This is a tentative list. Final details can be obtained from Academic Cell, IUAC
Selections are: AUC# : , Dicipline : ALL
AUCID | Fields | PI Name and Affiliation | Title | JRF Status | Date of Joining of Last/ Active JRF/ Project Assistant | 1st Yr. Grant | 2nd Yr. Grant | 3rd Yr. Grant, (Along with Final Yr. Also, if any) | Remarks | Remark 2 | Status of the Project |
50301 | MS | Dr. S. S. Nath, Central Instrumentation Lab, Ground Floor, Mathematics Building, Assam University, Silchar- 788011 , | Swift heavy ion irradiated II-VI semiconductor quantum dots and their applications as nano light emitting device. | Lalit Baruah, DOJ: 15.05.2012 | 15-05-2012 | Contingency for Rs.25000/- sent on 19/01/2012., fellowship 147933/- paid ( 15.05.12 to 31.03.13) | 2nd yr fellowhship – 168000/-, 2nd yr contigency – 25000/- | 3rd yr. Fellowhship: 189600, 3rd yr. Contigency: 25000, Less: left Unspent Balance Rs. 56000, Total Grant for 3rd Yr. : 158600 | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | File closing pending at PI end | |
50302 | NP | Dr.Nirmal Singh, Emeritus Fellow, UGC, Deptt. Of Physics, Panjab University, Chandigarh – 160 014, | Normal Deformed and strongly deformed nuclear structures in some Hafnium and Lutetium nuclei. | Mr. Vipenpal Singh, DOJ: 19/10/2011 | 19-10-2011 | Fellowhip:Sent on 12/01/12 @8000/-, Rs.43467/- w.e.f. 19/10/11 – 31.03/12., ARRERS AMOUNT PAID 32516/- PERIOD 19.10.11 TO 31.03.11 DT 28.03.12 | 2nd yr fellowhship: 167888, Contigency: 25000 | 3rd fellowhship – 192000/-, Contigency - 6251/- | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | FILE CLOSED | |
50303 | MS | Prof. Avinashi Kapoor, Deptt. Of Electronic Science, University of Delhi | Synthesis, characterization and modifications of organic and inorganic nanocomposites for photovoltaic device applications | Ms. Swati Sharma, DOJ : 01.04.2012 | 01-04-2012 | Fellowship 04.01.12 to 31.03.12 for Rs. 40645/-, contigency-25000/- | 2nd yr fellowship 141847/- ( 01.04.12 to 31.03.13) contingecy: 25000/- | 3rd Yr. Fellowhship: 173567, Contingecy: 24958 | Standard funding sanctioned, ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | File closing pending at PI end | |
50305 | MS | Dr. Vinay Kumar, School of Physics, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Distt. Reasi, Katra – 182320 (J&K) | Effect of swift heavy ion irradiation on alkali-alkaline earth based oxide nanophosphors: Luminescence and related studies. | DOJ: 07/12/2011, Mr.A.K.Bedyal | 07-12-2011 | 1st year fellowship for Rs.38333/-(07/12/11 to 31/03/12)) and contingency of Rs.25000/- | 2nd yr fellowship paid 168000/- & contingency 24971/-, ARREAR 15333/- paid | 3rd yr. fellowhship – 168000/-, 3rd Yr. contigency – 24551/-, , Final Yr. Fellowhship: 137817, , (A Draf of Rs. 521/- dtd. 13/05/15 of J&K Bank, submitted/received on May, 05, 2015 as unspent balance amount to close the project.) | Standard funding sanctioned, ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | FILE CLOSED | |
50307 | MS | Dr.D. Mohanta, Deptt. Of Physics, Tezpur University, Napaam, Assam – | Photonic properties of rare earth impurity doped nanoscale oxide semiconductors subjected to energetic ion irradiation. | Ms.Rizwin Khanam, DOJ:26.9.2011 | 26-09-2011 | 1st yr.fellowship letter sent in Oct.2011 for the period26.09.11 to 31.3.12 @Rs.8000/- p.m. Rs.49335/-, contingency of Rs.25,000/- | Arrers amt paid 37000/- 26.09.11 to 31.03.12., 2nd Yr. FELLowship 168000/- & 2nd. Yr. CONTINGENCY 25000/- | 3rd yr fellowhship – 167998/-, 3rd yr contigency – 25000/-, , Final Yr. Fellowhship: 93333, And Rs. 12336 Arrears for 3rd yr. Period: 01.04.13 to 31.03.14 | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | FILE CLOSED | |
