About Gamma Detector Array (Beamhall-1)
The facility has twelve HPGe detectors placed coaxially in the 'anticompton shields' at 45o, 99o and 153o with respect to the beam direction in two horizontal rings at ± 25o to the horizontal plane. 14 BGO detectors, seven above and seven below the scattering chamber in the 'honey comb structure' arrangement, cover about 35% of total solid angle at the target. These are used as total energy and/or multiplicity filter.
GDA has a 18 cm diameter scattering chamber equipped with a target ladder, two view ports and a collimator. Oil free vacuum is maintained in the chamber by a turbo molecular pump
The high density electronics facilitates to acquire data in singles and in multiparameter mode, through a CAMAC interface. Data taken, generally, include:
- Energy information from two HPGe detectors which are at 99o and 153o (of opposite sides) in singles with or without multiplicity gate.
- Hit pattern of twelve HPGe detectors in event mode.
- Energy information from twelve HPGe detectors in event mode.
- Hit pattern of the BGO detectors.
- Time information from twelve HPGe detectors in event mode.
Coulomb excitation set-up (Coulex)
Coulomb excitation or Coulex is a well known technique of probing the atomic nuclei using the electromagnnetic interaction between the interacting partners. The experimental set-up for Coulex at IUAC consists of four clover type HPGe detectors in backward angle (θγ= 145o) and a Parallel Plate Avalanche Counter (PPAC) for particles detection in the forward angles (15o < θ LAB <45 o) to the beam direction in GDA beamline. The radial segments from the cathode in PPAC provide the information of φp and the delay lines from the anode of θp. This information is required for the necessary correction of doppler shift in the measured gamma-ray energies.

Recoil distance device (RDD)
The device, which has been in operation since 1994 for lifetime measurements (nanoseconds - picoseconds), was initially designed and fabricated by the Delhi University group. The RDD is routinely used in the GDA system along with the 14 element BGO multiplicity filter.

The main features of this device are as follows:
- It consists of three PC controlled micro motors with a precision movement of one μm. The motors can be moved individually or together in a synchronised fashion.
- The target holder assembly is mounted on three INVAR rods attached to the micro motors.
- The stopper holder assembly is mounted on three INVAR rods fixed to the system.
- A collimator is mounted 5 cm upstream the target and a Faraday cup is installed 15 cm downstream the target. Both are attached to the fixed INVAR rods.
- The typical minimum distance achieved between the stretched target and the stopper is 10 μm.
- The vacuum chamber of RDD is made of glass to allow visual inspection of the target-stopper assembly during the experiment.
Charged particle detector array (CPDA)
The array, which covers nearly 4π solid angle, has been fabricated for using in conjunction with GDA. It has large efficiency for detecting protons and α particles evaporated from neutron deficient nuclei in a nuclear reaction. The array consists of fourteen charged particle detectors (phoswich detector, optical guide, PMT base) along with required cables and electronics (buffer module and amplifier cum attenuator module). The scattering chamber include target ladder, collimator support and current feedthrough.

A full-fledged experiment with the full array was carried out to populate compound nucleus 79Rb by bombarding 110 MeV 28Si beam on 51V target. The proton and αa multiplicities, along with γ-γ coincidence spectra were recorded event by event. A large reduction in background was observed in particle gated spectra compared to singles (Eγ). The CPDA is suitable for identifying weak reaction channels and can be used for count rates upto 50,000 Hz. This project is funded by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.
Mini orange electron spectrometer (MOES)
This device is designed and fabricated by the Punjab University group. The spectrometer consists of five wedge shaped magnets with a thick lead absorber. For detecting the electrons, a Si(Li) detector is used. A facility test with the reaction 11B(124Sn, 5n)130Cs at 55 MeV beam energy was carried out in the GDA beamline with six Compton-suppressed germanium detectors. The conversion electrons from 130Cs were identified by gating with γs from the multiplicity filter. Now the facility is open for nuclear structure work at IUAC.

Perturbed Angular Distribution (PAD) Setup
Ensemble of excited and aligned (perpendicular to the beam direction) nuclei is formed in nuclear reactions. The resulting anisotropic intensity distribution of γ-rays can be perturbed due to the extra-nuclear electromagnetic fields (through hyperfine interactions) depending on the lifetime of the excited state. The extracted perturbation factor, observed in the integral or differential mode with respect to time, is proportional to the product of the nuclear parameter (magnetic and quadrupole moments) and the atomic environment (magnetic field and electric field gradient due to electronic spin and charge distribution). The PAD technique is well established technique in most of the accelerator laboratories because of the following reasons:
(i) The static electromagnetic moments (crucial for the unambiguous nuclear structure information) of the excited states can be measured only through this technique.
(ii) As compared to the Mossbauer and the NMR techniques this is a very sensitive technique. For the problems in condensed matter physics, one can have very low concentration (to reduce the impurity – impurity interaction) of probe atoms of most of the elements with no limitation of the temperature.
The PAD facility at IUAC consists of angular correlation table, target chamber and a C-type electromagnet (to provide maximum 1.8 T magnetic field between the 1” pole gap). Both type of detectors, scintillator and semiconductor, can be mounted in the plane perpendicular to the magnetic field. In the past, main interest has been for the systematic investigations of the nuclear structure (configuration and the quadrupole deformation) and the decay mechanism of the K-isomers in Hf-Ta region. Now the PAD setup is redesigned and the experiments are planned for the nuclear moment measurements using the transient magnetic fields and the ionic state of the transitional impurities in dilute magnetic semiconductors.
Annealing station
An oil free vacuum station based on turbo molecular pump and diaphragm pump is set up in the GDA laboratory for annealing and evacuating the cryostats of HPGe detectors. This system is protected against power failures with solenoid activated valve. This annealing system has become the work station for HPGe detector maintenance activities.

LN2 autofilling system
An automatic liquid nitrogen filling system has been designed and made in-house, with a dedicated controller which controls a set of electro-pneumatic valves/sensors to fill the 12 HPGe detectors in proper sequence and in failsafe mode. The temperature readout from the sensors (platinum resistor - PT100 whose resistance varies linearly with temperature) is communicated to the PC through the ADC in the controller. The controller also has the relays to operate the 24 V dc solenoids of electro-pneumatic valves.

The filling system consists of dedicated manifolds for liquid nitrogen and compressed air on both sides of the beamline each catering to 6 detectors. The detectors are periodically and automatically filled once a day. Fill log is maintained in a logfile for monitoring purposes. Filling is done from a 200 l capacity LN2 dewar (at a pressure of 22 psig) which itself gets filled from a 5000 l dewar kept outside the Beam Hall, once in 2 days. The process is controlled by a GUI code working in linux environment. The configuration of the number of detectors, sensors, valves (enabled/disabled) are kept in the file 'lnfill.conf'.

For the study of nuclear spectroscopy, the emphasis has mainly been on the study of high spin structure of vibrational nuclei and nuclei near shell closure. The systematics of high spin levels in nuclei in the mass region ~ 75, ~ 90, ~ 120, ~ 130 and ~ 160 have been carried out in the last few years to investigate the interplay of single particle, vibrational and rotational degrees of freedom and the co-existence of these structures.
A systematic study of nuclei near N=50 shell closure was carried out to understand the evolution of high spin structure in these nuclei. In contrast to nuclei near Z=50 shell closure, measurements in 92,93,94,95Tc,95,96,97,98Ru and 95Rh indicate that these nuclei do not develop any rotational behaviour at high spin. The low lying levels of these nuclei are well described in terms of large basis shell model calculations using the f-p-g valency nucleons. These calculations have been extended by incorporating proton and neutron core excitation in a truncated model space. Calculations indicate that the levels up to J ~ 22 ħ and E*~ 10 MeV can be attributed to the breaking of the N=50 core. Similar effects of core breaking for N=82 shell has been observed for the nucleus 149Dy. In contrast to N ~ 50 nuclei where the high spin structure is single particle in nature, the Z=50 nucleus 111Sn shows a rotational band at high spin. The transitional nuclei 99Rh and 100Pd have been observed to have a well-defined rotational behaviour.
An extensive measurement of the transitional nuclei near A ~ 120 has been carried out using the GDA facility. High spin structures of the nuclei 120X, 116,118,119,121Te and 118,120I have been established. A systematic study of Te isotopes indicated the fully aligned P[(g9/2)2]6+N[(h11/2)2]10+ non-collective oblate configuration in 116,118Te.
The high spin structures of odd-odd Lu nuclei have been extensively studied. The energy levels of 164Lu through γ-spectroscopy have been established for the first time. Two strongly coupled bands were identified and tentatively assigned the configurations Ph11/2 [523]7/2- Ni13/2 [642]5/2+ and Ph11/2 [523]7/2- Nh9/2 [521]3/2-. The above assignments are consistent with the observed crossing frequencies, alignments and B(M1)/B(E2) ratios as compared to the neighbouring odd A nuclei. Measurements were also carried out for other odd-odd isotopes of Lu (162,168,170Lu) which show a gradual reduction of signature splitting with increasing neutron number.
Life time measurements in the γ-soft region (A ~ 70-80) have indicated a rapid change of nuclear shape with rotation and the shape polarisation effect of the occupied g9/2 proton and neutron orbitals. Identical bands have been observed in the nuclei 78Kr and 80Rb. The unravelling of the low spin structure, particularly the -ve parity sidebands, was facilitated by the use of the recoil mass separator.
A new high spin isomer (35/2-) with a life time of 8.6 ± 1.3 ns has been identified in 153Eu. Measurement of quadrupole moments of several nuclei have been carried out using the DSAM, RDM and hyperfine interaction studies. The current emphasis is on complete nuclear spectroscopy using information from γ-γ, e-γ and life time measurements.
