- Low-energy incomplete fusion and its sensitivity to projectile structure Kamal Kumar, Tauseef Ahmad, Sabir Ali, I. A. Rizvi, Avinash Agarwal, R. Kumar, K. S. Golda, and A. K. Chaubey, Phys.Rev. C 87, 044608 (2013)
- Fission fragment mass and angular distribution in 6, 7Li + 235, 238U reactions S. Santra, A. Parihari, N. L. Singh, B. K. Nayak, B. R. Behera, K. Mahata, K. Ramachandran, Varinderjit Singh, A. Pal, R. Chakrabarti, S. Appannababu, R. Tripathi, S. Sodaye, P. Sugathan, A. Jhingan, E. Prasad, K. S. Golda, D. Patel and S. Kailas, Heavy Ion Accelerator Symposium 2013, Canberra, Australia, April 8-12, 2013, C. Simenel, M. Evers, T. Kibedi, et al.(Eds.) p.02016 (2013); EPJ Web of Conf. v.63 (2013)
- Observation of breakup transfer process for the bound states of 16O populated from 12C(6Li, d) reaction at 20 MeV, S. Adhikari, C. Basu, I. J. Thompson, P. Sugathan, A. Jhinghan, K. S. Golda, A. Babu, D. Singh, S. Ray, and A. K. Mitra, Proc.Intern.Conf. on Nuclear Structure and Dynamics, 12, Opatija, Croatia, 9-13 July 2012, T.Niksic, M.Milin, D.Vretenar, S.Szilner, Eds., p.359 (2012); AIP Conf.Proc.1491 (2012)
- Measurements and coupled reaction channels analysis of one- and two-proton transfer reactions for the 28Si + 90,94Zr systems, Sunil Kalkal, S. Mandal, A. Jhingan, J. Gehlot, P. Sugathan, K. S. Golda, N. Madhavan, Ritika Garg, Savi Goyal, Gayatri Mohanto, Rohit Sandal, Santosh Chakraborty, Shashi Verma, Bivash Behera, G. Eleonora, H. J. Wollersheim, and R. Singh, Phys. Rev. C 85, 034606
- Fission fragment angular distribution measurements for 16O + 194Pt reaction at energies near the Coulomb barrier, E. Prasad, K.M. Varier, R.G. Thomas, A.M. Vinodkumar, K. Mahata, S. Appannababu, P.Sugathan, K.S.Golda, B.R.S. Babu, A. Saxena, B.V.John, S. Kailas, Nucl.Phys. A882, 62 (2012)
- Evidence of quasifission in asymmetric reactions forming the 250Cf compound system, C. Yadav, R. G. Thomas, R. K. Choudhury, P. Sugathan, A. Jhingan, S. Appannababu, K. S. Golda, D. Singh, Ish Mukul, J. Gehlot, E. Prasad, and H. J. Wollersheim, Phys. Rev. C 86, 034606
- Fission fragment mass distributions in reactions forming the 213Fr compound nucleus, S. Appannababu, S. Mukherjee, B. K. Nayak, R. G. Thomas, P. Sugathan, A. Jhingan, E. Prasad, D. Negi, N. N. Deshmukh, P. K. Rath, N. L. Singh, and R. K. Choudhury, Phys. Rev. C 83, 034605.
- Exploring the onset of quasifission by measurement of mass distribution in 19F+184W, S. Nath, K.S. Golda, A. Jhingan, J. Gehlot, E. Prasad, Sunil Kalkal, M.B. Naik, P. Sugathan, N. Madhavan and P.V. Madhusudhana Rao, EPJ Web of Conferences 17 (2011) 16008.
- Entrance channel effect in the incomplete fusion reactions, Abhishek Yadav, Vijay R. Sharma, Pushpendra P. Singh, Manoj K. Sharma, Devendra P. Singh, Unnati, R. Kumar, B.P. Singh, R. Prasad, and R.K. Bhowmik, EPJ Web of Conferences 17 (2011) 16019.
- Fission fragment mass distributions in reactions forming the 213Fr compound nucleus, S. Appannababu, S. Mukherjee, B.K. Nayak, R.G. Thomas, P. Sugathan, A. Jhingan, E. Prasad, D. Negi, N.N. Deshmukh, P.K. Rath, N.L. Singh and R.K. Choudhury, Phys. Rev. C 83 (2011) 034605.
- Evidence of quasifission in the 16O+238U reaction at sub-barrier energies, K. Banerjee, T.K. Ghosh, S. Bhattacharya, C. Bhattacharya, S. Kundu, T.K. Rana, G. Mukherjee, J.K. Meena, J. Sadhukhan, S. Pal, P. Bhattacharya, K.S. Golda, P. Sugathan and R.P. Singh, Phys. Rev. C 83 (2011) 024605.
- Incomplete vs. Complete Fusion at E/A ≈ 4-7 MeV, Pushpendra P. Singh, Abhishek Yadav, Vijay R. Sharma, Devendra P. Singh, Unnati Gupta, Manoj K. Sharma, R. Kumar, K.S. Golda, R.P. Singh, S. Muralithar, B.P. Singh, R.K. Bhowmik, R Prasad, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 282 (2011) 012019.
- Conclusive evidence of quasifission in reactions forming the 210Rn compound nucleus, E. Prasad, K.M. Varier, R.G. Thomas, P. Sugathan, A. Jhingan, N. Madhavan, B.R.S. Babu, Rohit Sandal, Sunil Kalkal, S. Appannababu, J. Gehlot, K.S. Golda, S. Nath, A.M. Vinodkumar, B.P. Ajith Kumar, B.V. John, Gayatri Mohanto, M.M. Musthafa, R. Singh, A.K. Sinha and S. Kailas, Phys. Rev. C 81 (2010) 054608.