50308 | MS | Dr.S.N. Kalkura, Crystal Growth Centre, Anna University, Chennai | Investigations of physical and biological performance of swift heavy ion irradiation on calcium phosphate based bio-ceramic and its polymer composite, | DOJ: 19/10/2011, G.M.Shanthini | 19-10-2011 | Contingency of Rs.25000/- and, 1st year fellowship for Rs.54333/-(11/01/12) @Rs.10,000/- for the period 19/10/11 to 31/03/12, UNSpent Bal:- 222/- | Arrear amt 21733/- for 19.10.11 to 31.03.12., Rs. 10866/- additional arrear amt, 2nd yr fellowship 191778/-, contingency NIL | 3rd yr Fellowhship: 164578, 3rd yr contingecy: 25000, Final Yr. Fellowship:, 1,05,600/- | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | FILE CLOSED | |
50309 | MS | Prof. Devendra Mohan, Deptt. Of Applied Physics, Guru Jambheshwar Univ. of Science & Technology, Hissar -125001, | Ion beam modifications of Dye sensitized solar cells | Mr. Amrik Singh , DOJ : 14.03.2012 | 14-03-2012 | FELLOWSHIP AMT 176400/- & CONTINGENCY 25000/- | 2nd yr fellowship 191729/-, contingency 25000/-, Arrear Amount – 25200/- (14.3.12 to 31.03.13 @2000/-) | 3rd Yr. Fellowhship: 205761, 3rd Contingecy: 1800 | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | FILE CLOSED | |
50310 | MS | Dr. Krishnveni S., Deptt. Of Studies in Physics, University of Mysore, Mysore – 570 005, | Irradiation studies on advanced electronic & opto-electronic devices. | Mr.Vinay Kumar, DOJ: 12/12/2011 | 12-12-2011 | Contingency of Rs.25000/- , Ist year fellowship for Rs.29333/- from 12/12/11 to 31/03/12, Arrear Amt - 21871/- | 2nd yr fellowship 167828/- conducting NIL | 3rd Yr. Fellowship:, 1,75,800/-, Contingency: 24,990/- | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | FILE CLOSED | |
50311 | MS | Dr. N.L. Singh, Deptt. Of Physics, Faculty of Science, MS University of Baroda, Vadodara – 390 002 | Study of radiations induced effect on polymer nanocomposites used in antibacterial properties. | (1) Mr. Vijay R. Dixit, DOJ: 10/05/2012, DOR: 19.07.13, , (2) Ms. Rita Kumari, DOJ: 11.09.13, DOR:3103.14, , (2) Ms. Shilpa Bhavsar, DOJ: 01/12/2014 | 01-12-2014 | Contigency – 25000/- | 2nd Yr. Contingecy – 25000/-, 2nd Yr. Fellowhship - 167668/- | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 189933, 3rd Yr. Contingecy: 25000, Unspent Bal: 35743, 3rd Yr. Net Grant: 179190, Final Yr. Fellowship: 9885 | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | FILE CLOSED | |
50312 | MS | Dr. C. Sekar, Deptt. Of Bioelectronics & Biosensors, Alagappa University, Karaikudi – 630 003 | Effect of irradiation on metal oxide semiconducting nanostructures for biosensing applications | Mr. Kiran George, DOJ:- 02.01.2012, DOR: 30.04.2012, Ms. A. C. Anithaa, DOJ: 22.02.2013 | 22-02-2013 | Fellowship 209533/- (02-01-12 to 31.03.13), & contingency 25000/- | 2nd Yr. Fellowhship: 168000, 2nd Yr. Contingecy: 25000 | 3r Yr., Fellowhsip: 144533, Contingecy: 25000 | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | FILE CLOSED | |
50313 | MS | Dr. Atul Khanna, Deptt. Of Physics, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar – 143 005 | Studies of ion beam induced crystallization in metal oxide thin films. | Ms. Shally Bhatia, DOJ: 11.11.2011 | 11-11-2011 | 1st year Fellowship sent on 12.01.12 for Rs.37333/- w.e.f. 11.11.2011 to 31.03.12, conducting of Rs.25,000/- | 2nd yr fellowship 168000/- 01.04.12 to 31.03.13 & contingency 24320/- | 3rd contigency – 22105/-, 3rd fellowhship – 168000/-, , Final Yr. Fellowhship: 125911 | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | FILE CLOSED | |
51302 | MS | Dr. T. Subba Rao, Department of Physics, Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantpur (AP) 515055 | Heavy Ion Radiation on Oxides, Semiconductors And Carbide Thin Films | Ms. B.Sruthi Keerthi, DOJ :----------, , Mr. A. Gurusampath Kumar, DOJ: 30/10/2012, , | 30-10-2012 | 1st yr Contingency 25000/-, 1st Yr Fellowship 70933/- (30.10.12 to 31.03.13) | 2nd yr contingecy – 25000/-, 2nd yr fellowhship – 166033/-( 01.04.13 to 31.03.14) | 3rd Yr. Fellowhship: 174666, 3rd Yr. Contingecy: 25000, Final Yr. Fellowship: 110995 | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | File closing pending at PI end | |