1. Single particle excitations and spherical shell model studies
1. Shell-model Description in 99Rh and Systematics of Odd-A Rh Isotopes
S.Kumar, S.Sihotra, V.Singh, J.Rather, M.Kaur, J.Goswamy, N.Singh, D.Mehta, T.Trivedi, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, R.Palit
Acta Phys.Pol. B50, 159 (2019)
2. In-beam spectroscopic study of 63Zn
U.S.Ghosh, S.Rai, B.Mukherjee, A.Biswas, A.K.Mondal, K.Mandal, A.Chakraborty, S.Chakraborty, G.Mukherjee, A.Sharma, I.Bala, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh
Phys.Rev. C 100, 034314 (2019)
3. High spin γ-ray spectroscopy in 41Ca
R.Bhattacharjee, S.Samanta, S.Das, S.S.Bhattacharjee, R.Raut, S.S.Ghugre, A.K.Sinha, U.Garg, R.Chakrabarti, S.Mukhopadhyay, A.Dhal, R.P.Singh, N.Madhavan, S.Muralithar
Phys.Rev. C 94, 054312 (2016)
4. Spectroscopy and shell model calculations in Si isotopes
S.S.Bhattacharjee, R.Bhattacharjee, R.Raut, S.S.Ghugre, A.K.Sinha, L.Chaturvedi, T.Trivedi, U.Garg, S.Ray, B.K.Yogi, M.K.Raju, R.Chakrabarti, S.Mukhopadhyay, A.Dhal, R.P.Singh, N.Madhavan, S.Muralithar, S.Saha, J.Sethi, R.Palit
Phys.Rev. C 91, 044306 (2015)
5. Superdeformation and α-cluster structure in 35Cl
A.Bisoi, M.S.Sarkar, S.Sarkar, S.Ray, M.R.Basu, D.Kanjilal, S.Nag, K.Selvakumar, A.Goswami, N.Madhavan, S.Muralithar, R.K.Bhowmik
Phys.Rev. C 88, 034303 (2013)
6. Structure of 32P at high spins
R.Chakrabarti, S.Mukhopadhyay, R.Bhattacharjee, S.S.Ghugre, A.K.Sinha, A.Dhal, L.Chaturvedi, M.K.Raju, N.Madhavan, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, B.K.Yogi, U.Garg
Phys.Rev. C 84, 054325 (2011)
7. Experimental study of nuclei in the vicinity of the "island of inversion" through the fusion-evaporation reaction (TIFR-INGA)
R.Chakrabarti, S.Mukhopadhyay, Krishichayan, A.Chakraborty, A.Ghosh, S.Ray, S.S.Ghugre, A.K.Sinha, L.Chaturvedi, A.Y.Deo, I.Mazumdar, P.K.Joshi, R.Palit, Z.Naik, S.Kumar, N.Madhavan, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, B.K.Yogi, U.Garg
Phys.Rev. C 80, 034326 (2009)
8. High spin structure of 35Cl and the sd-fp shell gap
R.Kshetri, M.S.Sarkar, I.Ray, P.Banerjee, S.Sarkar, R.Raut, A.Goswami, J.M.Chatterjee, S.Chattopadhyay, U.DattaPramanik, A.Mukherjee, C.C.Dey, S.Bhattacharya, B.Dasmahapatra, S.Bhowal, G.Gangopadhyay, P.Datta, H.C.Jain, R.K.Bhowmik, S.Muralithar R.P.Singh, R.Kumar
Nucl.Phys. A781, 277 (2007)
9. γ-Ray Spectroscopy of Odd-Odd 62Cu
B.Mukherjee, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh, R.Kumar, K.Rani, R.K.Bhowmik
Phys.Rev. C63, 057302 (2001)
10. Two-Proton Alignment and Shape Changes in 65Zn
B.Mukherjee, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh, R.Kumar, K.Rani, R.K.Bhowmik, S.C.Pancholi
Phys.Rev. C64, 024304 (2001)
11. High Spin States in Singly Closed 143Pm
S.Bhattacharya, S.Chanda, D.Bandyopadhyay, S.K.Basu, G.Mukherjee, S.Muralithar,
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Phys.Rev. C62, 024317 (2000)
12. High Spin States in 63Cu
B.Mukherjee, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh, R.Kumar, K.Rani, S.C.Pancholi, R.K.Bhowmik
Pramana 55, L471 (2000)
13. Single-Particle States in 66149Dy83 at High Spin
M.Gupta, P.Das, S.B.Patel, R.K.Bhowmik, T.Werner, Y.A.Akovali
Phys.Rev. C54, 1610 (1996)
14. High-Spin States in 94Tc and the Shell-Model Interpretation
S.S.Ghugre, S.Naguleswaran, R.K.Bhowmik, U.Garg, S.B.Patel, W.Reviol, J.C.Walpe
Phys.Rev. C51, 2809 (1995)
15. Shell Model Study of High Spin States in the N = 50 Nucleus 93Tc
S.S.Ghugre, S.B.Patel, R.K.Bhowmik
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2. Shape driving properties of high spin orbitals
1. Evolution of collectivity and shape transition in 66 Zn,
S. Rai, U. S. Ghosh, B. Mukherjee, A. Biswas, A. K. Mondal, K. Mandal, A. Chakraborty, S. Chakraborty, G. Mukherjee, A. Sharma, I. Bala, S. Muralithar, and R. P. Singh
Phys. Rev. C 102 064313 (2020)
2. Signature splitting in the positive parity bands of 127 Xe
S. Chakraborty, H. P.Sharma, S. S. Tiwary, C. Majumder, P. Banerjee, S. Ganguly, S. Rai, Pragati, Swati Modi, P.Arumugam, Mayank, S. Kumar, A. Kumar, S. S. Bhattacharjee, R. P. Singh, S. Muralithar, and R. Palit
Eur. Phys. J. A 56, 50 (2020)
3. Spectroscopic investigation of complex nuclear excitations in 66 Ga,
U. S. Ghosh, S. Rai, B. Mukherjee, A. Biswas, A. K. Mondal, K. Mandal, A. Chakraborty, S. Chakraborty, G. Mukherjee, A. Sharma, I. Bala, S. Muralithar, and R. P. Singh,
Phys. Rev. C 102, 024328 (2020).
4. Structure of positive parity states in 139 Pm,
S. S. Tiwary, H. P. Sharma, S. Chakraborty, C. Majumder, A. K. Gupta, P. Banerjee, S. Ganguly, K. Rojeeta Devi, Neelam, S. Kumar, S. K. Chamoli, A. Sharma, V. V. Jyothi, Mayank, A. Kumar, S. S. Bhattacharjee, Indu Bala, R. P. Singh and S. Muralithar,
Phys. Scr. 95, 095304 (2020)
5. Lifetime measurements in 104 Pd,
C. Majumder, H. P. Sharma, S. Chakraborty, S. S.Tiwary, R. P. Singh, S. Muralithar, Indu Bala, S. S. Bhattacharjee, R. Garg, Neelam, A. Sharma, P. V. Madhusudhana Rao
J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 47, 125104 (2020)
6. Nuclear shapes and symmetries seen through measurement of short lifetimes
P.Das, H.K.Singh, U.Lamani, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh
Acta Phys.Pol. B51, 103 (2020)
7. Lifetime measurements in the yrast band of 167Lu
A.Rohilla, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, A.Kumar, I.M.Govil, S.K.Chamoli
Phys.Rev. C 100, 024325 (2019)
8. Investigation of signature inversion in 126I through lifetime measurements
H.K.Singh, P.Das, B.A.Kanagalekar, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh
Phys.Rev. C 100, 064306 (2019)
9. Rotational band on a three-quasineutron isomer in 127Xe
S.Chakraborty, H.P.Sharma, S.S.Tiwary, C.Majumder, P.Banerjee, S.Ganguly, S.Rai, Pragati, S.Modi, P.Arumugam, Mayank, S.Kumar, R.Palit, A.Kumar, S.S.Bhattacharjee, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar
Phys.Rev. C 97, 054311 (2018); Erratum Phys.Rev. C 98, 059902 (2018)
10. Revised level structure of 127Xe
S.Chakraborty, H.P.Sharma, S.S.Tiwary, C.Majumder, P.Banerjee, S.Ganguly, S.Rai, Pragati, Mayank, S.Kumar, S.S.Bhattacharjee, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, A.Kumar, R.Palit
Europhys.Lett. 121, 42001 (2018)
11. Negative parity three-quasiparticle band in 127I
S.Chakraborty, H.P.Sharma, S.S.Tiwary, C.Majumder, P.Banerjee, S.Ganguly, S.Kumar, A.Kumar, A.Kumar, S.Muralithar
Eur.Phys.J. A 54, 112 (2018)
12. Coexistence of principal and tilted axis rotation in 110Ag
B.Das, P.Datta, S.Chattopadhyay, S.Roy, R.Raut, R.K.Bhowmik, A.Goswami, H.C.Jain, R.Kumar, S.Muralithar, D.Negi, S.Pal, R.Palit, R.P.Singh
Phys.Rev. C 98, 014326 (2018)
13. Abrupt phase change of the core rotation in the 143Sm nucleus
S.Rajbanshi, R.Raut, H.Pai, S.Ali, A.Goswami, G.Gangopadhyay, S.Bhattacharyya, G.Mukherjee, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh, M.Kumar Raju, P.Singh, R.K.Bhowmik
Phys.Lett. B 782, 143 (2018)
14. Investigating Prolate-Oblate Shape Inversion in Pt Nuclei Near A – 188
S.K.Chamoli, A.Rohilla, C.K.Gupta, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, S.Chakraborty, H.P.Sharma, A.Kumar, I.M.Govil, D.C.Biswas
Acta Phys.Pol. B48, 337 (2017)
15. Two-Neutron Alignment in 127Xe
S.Chakraborty, H.P.Sharma, S.S.Tiwary, C.Majumder, P.K.Prajapati, S.Rai, P.Popli, M.Singh, S.S.Bhattacharjee, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, P.Banerjee, S.Ganguly, S.Kumar, A.Kumar, R.Palit
Braz.J.Phys. 47, 406 (2017)
16. Lifetime measurements in shape transition nucleus 188Pt
A.Rohilla, C.K.Gupta, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, S.Chakraborty, H.P.Sharma, A.Kumar, I.M.Govil, D.C.Biswas, S.K.Chamoli