- Study of fission fragment mass distribution for 16O+194Pt reaction, E. Prasad, K.M. Varier, B.R.S. Babu, N. Madhavan, K.S. Golda, S. Nath, B.P. Ajith Kumar, J.J. Das, J. Gehlot, P. Sugathan, A. Jhingan, A.K. Sinha, B.R. Behera, Rohit Sandal, Hardev Singh, R. Singh, R.G. Thomas and S. Kailas, Nucl. Phys. A 834 (2010) 208c.
- Measurement of neutron multiplicity from fission of 228U and nuclear dissipation, Hardev Singh, B.R. Behera, Gulzar Singh, I.M. Govil, K.S. Golda, Akhil Jhingan, R.P. Singh, P. Sugathan, M.B. Chatterjee, S.K. Datta, Santanu Pal, Ranjeet, S. Mandal, P.D. Shidling and G. Viesti, Phys. Rev. C 80 (2009) 064615.
- Disentangling full and partial linear momentum transfer events in the 16O+169Tm system at Eproj ≤ 5.4 MeV/nucleon, Unnati Gupta, Pushpendra P. Singh, Devendra P. Singh, Manoj Kumar Sharma, Abhishek Yadav, R. Kumar, S. Gupta, H.D. Bhardwaj, B.P. Singh, R. Prasad, Phys. Rev. C 80 (2009) 024613.
- Absence of entrance channel effects in fission fragment anisotropies of the 215Fr compound nucleus, S. Appannababu, S. Mukherjee, N.L. Singh, P.K. Rath, G. Kiran Kumar, R.G. Thomas, S. Santra, B.K. Nayak, A. Saxena, R.K. Choudhury, K.S. Golda, A. Jhingan, R. Kumar, P. Sugathan and Hardev Singh, Phys. Rev. C 80 (2009) 024603.
- Investigation of the role of break-up processes on the fusion of 16O induced reactions, Devendra P. Singh, Unnati, Pushpendra P. Singh, Abhishek Yadav, Manoj Kumar Sharma, B.P. Singh, K.S. Golda, Rakesh Kumar, A.K. Sinha, R. Prasad, Phys. Rev. C 80 (2009) 014601.
- Observation of large incomplete fusion in 16O+103Rh system at ≈ 3-5 MeV/nucleon, Unnati Gupta, Pushpendra P. Singh, Devendra P. Singh, Manoj Kumar Sharma, Abhishek Yadav, Rakesh Kumar, B.P. Singh, R. Prasad, Nucl. Phys. A 811 (2008) 77.
- Pre-compound neutron evaporation in low energy heavy ion fusion reactions, A. Kumar, H. Singh, R. Kumar, I.M. Govil, R.P. Singh, R. Kumar, B.K. Yogi, K.S. Golda, S.K. Datta, G. Viesti, Nucl. Phys. A 798 (2008) 1.
- Role of nuclear dissipation and entrance channel mass asymmetry in pre-scission neutron multiplicity enhancement in fusion-fission reactions, H. Singh, K.S. Golda, S. Pal, Ranjeet, R. Sandal, B.R. Behera, G. Singh, A. Jhingan, R.P. Singh, P. Sugathan, M.B. Chatterjee, S.K. Datta, A. Kumar, G. Viesti, I.M. Govil, Phys. Rev. C 78 (2008) 024609.
- Spin-distribution measurement: A sensitive probe for incomplete fusion dynamics, P.P. Singh, B.P. Singh, M.K. Sharma, Unnati, R. Kumar, K.S. Golda, D. Singh, R.P. Singh, S. Muralithar, M.A. Ansari, R. Prasad, R.K.Bhowmik, Phys. Rev. C 78 (2008) 017602.
- Influence of incomplete fusion on complete fusion: Observation of a large incomplete fusion fraction at E ≈ 5-7 MeV/nucleon, P.P. Singh, B.P. Singh, M.K. Sharma, Unnati, D.P. Singh, R. Prasad, R. Kumar, K.S. Golda, Phys. Rev. C 77 (2008) 014607.
- Production of fission-like events after complete and/or incomplete fusion of 16O with 159Tb and 169Tm at E/A MeV, Pushpendra P. Singh, B.P. Singh, Bhavna Sharma, Unnati, Manoj K. Sharma, R. Prasad Rakesh Kumar, H.D. Bhardwaj, Int. J. Mod. Phys. E 17 (2008) 549.
- Measurement and analysis of excitation functions and forward recoil range distributions in 12C+59Co, Avinash Agarwal, I.A. Rizvi, Rakesh Kumar, B.K. Yogi, A.K. Chaubey, Int. J. Mod. Phys. E 17 (2008) 393.
- Entrance channel effects in fission of 197Tl, H. Singh, A. Kumar, B.R. Behera, I.M. Govil, K.S. Golda, P. Kumar, A. Jhingan, R.P. Singh, P. Sugathan, M.B. Chatterjee, S.K. Datta, Ranjeet, S. Pal, G.Viesti, Phys. Rev. C 76 (2007) 044610.
- Observation of complete and incomplete fusion components in 159Tb,169Tm(16O, x) reactions: Measurement and analysis of forward recoil ranges at E/A ~ 5-6 MeV, P.P. Singh, M.K. Sharma, Unnati, D.P. Singh, R. Kumar, K.S. Golda, B.P. Singh, R.Prasad, Eur. Phys. Journal A 34 (2007) 29.
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