Prof. Avinash Chandra Pandey
Prof Avinash Chandra Pandey was Director, Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Allahabad since 2016 before joining IUAC. He was Vice Chancellor of Bundelkhand University from 2012 to 2015. He has earlier been Professor at University of Allahabadafter obtaining Masters (Physics, Mathematics) and D.Phil. Degree from University of Allahabad. As a Principal Investigator he led to development of three new centres in Allahabad University. He is accredited with the development of the Nanotechnology Application Centre (NAC) besides setting up of High Fluence Ion Beam Facility: a state of art Ion Implanter facility in the premises of University of Allahabad and Innovation Center, Weather Station, Animal Research Facility at Bundelkhand University. He has earlier been Professor & Founder Head, Department of Atmospheric & Ocean Sciences and Co-ordinator of K Banerjee Centre of Atmospheric & Ocean Studies, M N Saha Center of Space Studies at University of Allahabad. He is also an Adjunct Professor at Michigan Tech, USA. His researches have focused in developing novel nonmaterial for various real life applications from LED, PDP, biomedical and diagnostics and a new fluorescent carbon material besides non-linear dynamics and surface modification using ion beams.
Prof Avinash Chandra Pandey has been an Associate of ICTP, Trieste, Italy (2004- 2009). He has been member of governing boards and academic councils/courts of many institutes such as INST, Mohali ARIES, Nanital, Dr H S Gour University, Saugor and University of Allahabad. He is a member of many academic societies such as American Physical Society, Ion Beam Society of India, Indian Meteorological Society, Computer Society of India, IETE, Biotechnology Research Society of India etc.