Eur.Phys.J. A 53, 64 (2017)
17. Band structure in 113Sn
P.Banerjee, S.Ganguly, M.K.Pradhan, H.P.Sharma, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh, R.K.Bhowmik
Phys.Rev. C 94, 014316 (2016)
18. Lifetime measurements in the yrast band of the gamma-soft nuclei 131Ce and 133Pr
R.P.Singh, P.Joshi, S.K.Chamoli, S.Muralithar, G.Mukherjee, R.K.Bhowmik, S.C.Pancholi
Pramana 87, 7 (2016)
19. High spin spectroscopy and shape evolution in 105Cd
M.K.Raju, D.Negi, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh, J.A.Sheikh, G.H.Bhat, R.Kumar, I.Bala, T.Trivedi, A.Dhal, K.Rani, R.Gurjar, D.Singh, R.Palit, B.S.Naidu, S.Saha, J.Sethi, R.Donthi, S.Jadhav
Phys.Rev. C 91, 024319 (2015)
20. Level lifetimes in 32P obtained using the Doppler-shift attenuation method with thick molecular targets
R.Bhattacharjee, S.S.Bhattacharjee, K.Basu, P.V.Rajesh, R.Raut, S.S.Ghugre, D.Das, A.K.Sinha, L.Chaturvedi, U.Garg, S.Ray, B.K.Yogi, M.K.Raju, R.Chakrabarti, S.Mukhopadhyay, A.Dhal, R.P.Singh, N.Madhavan, S.Muralithar
Phys.Rev. C 90, 044319 (2014)
21. High spin structure in 130, 131Ba
N.Kaur, A.Kumar, G.Mukherjee, A.Singh, S.Kumar, R.Kaur, V.Singh, B.R.Behera, K.P.Singh, G.Singh, H.P.Sharma, S.Kumar, M.K.Raju, P.V.M.Rao, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh, R.Kumar, N.Madhvan, R.K.Bhowmik
Eur.Phys.J. A 50, 5 (2014)
22. Band structures in doubly odd 98Rh
S.Kumar, S.Sihotra, K.Singh, V.Singh, Sandeep, J.Goswamy, N.Singh, D.Mehta, S.S.Malik, R.Palit, R.Kumar, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, R.K.Bhowmik
Phys.Rev. C 89, 034303 (2014)
23. High spin band structure of 8538Sr47
S.Kumar, N.Kumar, S.Mandal, S.C.Pancholi, P.C.Srivastava, A.K.Jain, R.Palit, S.Saha, J.Sethi, B.S.Naidu, R.Donthi, P.K.Joshi, T.Trivedi, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh, R.Kumar, A.Dhal, R.K.Bhowmik
Phys.Rev. C 90, 024315 (2014)
24. Band structures in 99Rh
S.Kumar, V.Singh, K.Singh, S.Sihotra, N.Singh, J.Goswamy, S.S.Malik, I.Ragnarsson, T.Trivedi, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, R.Kumar, R.K.Bhowmik, R.Palit, A.Bharti, D.Mehta
J.Phys.(London) G41, 105110 (2014)
25. Rotational bands in 113Sb
P.Banerjee, S.Ganguly, M.K.Pradhan, H.P.Sharma, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh, R.K.Bhowmik
Phys.Rev. C 87, 034321 (2013)
26. Shape evolution in 123Cs and 124Ba nuclei
K.Selvakumar, A.K.Singh, S.Das, P.Singh, S.Nag, A.Gowsami, R.Raut, A.Mukherjee, U.Datta Pramanik, P.Dutta, S.Roy, G.Gangopadhyay, S.Bhowal, S.Muralithar, R.Kumar, R.P.Singh, M.K.Raju, T.Reddy
Phys.Rev. C 88, 024313 (2013)
27. Level scheme investigation of 102Rh
N.Goutev, M.S.Yavahchova, D.Tonev, G.de Angelis, P.Petkov, R.K.Bhowmik, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, N.Madhavan, R.Kumar, M.K.Raju, J.Kaur, G.Mahanto, A.Singh, N.Kaur, R.Garg, A.Sukla, Ts.K.Marinov, S.Brant
J.Phys.:Conf.Ser. 366, 012021 (2012)
28. Nuclear structure of 216Ra at high spin
S.Muralithar, G.Rodrigues, R.P.Singh, R.K.Bhowmik, P.Mukherjee, B.Sethi, I.Mukherjee
Pramana 79, 403 (2012)
29. In-beam gamma spectroscopy of 73As nucleus
M.K.Raju, P.Sugathan, T.Seshi Reddy, B.V.T.Rao, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh, R.K.Bhowmik, P.V.Madhusudhana Rao
J.Radioanal.Nucl.Chem. 294, 53 (2012)
30. Emergence of principal axis rotation in 110Ag
S.Roy, N.Rather, P.Datta, S.Chattopadhyay, R.A.Bark, S.Pal, S.Bhattacharya, R.K.Bhowmik, A.Goswami, H.C.Jain, R.Kumar, E.Lawrie, S.Muralithar, D.Negi, R.Palit, R.P.Singh
Phys.Lett. B 710, 587 (2012)
31. Small quadrupole deformation for the dipole bands in 112In
T.Trivedi, R.Palit, J.Sethi, S.Saha, S.Kumar, Z.Naik, V.V.Parkar, B.S.Naidu, A.Y.Deo, A.Raghav, P.K.Joshi, H.C.Jain, S.Sihotra, D.Mehta, A.K.Jain, D.Choudhury, D.Negi, S.Roy, S.Chattopadhyay, A.K.Singh, P.Singh, D.C.Biswas, R.K.Bhowmik, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh, R.Kumar, K.Rani
Phys.Rev. C 85, 014327 (2012)
32. Shape evolution in odd-A 137Pm
A.Dhal, R.K.Sinha, D.Negi, T.Trivedi, M.K.Raju, D.Choudhury, G.Mohanto, S.Kumar, J.Gehlot, R.Kumar, S.Nath, S.S.Ghugre, R.P.Singh, J.J.Das, S.Muralithar, N.Madhavan, J.B.Gupta,
A.K.Sinha, A.K.Jain, I.M.Govil, R.K.Bhowmik, S.C.Pancholi, L.Chaturvedi
Eur.Phys.J. A 48, 28 (2012)
33. Experimental study of ΔI = 1 bands in 111In
P.Banerjee, S.Ganguly, M.K.Pradhan, H.P.Sharma, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh, R.K.Bhowmik
Phys.Rev. C 83, 024316 (2011)
34. Study of Three-Quasiparticle Band in 83Kr
S.Ganguly, A.Dey, P.Banerjee, S.Bhattacharya, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, R.Kumar, R.K.Bhowmik
Braz.J.Phys. 41, 135 (2011)
35. Lifetime measurement of high spin states in 75Kr
T.Trivedi, R.Palit, D.Negi, Z.Naik, Y.C.Yang, Y.Sun, J.A.Sheikh, A.Dhal, M.K.Raju, S.Appannababu, S.Kumar, D.Choudhury, K.Maurya, G.Mahanto, R.Kumar, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, A.K.Jain, H.C.Jain, S.C.Pancholi, R.K.Bhowmik, I.Mehrotra
Nucl.Phys. A834, 72c (2010)
36. Decoupling behavior in 132La
V.Kumar, P.Das, S.Lakshmi, P.K.Joshi, H.C.Jain, R.P.Singh, R.Kumar, S.Muralithar, R.K.Bhowmik
Phys.Rev. C 82, 054302 (2010)
37. Seven-quasiparticle bands in 139Ce
S.Chanda, T.Bhattacharjee, S.Bhattacharyya, A.Mukherjee, S.K.Basu, I.Ragnarsson, R.K.Bhowmik, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh, S.S.Ghugre, U.Datta Pramanik
Phys.Rev. C 79, 054332 (2009)
38. High spin states in 139Pm
A.Dhal, R.K.Sinha, L.Chaturvedi, P.Agarwal, S.Kumar, A.K.Jain, R.Kumar, I.M.Govil, S.Mukhopadhyay, A.Chakraborty, Krishichayan, S.Ray, S.S.Ghugre, A.K.Sinha, R.Kumar, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, R.K.Bhowmik, S.C.Pancholi, J.B.Gupta
Phys.Rev. C 80, 014320 (2009)
39. Effect of πg9/2 and νg9/2 alignments in the shape of 75Br from lifetime measurement
G.Mukherjee, P.Joshi, R.K.Bhowmik, S.N.Roy, S.Dutta, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh
Nucl.Phys. A829, 137 (2009)
40. Band structures in 129Cs
S.Sihotra, K.Singh, S.S.Malik, J.Goswamy, R.Palit, Z.Naik, D.Mehta, N.Singh, R.Kumar, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar
Phys.Rev. C 79, 044317 (2009)
41. Shape evolution of the highly deformed 75Kr nucleus examined with the Doppler-shift attenuation method
T.Trivedi, R.Palit, D.Negi, Z.Naik, Y.C.Yang, Y.Sun, J.A.Sheikh, A.Dhal, M.K.Raju, S.Appannababu, S.Kumar, D.Choudhury, K.Maurya, G.Mahanto, R.Kumar, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, A.K.Jain, H.C.Jain, S.C.Pancholi, R.K.Bhowmik, I.Mehrotra
Phys.Rev. C 80, 047302 (2009); Publishers Note, Phys.Rev. C 80, 059902 (2009)
42. Band structures in near spherical 138Ce
T.Bhattacharjee, S.Chanda, S.Bhattacharyya, S.K.Basu, R.K.Bhowmik, J.J.Das, U.Datta Pramanik, S.S.Ghugre, N.Madhavan, A.Mukherjee, G.Mukherjee, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh
Nucl.Phys. A825, 16 (2009)
43. Multi-quasiparticle bands in 137Ce
T.Bhattacharjee, S.Chanda, A.Mukherjee, S.Bhattacharyya, S.K.Basu, S.S.Ghugre, U.D.Pramanik, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, N.Madhavan, J.J.Das, R.K.Bhowmik
Phys.Rev. C 78, 024304 (2008)
44. Multiparticle M1 band in 134La
V.Kumar, P.Das, R.P.Singh, R.Kumar, S.Muralithar, R.K.Bhowmik
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45. Indication of the onset of collectivity in 30P (TIFR-INGA)
I.Ray, M.R.Basu, R.Kshetri, M.S.Sarkar, S.Sarkar, P.Banerjee, S.Chattopadhyay, C.C.Dey, A.Goswami, J.M.Chatterjee, A.Mukherjee, S.Bhattacharya, B.Dasmahapatra, P.Datta, H.C.Jain, R.K.Bhowmik, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh
Phys.Rev. C 76, 034315 (2007)
46. Study of yrast band in 155Tm