51303 | RB | Prof. Subrata Kumar Dey, West Bengal University of Technology, Department of Biotechnology, BF-142, Salt Lake,, Sector – 1, Kolkata – (WB) -700064 | Effects of Heavy Ion Radiation on Human Cord Blood Hematopoietic Stem Cells | Ms. Pranami Bhowmik, DOJ: 02/05/2012 | 02-05-2012 | 1st yr Fellowship : 154000, Contingency : 25000 | 2nd yr fellowhship – 168000/- ( 01.04.13 to 31.03.14), 2nd yr contigency - 25000/- | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 190467, Contingency: 25000 | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | File closing pending at PI end | |
51304 | NP | Dr. Ashok Kumar, Department of Physics, Panjab University, Chandigarh – 160 014 | Study of Prescission and postscission charged particle emission in heavy ion induced reactions | Mr. Kushal Kapoor, DOJ: 05.06.2012 | 05-06-2012 | 1st yr Contingency 25000/- | 2nd yr fellowship 154000/- contingency 24975/- | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: , 187734, 3rd Yr. Contingecy: 24056, , Final Yr. Fellowship: 26783, (Note: Rs 14000/- was claimed as arrears as wrong date mentioned in UC)) | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | FILE CLOSED | |
51305 | AP | Dr. K.R. Nagabhushana , P.E.S. Institute of Technology, 100 Feet Ring Road, Banashankari 3rd Stage, Bangalore – 560 085 | Swift heavy ion induced luminescence studies in nanocrystalline zirconia | Mr. Prakash.P, DOJ: 26.04.2012, DOR:- 31.03.2013, , Mr. Lokesh, DOJ: 08/07/2013 | 26-04-2012 | 1st yr Contingency 25000/- | 2nd yr contigency - 25000/-, 2nd yr fellowhship - 122838/- | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: , 1,90,200/-, Contingency: 25,000/-, Final Yr. Fellowship, 13,333/- | Standard funding sanctioned, ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | FILE CLOSED | |
51306 | RB | Dr. Sanjit Dey, University of Calcutta, 92, APC Road, Kolkata – 700 009 | Molecular action of Moringa Oleifera leaf extract and its active components on radiation protection: Assessment of Low and High LET radiation effectivity | Dipesh kr Das, DOJ 01.03.2012, DOR , New Join, Mr. Anirban Pradhan, DOJ 29.11.2012 | 29-11-2012 | 1st yr Contingency 25000/-, Fellowship – 182000/- | 2nd yr fellowship – 164933/-, contingency - 25000/- | 3rd Yr. Fellowhship: 196000, Contigency: 25000, , 1st yr. Arrears: 8133 | Standard funding sanctioned, ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | FILE CLOSED | |
51307 | MS | Dr. Rajeev Gupta, Department of Physics, University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, Dehradun-248007 | Development of Super hydrophobic transparent polymeric coating induced by ion beams to increase the efficiency of the solar by self cleaning process. | (1)Ms Vandana Yadav, DOJ: 20.06.2012, DOR: 13.01.2014, , (2) Mr. Rajan Sharma, DOJ: 04.06.2014, DOR: 22.08.2014 | 04-06-2014 | 1st yr Contingency 25000/-, Fellowship paid 149867/- for 20.06.12 to 31.03.13 | 2nd yr contigency – 25000/-, 2nd yr fellowhship – 156972/- | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 164734, 3rd Yr. Contingecy: 25000 | Standard funding sanctioned, ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | File closing pending at PI end | |
51308 | MS | Dr. Mahavir Singh, Department of Physics, Material Science, Himachal Pradesh University, Summer Hills, Shimla (HP)- 171 005 | Swift Heavy Ion Irradiation Effects on Magnetic Properties of Substituted Ni-Zn Nano Ferrites | Sarveena, M.Phil, DOJ: 30.05.2012 | 30-05-2012 | 1st yr Contingency 25000/-, Fellowship amt – 140933/- | 2nd contigency - 0, , Fellowhship - 167970/- | 3rd Yr. Fellowhship: 188600, 3rd yr. Contigency: 25000 | Standard funding sanctioned, ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | File closing pending at PI end | |
