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The High Current Injector (HCI) project was envisaged to overcome the low current limitation of the Pelletron Accelerator and to provide varieties of ion species like Nobel gases etc. which are not possible with existing Pelletron Accelerator. The high current from HCI will not only reduce the number of shifts needed for carrying out the experiments but will also enable usres to carry out very low cross section nuclear reactions studies which are not possible using beams from Pelletron due to its low current limitations. The HCI would use a Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ), Drift Tube Linac (DTL) and low beta superconducting cavities to accelerate heavy ions having A/q ≤ 6, from the high temperature superconducting electron cyclotron resonance ion source (HTS-ECRIS called PKDELIS) to the existing superconducting linear accelerator (SC LINAC). The DTL has been designed to accelerate ions from 180 keV/u to 1.8 MeV/u, using six Interdigital-H (IH) type RF resonators operating at 97 MHz. The required output energy of the DTL is decided by the minimum input velocity (beta = 0.06) required for the existing superconducting LINAC. IH type resonators are the preferred choice for multiple gap DTL applications due to their high shunt impedance. Acceleration from 180 keV/u to 1.8 MeV/u would be done by six independently phased IH type RF cavities.
Element | Structure | Thumbnail (click to enlarge) | Energy |
High Tempereture Superconducting ECR Ion Source | 18 GHz, HTS | ![]() |
8 keV/amu |
Radio Frequency Quadrupole | 48.5 MHz, Copper + SS | ![]() |
8 - 180 keV/amu |
IH Drift Tube Linear Accelerator | 97 MHz, Copper | ![]() |
180 keV/amu - 1.8 MeV/amu |
MEBT Spiral Buncher | 48.5 MHz, Copper | ![]() |
Time Rebunching at DTL Entrance |