R.Raut, S.Bhowal, S.Ganguly, R.Kshetri, P.Banerjee, S.Bhattacharya, R.K.Bhowmik, B.Dasmahapatra, G.Gangopadhyay, A.Mukherjee, S.Muralithar, M.SahaSarkar, R.P.Singh, A.Goswami
Nucl.Phys. A794, 1 (2007)
47. Band structure in 83Rb from lifetime measurements
S.Ganguly, P.Banerjee, I.Ray, R.Kshetri, S.Bhattacharya, M.Saha-Sarkar, A.Goswami, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh, R.Kumar, R.K.Bhowmik
Nucl.Phys. A768, 43 (2006)
48. Rotational structures in the 125Cs nucleus
K.Singh, S.Sihotra, S.S.Malik, J.Goswamy, D.Mehta, N.Singh, R.Kumar, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, E.S.Paul, J.A.Sheikh, C.R.Praharaj
Eur.Phys.J. A 27, 321 (2006)
49. High spin spectroscopy of 137La (TIFR-INGA)
S.Chanda, T.Bhattacharjee, S.Bhattacharyya, S.K.Basu, R.K.Bhowmik, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh, B.Mukherjee, N.S.Pattabiraman, S.S.Ghugre, M.B.Chatterjee
Nucl.Phys. A775, 153 (2006)
50. Shape changes at high spin in 78Kr
A.Dhal, R.K.Sinha, P.Agarwal, S.Kumar, Monika, B.B.Singh, R.Kumar, P.Bringel, A.Neusser, R.Kumar, K.S.Golda, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, N.Madhavan, J.J.Das, A.Shukla, P.K.Raina,
K.S.Thind, A.K.Sinha, I.M.Govil, P.K.Joshi, R.K.Bhowmik, A.K.Jain, S.C.Pancholi, L.Chaturvedi
Eur.Phys.J. A 27, 33 (2006)
51. Spin-parity measurements in the neutron-rich N ∼ 20 34P and 36S nuclei
Krishichayan, A.Chakraborty, S.Mukhopadhyay, S.Ray, N.S.Pattabiraman, S.S.Ghugre, R.Goswami, A.K.Sinha, S.Sarkar, U.Garg, P.V.Madhusudhana Rao, S.K.Basu, B.K.Yogi, L.Chaturvedi,
A.Dhal, R.K.Sinha, M.S.Sarkar, S.Saha, R.Singh, R.K.Bhowmik, A.Jhingan, N.Madhavan, S.Muralithar, S.Nath, R.P.Singh, P.Sugathan
Eur.Phys.J. A 29, 151 (2006)
52. Loss of collectivity in 79Rb
R.K.Sinha, A.Dhal, P.Agarwal, S.Kumar, Monika, B.B.Singh, R.Kumar, P.Bringel, A.Neusser, R.Kumar, K.S.Golda, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, N.Madhavan, J.J.Das, K.S.Thind, A.K.Sinha,
I.M.Govil, R.K.Bhowmik, J.B.Gupta, P.K.Joshi, A.K.Jain, S.C.Pancholi, L.Chaturvedi
Eur.Phys.J. A 28, 277 (2006); Erratum Eur.Phys.J. A 29, 253 (2006)
53. Lifetime measurements in 112Sb
A.Y.Deo, S.K.Tandel, S.B.Patel, P.V.Madhusudhana Rao, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh, R.Kumar, R.K.Bhowmik, Amita
Phys.Rev. C 71, 017303 (2005)
54. Structure of odd-odd 136La at high spin (TIFR-INGA)
T.Bhattacharjee, S.Chanda, S.Bhattacharyya, S.K.Basu, R.K.Bhowmik, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh, N.S.Pattabiraman, S.S.Ghugre, U.Datta Pramanik, S.Bhattacharya
Nucl.Phys. A750, 199 (2005)
55. Spectroscopy of 90Nb at high spin
A.Chakraborty, Krishichayan, S.S.Ghugre, R.Goswami, S.Mukhopadhyay, N.S.Pattabiraman,S.Ray, A.K.Sinha, S.Sarkar, P.V.MadhusudhanaRao, U.Garg, S.K.Basu, M.B.Chatterjee,
M.S.Sarkar, L.Chaturvedi, A.Dhal, R.K.Sinha, I.M.Govil, R.K.Bhowmik, A.Jhingan, N.Madhavan, S.Muralithar, S.Nath, R.P.Singh, P.Sugathan
Phys.Rev. C 72, 054309 (2005)
56. Levels in doubly odd 138Pr
G.Gangopadhyay, S.Bhowal, R.K.Bhowmik, U.Datta Pramanik, P.Ghosh, A.Goswami, C.Petrache, A.Mukherjee, S.Muralithar, R.Raut, M.S.Sarkar, A.K.Singh, R.P.Singh, S.Bhattacharya
Eur.Phys.J. A 24, 173 (2005)
57. Collective structures of the 131Cs nucleus
R.Kumar, K.Singh, D.Mehta, N.Singh, S.S.Malik, E.S.Paul, A.Gorgen, S.Chmel, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar
Eur.Phys.J. A 24, 13 (2005)
58. Rotational structures in 123Cs
K.Singh, Z.Naik, R.Kumar, J.Goswamy, D.Mehta, N.Singh, C.R.Praharaj, E.S.Paul, K.P.Singh, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, N.Madhavan, J.J.Das, S.Nath, A.Jhingan, P.Sugathan, R.K.Bhowmik
Eur.Phys.J. A 25, 345 (2005)
59. High spin states of 141Pm
S.Bhattacharyya, S.Chanda, T.Bhattacharjee, S.K.Basu, R.K.Bhowmik, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh, S.S.Ghugre
Nucl.Phys. A730, 23 (2004)
60. Deformation effects in 185Au
P.Joshi, A.Kumar, I.M.Govil, R.P.Singh, G.Mukherjee, S.Muralithar, R.K.Bhowmik, U.Garg
Phys.Rev. C 69, 044304 (2004)
61. High-spin states in the odd-odd nucleus 146Tb
Krishichayan, A.Chakraborty, S.S.Ghugre, R.Goswami, S.Mukhopadhyay, N.S.Pattabiraman,S.Ray, A.K.Sinha, S.Sarkar, P.V.M.Rao, U.Garg, S.K.Basu, B.K.Yogi, L.Chaturvedi, A.Dhal,
R.K.Sinha, M.S.Sarkar, S.Saha, R.Singh, R.K.Bhowmik, A.Jhingan, N.Madhavan, S.Muralithar, S.Nath, R.P.Singh, P.Sugathan
Phys.Rev. C 70, 044315 (2004)
62. In search of collectivity in 95, 97Mo nuclei
J.M.Chatterjee, M.Saha Sarkar, S.Bhattacharya, S.Sarkar, R.P.Singh, S.Murulithar, R.K.Bhowmik
Phys.Rev. C 69, 044303 (2004)
63. Band structures of the 123Cs nucleus
K.Singh, J.Goswamy, D.Mehta, N.Singh, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, E.S.Paul, K.P.Singh, N.Madhavan, J.J.Das, S.Nath, A.Jhingan, P.Sugathan, R.K.Bhowmik
Eur.Phys.J. A 21, 359 (2004)
64. Investigations of low- and high-spin states of 132La
V.Kumar, P.Das, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, R.K.Bhowmik
Eur.Phys.J. A 17, 153 (2003)
65. Test of deformation driving effects in 179Re
S.K.Chamoli, P.Joshi, A.Kumar, R.P.Singh, L.Chaturvedi, I.M.Govil
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66. Recoil distance lifetime measurements in 118Xe
I.M.Govil, A.Kumar, H.Iyer, P.Joshi, S.K.Chamoli, R.Kumar, R.P.Singh, U.Garg
Phys.Rev. C 66, 064318 (2002)
67. Configuration dependent shapes in the 177Re nucleus
S.K.Chamoli, P.Joshi, A.Kumar, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, R.K.Bhowmik, Z.Naik, C.R.Praharaj, I.M.Govil
Phys.Rev. C66, 024307 (2002)
68. Configuration dependence of deformation in 183Au
P.Joshi, A.Kumar, G.Mukherjee, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, U.Garg, R.K.Bhowmik, I.M.Govil
Phys.Rev. C66, 044306 (2002)
69. Rotational Bands and Noncollective Structures in 85Zr
S.K.Tandel, S.R.Kore, S.B.Patel, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh, R.K.Bhowmik
Phys.Rev. C65, 054307 (2002)
70. Recoil-Distance Method Lifetime Measurements in 173Ta
P.Joshi, G.Mukherjee, A.Kumar, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, S.K.Chamoli, C.R.Praharaj, U.Garg, R.K.Bhowmik, I.M.Govil
Phys.Rev. C64, 034303 (2001)
71. High Spin States in 70Ge
B.Mukherjee, S.Muralithar, G.Mukherjee, R.P.Singh, R.Kumar, J.J.Das, P.Sugathan, N.Madhavan, P.V.M.Rao, A.K.Sinha, A.K.Pande, L.Chaturvedi, S.C.Pancholi, R.K.Bhowmik
Acta Phys.Hung.N.S. 11, 189 (2000); Erratum Acta Phys.Hung.N.S. 13, 253 (2001)
72. Level Structures of 95, 97Mo - A Comparative Study
J.M.Chatterjee, M.S.Sarkar, S.Bhattacharya, P.Banerjee, S.Sarkar, R.P.Singh, S.Murulithar, R.K.Bhowmik
Pramana 57, 165 (2001)
73. High Spin Spectroscopy of 139Pr
S.Chanda, S.Bhattacharyya, T.Bhattacharjee, S.S.Ghugre, S.K.Basu, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh, B.Mukherjee, R.K.Bhowmik, S.N.Ray
Pramana 57, 175 (2001)
74. High Spin Rotational Bands in 65Zn
B.Mukherjee, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh, R.Kumar, K.Rani, R.K.Bhowmik
Pramana 57, 181 (2001)
75. Rotational Bands in the Doubly Odd 130Cs Nucleus
R.Kumar, D.Mehta, N.Singh, H.Kaur, A.Gorgen, S.Chmel, R.P.Singh, S.Murlithar
Eur.Phys.J. A 11, 5 (2001)
76. Level Structure of 99Rh at High Spins
R.P.Singh, R.K.Bhowmik, S.S.Ghugre, S.B.Patel
Eur.Phys.J. A 7, 35 (2000)
77. Structure of Positive-Parity Yrast Band in 80Br
I.Ray, P.Banerjee, S.Bhattacharya, M.Saha-Sarkar, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh, R.K.Bhowmik
Nucl.Phys. A678, 258 (2000)
78. High Spin Rotational Bands in 70As Nucleus
B.Mukherjee, G.Mukherjee, P.Joshi, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, A.K.Pande, L.Chaturvedi, S.C.Pancholi, R.K.Bhowmik
Acta Phys.Hung.N.S. 11, 305 (2000)
79. Structure of 96Mo at High Spins
J.M.Chatterjee, M.SahaSarkar, S.Bhattacharya, P.Banerjee, S.Sarkar, R.P.Singh,