51310 | MS | Dr. D.G. Kuberkar, Department of Physics, Saurashtra University, Rajkot – 360 005 | SHI induced modifications in the properties of BiFeO3 Multiferroic thin films. | Ms. Priyanaka G.Trivedi, (DOJ:- 01.05.2012), , Mr. Malay Nitinkumar Udeshi, DOJ: 02.09.2013, DOR: 30.10.2014 | 02-09-2013 | 1st contigency – 25000/- | 2nd yr fellowhship – 168000/-, 2nd yr contigency – 25000/- | 3rd Yr. Fellowhship: 119533, 3rd Yr. Contingecy: 24899, , (A Draf of Rs. 80000/- submitted as unspent balance amount to close the project.) | Standard funding sanctioned, ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | FILE CLOSED | |
51311 | MS | Dr. R.T. Rajender Kumar, Department of Physics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore (TN, Pin- 641 046) | Influence of Swift Heavy Irradiation on the Structural, Magnetic Properties of GALFENOL (Fe1-xGax) | Ms. Nivedita L. Raveendran, DOJ:- 16.04.2012 | 16-04-2012 | 1st yr fellowship 161000/- & contingency 25000/- | 2nd yr fellowhship – 168000/-, 2nd yr contigency – 25000/- | 3rd Yr. Fellowhship: 191000, 3rd Yr. Contingecy: 25000, Final Yr. (2015-16) Fellowship: 8000 | Standard funding sanctioned, ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | FILE CLOSED | |
51312 | NP | Dr. N.M. Badiger, Department of Physics, Karnataka University, Dharwad – 580 003 | Measurement of ER spin distribution using 4π spin spectrometer and HYRA | Mr. Mutturaj Mallappa Hosamani, DOJ: 09.10.2013 | 09.10.2013 | 1st yr Contingency 25000/-, Fellowhship - 80733/- | 2nd Yr Contingecy: 25000, 2nd Yr Fellowhship: 167654 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: (87733+92267)= 180000, Contngency: 25000, Final Yr. Fellowship: 99751 | Standard funding sanctioned, ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | File closing pending at PI end | |
51313 | MS | Prof. J. P. Srivastava, Department of Geology, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110 007 | Cosmogenic 10Be dating of the bole sediments of the Deccan Traps:palaeoenvironmental implication and duration of volcanism at KTB | 1.) Mr. Kaleem Ashraf, DOJ:13.02.2013, DOR: 16.05.2014, , 2.) Mr. Amit Kumar, DOJ: 28.11.2014 | 28-11-2014 | 1st yr Contingency 25000/- | 2nd fellowhship – 167554/-, 2nd contigency - 24951/- | 3rd Yr. Fellowhship: 162477, 3rd Yr. Contingecy: 24556 | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | FILE CLOSED | |
51314 | NP | Dr. Samit Kumar Mandal, Department of Physics & Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110007 | Investigation of few-nucleons transfer reaction in medium mass nuclei at and near the Coulomb barrier | MS. Khushboo, DOJ:- 28.07.2012 | 28-07-2012 | 1st yr Contingency 25000/-, fellowship 28.07.12 to 31.03.13, 113866/-, Arrear Amt - 17000/- | 2nd yr fellowhship – 167761/-, 2nd yr contigency – 25000/- | 3rd Yr. Fellowhship: 175861, 3rd Yr. Contingecy: 25000, Final Yr. Fellowship: 48896, Payment of Difference amount for the Final Yr. Fellowhship: 12960 | FILE CLOSED | ||
51315 | NP | Dr. Vivek Kumar, Centre for Medical Physics, Panjab University, Chandigarh – 160 014 | Nuclear electromagnetic moment measurements using PAD Techniques | Mr. Neeraj Bansal, DOJ – 17.07.2012 | 17-07-2012 | 1st yr fellowship 119000/- 17.07.12 to 31.03.13 & 1st yr Contingency 25000/-, Arrears amt 17000/- | 2nd yr fellowhship – 167774/-, 2nd yr contigency – 25000/- | 3rd Yr. Fellowship:, 177434/-, Contingency: 22385/-, , Fellowhship Arrears: 48067 | Standard funding sanctioned, ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | FILE CLOSED | |
51317 | MS | Dr. Ratnesh Gupta, School of Instrumentation, Devi Ahilya University, Khandwa Road, Indore – 452 001 | To study shape transformationof nanoparticles induced by Swift Heavy Ions | Mr. Sagar Sen, DOJ : - 03.09.2012 | 03-09-2012 | 1st yr fellowship 97066/- 03.09.12 to 31.03.13 & 1st yr Contingency 25000/- | 2nd contigency – 24983/-, 2nd yr fellowhship - 167534/- | 3rd Yr. Fellowhship: 181866, 3rd Yr. Contingecy: 25000, Final Yr. Fellowship: 81067 | Standard funding sanctioned, ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | File closing pending at PI end | |