S.Murulithar, R.K.Bhowmik
Nucl.Phys. A678, 367 (2000)
80. High Spin States in Singly Closed 143Pm
S.Bhattacharya, S.Chanda, D.Bandyopadhyay, S.K.Basu, G.Mukherjee, S.Muralithar,
R.P.Singh, R.K.Bhowmik, S.S.Ghugre
Phys.Rev. C62, 024317 (2000)
81. High Spin States in Singly Closed 143Pm
S.Bhattacharya, S.Chanda, D.Bandyopadhyay, S.K.Basu, G.Mukherjee, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh, R.K.Bhowmik, S.S.Ghugre
Phys.Rev. C62, 024317 (2000)
82. High Spin States in 63Cu
B.Mukherjee, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh, R.Kumar, K.Rani, S.C.Pancholi, R.K.Bhowmik
Pramana 55, L471 (2000)
83. Structure of 96Mo at High Spins
J.M.Chatterjee, M.SahaSarkar, S.Bhattacharya, P.Banerjee, S.Sarkar, R.P.Singh,S.Murulithar, R.K.Bhowmik
Nucl.Phys. A678, 367 (2000)
84. Level Structure of 99Rh at High Spins
R.P.Singh, R.K.Bhowmik, S.S.Ghugre, S.B.Patel
Eur.Phys.J. A 7, 35 (2000)
85. Structure of Positive-Parity Yrast Band in 80Br
I.Ray, P.Banerjee, S.Bhattacharya, M.Saha-Sarkar, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh, R.K.Bhowmik
Nucl.Phys. A678, 258 (2000)
86. Level Structure of Odd-Odd 68Ga
A.K.Singh, G.Gangopadhyay, D.Banerjee, R.Bhattacharya, R.K.Bhowmik, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh, A.Goswami, S.Bhattacharya, B.Dasmahapatra, S.Sen
Eur.Phys.J. A 9, 197 (2000)
87. High Spin Rotational Bands in 70As Nucleus
B.Mukherjee, G.Mukherjee, P.Joshi, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, A.K.Pande, L.Chaturvedi, S.C.Pancholi, R.K.Bhowmik
Acta Phys.Hung.N.S. 11, 305 (2000)
88. Level Structure of the Odd-Odd 62Cu Isotope
A.K.Singh, G.Gangopadhyay, D.Banerjee, R.Bhattacharya, R.K.Bhowmik, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh, A.Mukherjee, U.D.Pramanik, A.Goswami, S.Chattopadhyay,
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Phys.Rev. C59, 2440 (1999)
89. Band Structure of 79Br
I.Ray, P.Banerjee, S.Bhattacharya, M.Saha-Sarkar, B.Sethi, J.M.Chatterjee, S.Chattopadhyay, A.Goswami, S.Muralithar,
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90. Transition Strengths and Shapes of 2-qp Bands in 74Se and 76Kr
G.Mukherjee, P.Joshi, S.N.Roy, S.Datta, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, R.K.Bhowmik
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91. High-Spin States in Odd-Odd 168Lu
S.K.Katoch, S.L.Gupta, S.C.Pancholi, D.Mehta, S.Malik, G.Shanker, L.Chaturvedi,
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92. Deformation Driving Property of the h9/2 Configuration in 171Ta
P.Joshi, G.Mukherjee, A.Kumar, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, S.C.Pancholi, C.R.Praharaj, U.Garg, R.K.Bhowmik, I.M.Govil
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93. Structure of the Neutron Deficient 107In
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94. Alignments and New Band Structures in the Doubly Odd Nucleus 80Rb
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95. High Spin States in 63Zn
A.K.Singh, G.Gangopadhyay, D.Banerjee, R.Bhattacharya, R.K.Bhowmik, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh, A.Mukherjee, U.D.Pramanik, A.Goswami, S.Chattopadhyay, S.Bhattacharya, B.Dasmahapatra, S.Sen
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96. Rotational Bands in the Doubly Odd 138Pm
U.D.Pramanik, A.Mukherjee, A.K.Singh, S.Chattopadhyay, G.Gangopadhyay,
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97. A High Spin Isomer in 153Eu
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98. High Spin States in Doubly-Odd 142Pm
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99. Identification of Δν = 2 Identical Bands in the Nuclei 78Kr and 80Rb
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100. High Spin Spectroscopy of 100Pd
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101. Spectroscopy and Lifetime Measurement of High Spin States in 73Se
G.Mukherjee, P.Joshi, S.N.Roy, S.Datta, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, R.K.Bhowmik
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102. High Spin Spectroscopy in Odd-Odd 170Lu
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103. High Spin States in Doubly Odd 122I
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104. Collective Structures in Doubly Odd 120I
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105. High Spin States in 162Lu
S.L.Gupta, S.C.Pancholi, P.Juneja, D.Mehta, A.Kumar, R.K.Bhowmik, S.Muralithar,
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106. High Spin Behavior of 153Eu
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107. High Spin States in 121Te
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108. High-Spin Structure in 112Sb
A.K.Singh, G.Gangopadhyay, D.Banerjee, R.Bhattacharya, R.K.Bhowmik, S.Muralithar, G.Rodrigues, R.P.Singh, A.Goswami, S.Chattopadhyay, S.Bhattacharya, B.Dasmahapatra, S.Sen
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109. High Spin States in 116,118Te
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110. High Spin States in 164Lu
P.Juneja, S.L.Gupta, S.C.Pancholi, A.Kumar, D.Mehta, L.Chaturvedi, S.K.Katoch, S.Malik, G.Shanker, R.K.Bhowmik, S.Muralithar, G.Rodrigues, R.P.Singh
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111. Non-Collective Oblate States in 119Te
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112. Non-Collective Oblate States in 121Te
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2. Examination of break-up fusion in the 16O + 148Nd system through measurements of forward recoil range distributions and angular distributions
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3. Systematic study of incomplete-fusion dynamics below 8 MeV/nucleon energy
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4. Mass and isotopic yield distributions of fission-like events in the 19F + 169Tm system at low energies
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5. Probing incomplete fusion dynamics and role of the projectile deformation in the 19F + 154Sm system
D.Singh, P.K.Giri, A.Mahato, S.B.Linda, R.Tripathi, H.Kumar, M.Afzal Ansari, N.P.M.Sathik, R.Ali, R.Kumar, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh
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6. Investigation of breakup fusion in 16O + 124Sn system and its correlation with various entrance channel parameters
D.Singh, S.B.Linda, P.K.Giri, A.Mahato, H.Kumar, S.A.Tali, M.Afzal Ansari, R.Kumar, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh
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7. Systematic study of the break-up fusion process in the 12C + 165Ho system and interplay of entrance channel parameters
S.A.Tali, H.Kumar, M.Afzal Ansari, A.Ali, D.Singh, R.Ali, P.K.Giri, S.B.Linda, R.Kumar, S.Parashari, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh
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8. Sensitivity of low-energy incomplete fusion to various entrance-channel parameters
H.Kumar, S.A.Tali, M.A.Ansari, D.Singh, R.Ali, Ka.Kumar, N.P.M.Sathik, A.Ali, S.Parashari, R.Dubey, I.Bala, R.Kumar, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar
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9. Effects of projectile break-up on fusion cross sections at energies near and above the Coulomb barrier: A case of incomplete fusion
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10. Role of input angular momentum and target deformation on the incomplete-fusion dynamics in the 16O + 154Sm system at ELab = 6.1 MeV/nucleon
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11. Measurement of excitation functions of evaporation residues in the 16O + 124Sn reaction and investigation of the dependence of incomplete fusion dynamics on entrance channel parameters
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12. Study of incomplete fusion reaction dynamics in 13C + 165Ho system and its dependence on various entrance channel parameters
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13. Observed side feeding in incomplete fusion dynamics in 16O + 160Gd reaction at energy ∼ 5.6 MeV/A: Spin distribution measurements
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14. Investigation of incomplete fusion dynamics at energy 4-8 MeV/nucleon
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15. Influence of incomplete fusion on complete fusion at energies above the Coulomb barrier
M.Shuaib, V.R.Sharma, A.Yadav, M.K.Sharma, P.P.Singh, D.P.Singh, R.Kumar, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, B.P.Singh, R.Prasad
J.Phys.(London) G44, 105108 (2017)
16. Spin distribution of evaporation residues formed in complete and incomplete fusion in 16O+154Sm system
D.Singh, S.B.Linda, P.K.Giri, A.Mahato, R.Tripathi, H.Kumar, M.Afzal Ansari, N.P.M.Sathik, R.Ali, R.Kumar, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh
Phys.Lett. B 774, 7 (2017)
17. Incomplete fusion in 16O+159Tb
Vijay R.Sharma, Pushpendra P.Singh, M.Shuaib, A.Yadav, I.Bala, Manoj K.Sharma, S.Gupta, D.P.Singh, R.Kumar, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh, B.P.Singh, R.Prasad, R.K.Bhowmik
Nucl.Phys. A946, 182 (2016)
18. Incomplete fusion studies in the 19F + 159Tb system at low energies and its correlation with various systematics
Mohd.Shuaib, V.R.Sharma, A.Yadav, P.P.Singh, M.K.Sharma, D.P.Singh, R.Kumar, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, B.P.Singh, R.Prasad
Phys.Rev. C 94, 014613 (2016)
19. Spin distribution measurements in 16O+159Tb system: incomplete fusion reactions
V.R.Sharma, A.Yadav, P.P.Singh, I.Bala, D.P.Singh, S.Gupta, M.K.Sharma, R.Kumar, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh, B.P.Singh, R.K.Bhowmik, R.Prasad
J.Phys.(London) G42, 055113 (2015)
20. Low Energy Incomplete Fusion and the Role of Input Angular Momenta
R.Kumar, V.R.Sharma, A.Yadav, P.P.Singh, S.Appanababu, A.Aggarwal, B.P.Singh, S.Mukherjee, S.Muralithar, R.Ali, R.K.Bhowmik
Acta Phys.Pol. B46, 453 (2015)
21. Influence of a one-neutron-excess projectile on low-energy incomplete fusion
Vijay R. Sharma, Abhishek Yadav, Pushpendra P. Singh, Devendra P. Singh, Sunita Gupta, M. K. Sharma, Indu Bala, R. Kumar, S. Murlithar, B. P. Singh, and R. Prasad
Phys. Rev. C 89, 024608 (2014)
22. Large influence of incomplete fusion in 12C + 159Tb at Elab≈4–7 MeV/nucleon
Abhishek Yadav, Vijay R. Sharma, Pushpendra P. Singh, Devendra P. Singh, Manoj K. Sharma, Unnati Gupta, R. Kumar, B. P. Singh, R. Prasad, and R. K. Bhowmik
Phys. Rev. C 85, 034614 (2012)
23. Effect of α-Q value on incomplete fusion
Abhishek Yadav, Vijay R. Sharma, Pushpendra P. Singh, R. Kumar, D. P. Singh, Unnati, M. K. Sharma, B. P. Singh, and R. Prasad
Phys. Rev. C 86, 014603 (2012)
24. Energy dependence of incomplete fusion processes in the 16O + 181Ta system: Measurement and analysis of forward-recoil-range distributions at Elab ≤ 7 MeV/nucleon
Devendra P.Singh, Unnati, P.P.Singh, A.Yadav, M.K.Sharma, B.P.Singh, K.S.Golda, R.Kumar, A.K.Sinha, R.Prasad
Phys.Rev. C 81, 054607 (2010)
25. Incomplete fusion dynamics by spin distribution measurements
D.Singh, R.Ali, M.AfzalAnsari, K.S.Babu, P.P.Singh, M.K.Sharma, B.P.Singh, R.K.Sinha, R.Kumar, S.Muralithar, R.P.Singh, R.K.Bhowmik
Phys.Rev. C 81, 027602 (2010)
26. Disentangling full and partial linear momentum transfer events in the 16O+169Tm system at Eproj ≤ 5.4 MeV/nucleon
U.Gupta, P.P.Singh, D.P.Singh, M.K.Sharma, A.Yadav, R.Kumar, S.Gupta, H.D.Bhardwaj, B.P.Singh, R.Prasad
Phys.Rev. C 80, 024613 (2009)
27. Role of high ℓ values in the onset of incomplete fusion
P.P.Singh, A.Yadav, D.P.Singh, U.Gupta, M.K.Sharma, R.Kumar, D.Singh, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, M.A.Ansari, B.P.Singh, R.Prasad, R.K.Bhowmik
Phys.Rev. C 80, 064603 (2009)
28. Probing of incomplete fusion dynamics by spin-distribution measurement
P.P.Singh, B.P.Singh, M.K.Sharma, U.Gupta, R.Kumar, D.Singh, R.P.Singh, S.Murlithar, M.A.Ansari, R.Prasad, R.K.Bhowmik
Phys.Lett. B 671, 20 (2009)
29. Investigation of the role of break-up processes on the fusion of 16O induced reactions
Devendra P.Singh, Unnati, P.P.Singh, A.Yadav, M.K.Sharma, B.P.Singh, K.S.Golda, R.Kumar, A.K.Sinha, R.Prasad
Phys.Rev. C 80, 014601 (2009)
30. Measurement and analysis of excitation functions and forward recoil range distributions in 12C + 59Co system
A.Agarwal, I.A.Rizvi, R.Kumar, B.K.Yogi, A.K.Chaubey
Int.J.Mod.Phys. E17, 393 (2008)
31. Observation of large incomplete fusion in 16O + 103Rh system at ≈ 3-5 MeV/nucleon
U.Gupta, P.P.Singh, D.P.Singh, M.K.Sharma, A.Yadav, R.Kumar, B.P.Singh, R.Prasad
Nucl.Phys. A811, 77 (2008)
32. Influence of incomplete fusion on complete fusion: Observation of a large incomplete fusion fraction at E ≈ 5-7 MeV/nucleon
P.P.Singh, B.P.Singh, M.K.Sharma, Unnati, D.P.Singh, R.Prasad, R.Kumar, K.S.Golda
Phys.Rev. C 77, 014607 (2008)
33. Production of fission-like events after complete and/or incomplete fusion of 16O with 159Tb and 169Tm at E/A ≈ 5-6MeV
P.P.Singh, B.P.Singh, B.Sharma, Unnati, M.K.Sharma, R.Prasad, R.Kumar, H.D.Bhardwaj
Int.J.Mod.Phys. E17, 549 (2008)
34. Spin-distribution measurement: A sensitive probe for incomplete fusion dynamics
P.P.Singh, B.P.Singh, M.K.Sharma, Unnati, R.Kumar, K.S.Golda, D.Singh, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, M.A.Ansari, R.Prasad, R.K.Bhowmik
Phys.Rev. C 78, 017602 (2008)
35. Observation of complete and incomplete-fusion components in 159Tb, 169Tm(16O, x) reactions: Measurement and analysis of forward recoil ranges at E/A ∼ 5-6 MeV
P.P.Singh, M.K.Sharma, Unnati, D.P.Singh, R.Kumar, K.S.Golda, B.P.Singh, R.Prasad
Eur.Phys.J. A 34, 29 (2007)
36. A study of the reactions occurring in 16O + 159Tb system: Measurement of excitation functions and recoil range distributions
M.K.Sharma, Unnati, B.P.Singh, R.Kumar, K.S.Golda, H.D.Bhardwaj, R.Prasad
Nucl.Phys. A776, 83 (2006)
37. Complete and incomplete fusion reactions in the 16O + 169Tm system: Excitation functions and recoil range distributions
M.K.Sharma, Unnati, B.K.Sharma, B.P.Singh, H.D.Bhardwaj,R.Kumar, K.S.Golda, R.Prasad
Phys.Rev. C 70, 044606 (2004)
8. Magnetic Moment studies using PAD
1. g-factor and quadrupole moment of the 21/2− isomeric state in 131 La: Signature for a weakly-deformed magnetic rotational band head
Jasmeet Kaur, Neeraj Bansal, A.K. Bhati, R. Kumar, Vijay R. Sharma, K. Kapoor, V. Kumar, Navneet Kaur
Erratum Phys. Lett. B 766, 362 (2017)
2. g-factors of 9/2− and 23/2+ isomeric states in 129Ba
Jasmeet Kaur, A. K. Bhati, N. Bansal, V. Kumar, Vijay R. Sharma, H. Kumar, R. Kumar, and R. K. Bhowmik
Phys. Rev. C 87, 064312 (2013)
3. Electric quadrupole moments of the Kπ = 8- and 23/2- isomeric states in 170, 171,172Hf
V.Kumar, P.Thakur, A.K.Bhati, R.P.Singh, R.K.Bhowmik
Hyperfine Interactions 175, 121 (2007)
4. Nuclear g-factor measurements of the 9/2- and 21/2- isomeric states in 173Ta
P.Thakur, V.Kumar, A.K.Bhati, S.C.Bedi, R.P.Singh, R.K.Bhowmik, A.E.Stuchbery
Phys.Rev. C 74, 034329 (2006)
5. Nuclear quadrupole moments of 5/2- and 9/2- states in 169Ta
V.Kumar, P.Thakur, A.K.Bhati, R.P.Singh, R.K.Bhowmik
Eur.Phys.J. A 26, 311 (2005)
6. Nuclear g-Factor Measurement of the 9/2- Isomeric State in 171Ta
P.Thakur, V.Kumar, A.K.Bhati, S.C.Bedi, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, R.K.Bhowmik
Hyperfine Interactions 136/137, 201 (2001)
7. Measurement of the Electric Quadrupole Moment of the 9/2- and 21/2- Isomers in 173Ta
P.Thakur, R.Dogra, A.K.Bhati, S.C.Bedi, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, R.K.Bhowmik
Hyperfine Interactions 131, 103 (2000)
1. No evidence of reduced collectivity in Coulomb-excited Sn isotopes
R. Kumar, M. Saxena, P. Doornenbal, A. Jhingan, A. Banerjee, R. K. Bhowmik, S. Dutt, R. Garg, C. Joshi, V. Mishra, P. J. Napiorkowski, S. Prajapati, P.A. Söderström, N. Kumar, and H.J. Wollersheim
Phys. Rev. C 96, 054318 (2017)
2. Rotational behavior of 120,122,124Te
M. Saxena, R. Kumar, A. Jhingan, S. Mandal, A. Stolarz, A. Banerjee, R. K. Bhowmik, S. Dutt, J. Kaur, V. Kumar, M. Modou Mbaye, V. R. Sharma, and H.-J. Wollersheim
Phys. Rev. C 90, 024316 (2014)
3. Enhanced 0+ g.s. → 2+_1 E2 Transition Strength in 112, 114Sn
R.Kumar, P.Doornenbal, A.Jhingan, R.K.Bhowmik, S.Appannababu, P.Bednarczyk, L.Caceres, J.Cederkall, A.Ekstrom, R.Garg, J.Gerl, M.Gorska, H.Grawe, J.Kaur, I.Kojouharov, S.Mandal,
S.Mukherjee, S.Muralithar, W.Prokopowicz, P.P.Singh, P.Reiter, H.Schaffner, A.Sharma, R.P.Singh, D.Siwal, H.J.Wollersheim
Acta Phys.Pol. B42, 813 (2011)
4. Enhanced 0+ g.s → 2+_1 E2 transition strength in 112Sn
R.Kumar, P.Doornenbal, A.Jhingan, R.K.Bhowmik, S.Muralithar, S.Appannababu, R.Garg, J.Gerl, M.Gorska, J.Kaur, I.Kojouharov, S.Mandal, S.Mukherjee, D.Siwal, A.Sharma, P.P.Singh,
R.P.Singh, H.-J.Wollersheim
Phys.Rev. C 81, 024306 (2010)
9. Instrumentation
1. Nuclear structure at high spin using multidetector gamma array and ancillary detectors
Pramana 82, 769 (2014)
2. A charged particle detector array for detection of light charged particles from nuclear reactions
S Muralithar, B Mukherjee, R P Singh, G Mukherjee, P Joshi, A Punithan, B K Sahu, A Gupta, R Ahuja,R Ram, S Rao, S K Saini, J Zacharis, R K bhowmik
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 729, 849 (2013)
3. Indian National Gamma Array at Inter University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi
S. Muralithar, K. Rani, R. Kumar, R.P. Singh, J.J. Das, J. Gehlot, K.S. Golda, A. Jhingan, N. Madhavan, S. Nath, P. Sugathan, T. Varughese, M. Archunan, P. Barua, A. Gupta,
M. Jain, A. Kothari, B.P.A. Kumar, A.J. Malyadri, U.G. Naik, Raj Kumar, Rajesh Kumar, J. Zacharias, S. Rao, S.K. Saini, S.K. Suman, M. Kumar, E.T. Subramaniam, S. Venkataramanan, A. Dhal, G. Jnaneswari, D. Negi, M.K. Raju, T. Trivedi, R.K. Bhowmik
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 622, 281 (2010)
4. High precision (14 bit), high density (octal) analog to digital converter for spectroscopy applications
E. T. Subramaniam, Mamta Jain, R. K. Bhowmik, and Michel Tripon
Review of Scientific Instruments 79, 103503 (2008)
5. Ethernet based list processing controller for high speed data acquisition systems
E. T. Subramaniam, Kusum Rani, B. P. Ajith Kumar, and R. K. Bhowmik
Review of Scientific Instruments 77, 096102 (2006)
6. Characteristics of a Compton suppressed Clover detector up to 5 MeV (TIFR-INGA)
M. Saha Sarkar, P. Datta, I. Ray, C.C. Dey, S. Chattopadhyay,A. Goswami, P. Banerjee, R.P. Singh, P.K. Joshi, S.D. Paul, S. Bhattacharya,R. Bhowmik, J.M. Chatterjee, H.C. Jain, S. Sen, B. Dasmahapatra
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 491, 113 (2002)
7. Instrumentation for multi-detector arrays
R K Bhowmik
Pramana volume 57, 125 (2001)
8. The automatic liquid nitrogen filling system for GDA detectors
Rakesh Kumar, A J Malyadri, S Muralithar, Ruby Shanti, S K Saini, Kusum Rani, B P Ajith Kumar, Rajesh Kumar and R K Bhowmik
Pramana 57, 215 (2001)
1. Channel coupling effects on the fusion excitation functions for 28Si+90, 94Zr in sub- and near-barrier regions (HIRA+Ge det)
S.Kalkal, S.Mandal, N.Madhavan, E.Prasad, S.Verma, A.Jhingan, R.Sandal, S.Nath, J.Gehlot, B.R.Behera, M.Saxena, S.Goyal, D.Siwal, R.Garg, U.D.Pramanik, S.Kumar, T.Varughese, K.S.Golda, S.Muralithar, A.K.Sinha, R.Singh
Phys.Rev. C 81, 044610 (2010)
2. Evaporation residue excitation function from complete fusion of 19F with 184W (HIRA+Ge det)
S.Nath, P.V.MadhusudhanaRao, S.Pal, J.Gehlot, E.Prasad, G.Mohanto, S.Kalkal, J.Sadhukhan, P.D.Shidling, K.S.Golda,A.Jhingan, N.Madhavan, S.Muralithar, A.K.Sinha
Phys.Rev. C 81, 064601 (2010)
3. Experimental signature of entrance channel effect in heavy mass region via evaporation residue cross section and spin distribution measurements (HIRA+Ge det+BGO)
P.D.Shidling, N.Madhavan, V.S.Ramamurthy, S.Nath, N.M.Badiger, S.Pal, A.K.Sinha, A.Jhingan, S.Muralithar, P.Sugathan, S.Kailas, B.R.Behera, R.Singh, K.M.Varier, M.C.Radhakrishna
Phys.Lett. B 670, 99 (2008)
4. Fission hindrance studies in 200Pb: Evaporation residue cross section and spin distribution measurements (HIRA+Ge det+BGO)
P.D.Shidling, N.M.Badiger, S.Nath, R.Kumar, A.Jhingan, R.P.Singh, P.Sugathan, S.Muralithar, N.Madhavan, A.K.Sinha, S.Pal, S.Kailas, S.Verma, K.Kalita, S.Mandal, R.Singh, B.R.Behera, K.M.Varier, M.C.Radhakrishna
Phys.Rev.C 74, 064603 (2006)
PhD Scholars (IUAC):
Rakesh Dogra (1991-1996)
Topic: Hyperfine interaction measurements using perturbed angular correlation techniques
Affiliation: Panjab University, Chandigarh
Present Affiliation: Beant College of Engineering and Technology, Gurdaspur
Gopal Mukherjee (1993-1996)
Topic: Gamma ray spectroscopy of nuclei in mass region A ~ 70 - 80
Affiliation: Visva Bharati University
Present Affiliation: Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata
Sandeep Ghughre (1994)
Topic: High spin studies in nuclei in the vicinity of the N=50 neutron magic number
Affiliation: University of Mumbai
Present Affiliation: UGC-DAE CSR, Kolkata Centre
S.K. Tandel (1995-1998)
Topic: Structure of transitional nuclei in the A~80 and 100 regions
Affiliation: University of Mumbai
Present Affiliation: UM-DAE Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences, University of Mumbai
Sunita Gupta (1996-2001)
Topic: A study of complete and incomplete fusion in some reactions induced by heavy ions
Affiliation: Aligarh Muslim University
Present Affiliation: Department of Physics, Agra College, Agra
Sarmishtha Bhattacharyya (1996-2003)
Topic: Nuclear Structure Studies Around A=140 Region
Affiliation: Jadavpur University / Variable Energy Cyclotron centre
Present Affiliation: Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata
Buddhadev Mukherjee (1997-2001)
Topic: Spectroscopy measurement in the mass region 60 with gamma detector array
Affiliation: Jawaharlal Nehru University
Present Affiliation: Physics department, Visva Bharati University
Sanjay Kumar Chamoli (1998-2004)
Topic: The lifetime measurement of The lifetime measurement of the excited nuclear States at high angular momentum in the mass region A = 170 - 190
Affiliation: Panjab University, Chandigarh
Present Affiliation: Department of Physics & Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi
Manoj Kumar Sharma (1999-2002)
Topic: Study of complete and incomplete fusion in reactions induced by 12C and 16O Ions below 7 MeV/nucleon energies
Affiliation: Aligarh Muslim University
Present Affiliation: Department of Physics, Shri Varshney College, Aligarh
Avinash Agarwal (1999-2003)
Topic: Study Of Alpha Particles And Heavy Ion Induced Reactions In Some Nuclei
Affiliation: Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh
Present Affiliation: Bareilly College Bareilly, Uttar Pardesh
Ajay Y. Deo (2000-2006)
Topic: Structure of Light, Neutron-Deficient Nuclei
Affiliation: University of Mumbai
Present Affiliation: Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Uttarakhand
Vivek Kumar (2000-2006)
Topic: Static nuclear electromagnetic moment measurements in the rare earth region
Affiliation: Panjab University, Chandigarh
Present Affiliation: Panjab University, Chandigarh
Unnati (2000-2006)
Topic: Study of Angular and Recoil Range Distributions for Some Residues Produced in Heavy ion Reactions
Affiliation: Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh
Present Affiliation: NIL
Kuljeet Singh Chakkal (2001-2007)
Topic: Nuclear structure studies at high spins in A~120- 130 mass nuclei
Affiliation: Panjab University Chandigarh
Present Affiliation: Sri Guru Gobind Singh College, Chandigarh
Rajarshi Raut (2002-2009)
Topic: Nuclear Structure Studies in the Vicinity of N=82
Affiliation: Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (University of Calcutta)
Present Affiliation: UGC-DAE CSR, Kolkata Centre
Anukul Dhal (2002-2010)
Topic: Study of High Spin States in 139Pm, 137Pm and 78Kr : Role of Intruder Orbitals
Affiliation: Banaras Hindu University
Present Affiliation: ELI-NP, Romania
Suresh Kumar (2003-2008)
Topic: Study of Shape effects and Magnetic Rotation Phenomena in N=79 and 47 Nuclei
Affiliation: Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Present Affiliation: Department Of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi
Dharmendra Singh (2003-2008)
Topic: Study Of Complete and Incomplete Fusion Of 16O And 20Ne Ions in Some Nuclei below 10 Mev/Nucleon Energies
Affiliation: Aligarh Muslim University
Present Affiliation: Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi
Samarjit Sihotra (2004-2009)
Topic: Nuclear structure studies in A~100-130 mass region
Affiliation: Panjab University Chandigarh
Present Affiliation: Panjab University Chandigarh
Pushpendra P. Singh (2004-2009)
Topic: Probing of Incomplete fusion dynamics at energies ≈ 4-7 MeV/nucleon
Affiliation: Aligarh Muslim University
Present Affiliation: IIT Ropar, Punjab
Devendra Pal Singh (2005-2010)
Topic: Investigation of the role of break-up processes in heavy ion reactions below 7 MeV/nucleon
Affiliation: Aligarh Muslim University
Present Affiliation: University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, Dehradun
Rahbar Ali (2005-2012)
Topic: Study of complete and incomplete fusion in some heavy-ion induced reactions below 8 MeV/nucleon
Affiliation: Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh
Present Affiliation: G.F. College, Shahjahanpur (Affiliated to M.J.P. Rohilkhand University, Bareilly)
S. Muralithar (2012)
Topic: Development of experimental facilities for in-beam gamma ray spectroscopy and nuclear structure in 216,217Ra at high spins
Affiliation: Jawaharlal Nehru University
Present Affiliation: Inter University Accelerator Centre
Rajesh Pratap Singh (2013)
Topic: Shape and spin effects in 99Rh, 131Ce, 133Pr and 156Gd nuclei
Affiliation: Jawaharlal Nehru University
Present Affiliation: Inter University Accelerator Centre
Kumar Raju Mukhi (2006-2013)
Topic: Diversity and Coexistence of Nuclear Shapes at high spins in 70Ge and 73As
Affiliation: Andhra University, Visakhapatnam
Present Affiliation: Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,China
Abhishek Yadav (2007-2012)
Topic: Probing the In-complete fusion reaction dynamics using light-heavy-ions
Affiliation: Aligarh Muslim University
Present Affiliation: Department of Physics, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
Rakesh Kumar (2008-2011)
Topic: Nuclear structure investigation using particle-gamma coincidence technique
Affiliation: The Maharaja Sayajirao University
Present Affiliation: Inter University Accelerator Centre
Jasmeet Kaur (2008-2014)
Topic: The Nuclear Electromagnetic Moment Measurements in A ~ 130 Mass Region
Affiliation: Panjab University, Chandigarh
Present Affiliation: Physics Department, GNDU, Amritsar
Mansi Saxena (2009-2015)
Topic: Exploring Nuclear Structure of Medium Mass Nuclei by Measuring Electromagnetic Moments using Coulomb Excitation Technique
Affiliation: University of Delhi
Present Affiliation: Department of Physics and Astronomy, Ohio University
Kamal Kumar (2011-2016)
Topic: Study of Some Fusion Reactions Induced By Heavy Ions at Intermediate Energies
Affiliation: Aligarh Muslim University
Present Affiliation: Hindu College Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh
Aman Rohilla (2011-2017)
Topic: Lifetime measurements probing nuclear structure issues at high spins in 167Lu and 188Pt
Affiliation: University of Delhi
Present Affiliation: Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou
Harish Kumar (2011-2017)
Topic: Study of nuclear reaction dynamics in some heavy ion induced reactions
Affiliation: Aligarh Muslim University
Present Affiliation: NIMS University Rajasthan, Jaipur
Vijay Raj Sharma (2012-2015)
Topic: Breakup fusion studies in heavy ion interaction at low energies
Affiliation: Aligarh Muslim University
Present Affiliation: Department of Accelerator, National Institute of Nuclear Investigation, Mexico
Neeraj Bansal (2012-2018)
Topic: Static Nuclear Electromagnetic Moment Measurements in Lanthanum Nuclei
Affiliation: Panjab University, Chandigarh
Present Affiliation: Department of physics, Panjab University, Chandigarh
Sneha Bharti Linda (2013-2018)
Topic: Study of complete and incomplete fusion dynamics induced by heavy ions above the Coulomb barrier
Affiliation: Central University of Jharkhand
Present Affiliation: NIL
Suhail Ahmad Tali (2014-2020)
Topic: Nuclear Reaction Studies in Heavy Ion Induced Reactions
Affiliation: Aligarh Muslim University
Present Affiliation: Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh
Pankaj Kumar Giri (2014-2020) about to submit delayed due to COVID-19
Topic: Investigation of Break-up fusion and its dependency on target deformation at energies 3-7 MeV-Nucleon
Affiliation: Central University of Jharkhand
Present Affiliation: Central University of Jharkhand
Mohammad Shuaib (2015-2019)
Topic: Role of Projectile Break-up in Heavy-Ion Interactions at Low Energies
Affiliation: Aligarh Muslim University
Present Affiliation: Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh
Mahesh Kumar (2015-2019)
Topic: Experimental Studies of Fusion-Fission Processes in Heavy Ion Reactions at Low Excitation Energies.
Affiliation: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University Agra
Present Affiliation: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University Agra
Muntazir Gull (2016-2019)
Topic: Study of some nuclear reactions induced by heavy ions
Affiliation: Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Present Affiliation: Central University of Kashmir, Kashmir
Sunil Dutt (2016-2020) Submitted
Topic: Nuclear structure studies of medium mass nuclei around close shell A~100 using Coulomb excitation technique
Affiliation: Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Present Affiliation: Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Enhanced 0+g.s. → 2+1 E2 Transition Strength in 112,114Sn
R. Kumar, P. Doornenbal, A. Jhingan, R.K. Bhowmik, S. Appannababu, P. Bednarczyk, L. Caceres, J. Cederkall, A. Ekstrom, R. Garg, J. Gerl, M. Gorska, H. Grawe, J. Kaur, I. Kojouharov, S. Mandal, S. Mukherjee, S. Muralithar, W. Prokopowicz, P.P. Singh, P. Reiter, H. Schaffner, A. Sharma, R.P. Singh, D. Siwal, H.J Wollersheim, Act. Phys. Pol. B 42 (2011) 813..
Energy levels in 141Nd from fusion evaporation study
S. Bhowal, C. Lahiri, R. Raut, P. Singh, M.K. Raju, A. Goswami, A.K. Singh, S. Bhattacharya, T. Bhattacharjee, G. Mukherjee, S. Bhattacharyya, S. Muralithar, R.K. Bhowmik, N. Madhavan, R.P. Singh, G. Gangopadhyay, J. Phys. (London) G 38 (2011) 035105..
Contact us
Dr. S. Muralithar
Inter University Accelerator Centre Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, Post Box 10502 New Delhi 110067, India