51318 | AP | Dr. Punita Verma, Department of Physics, Kalindi Colege, East Patel Nagar, New Delhi – 110008 | Exploration of quasimolecular radiation for superheavy systems(unified nuclear charge>100): impact parameter dependent investigations | Ms. bharti Jarwal, DOJ :- 21.05.2012, DOR: 01.10.2013, Mr. Sarvesh Kumar, DOJ: 03.03.2015 | 03-03-2015 | 1st yr fellowhip 145133/- & contignecy paid 25000/- | 2nd Yr. fellowhship – 167835/-, Contigency - 24997/- | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 110164, 3rd Yr. Contingency: 25000 | Standard funding sanctioned, ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | File closing pending at PI end | |
51319 | MS | Prof. RaviKumar, Centre for Materials Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur (HP)- 177 005(Note: Project transfered in the name of Dr. Kuldeep Kumar Sharma, Department of Physics) | Effect of Swift Heavy ion irradiation on magneto-transport properties of Multilayers of CMR/Hight-Tc Superconductors/CMRthin films | Arvind Kumar, DOJ:- 14.12.2012 | 14-12-2012 | 1st yr Contingency 25000/-, 1st yr Fellowship – 50400/- ( 14.12.12 to 31.03.13) | 2nd Yr. Fellowhship: 167729/- | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: (11807+ 57067)= 175134, Contingency: 25000, Final Yr. Fellowship: 134737 | Standard funding sanctioned, ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | FILE CLOSED | |
51320 | NP | Dr. Suresh Kumar, Department of Physics and Atstrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi -110007 | Study of near stability Transitional Nuclei: Low Spin States, Isomers and Critical Point Symmetry | Ms. Neelam, DOJ: 03.10.2013 | 03.10.2013 | 1st yr Contingency 25000/-, Fellowhship - 83533/- | 2nd Yr. Fellowhship: 167564, 2nd Yr. Contingecy: 6859 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: , (70933 + 95467) =166400, Contingency = 25000, 3rd Yr. Arrears Amount Calculation: 14000, Final Yr. Fellowship: 97067 | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | FILE CLOSED | |
51321 | NP | Dr. Hariprakash Sharma, Deptt. Of Physics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi – 221 005 | Structure of h11/2 bands in 125,127I | Saikat Chakraborty, DOJ:- 06.08.2012 | 06-08-2012 | 1st yr fellowship 125866/- & Rs.15000/- already released vide project no:44324 | 2nd yr contigency – 25000/-, 2nd yr fellowhship - 191553/- | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 208267, Final Yr. Fellowhship: 74453/- | Standard funding sanctioned, ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | FILE CLOSED | |
52304 | MS | Prof. Keya Dharamvir, Deptt. Of Physics, Panjab University, Chandigarh – 160014 | Physico-Chemical Studies of Carbon Nanotubes Modified by Seift Heavy Ion Irradiation. | No Student Appointed | --- | 1st year Contingency Rs. 25000/- | Standard funding sanctioned, ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | FILE CLOSED | |||
52305 | MS | Dr. Shashi Verma, Deptt. Of Physics, University of Delhi, Delhi - 110007 | Study of fission dynamics through neutron, multiplicity measurements in mass region ~ 200 | Mr. Neeraj Kumar, DOJ: 30/10/2013 | 30-10-2013 | 1st year Contingency Rs. 25000/-, Fellowhship - 70933/- | 2nd Yr. Fellowhship: 167067 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: , (97600 + 81067)= 178667, 3rd Yr. Contingency= Rs. 25000, Final Yr. Fellowship: 111467, Less: Unspent Contingency: 30938, Total Amount: 80529 | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | FILE CLOSED | |
52307 | MS | Dr. Manzoor A. Malik, Deptt. Of Physics, University of Kashmir, Hazratbal, Srinagar- 190006, Kashmir (J&K) | Effect of SHI irradiation on some-physical properties of Superconducting/Non-superconducting thin films | Mr. Bilal Ahmad Malik, DOJ: 10/11/2012 | 10-11-2012 | 1st year Contingency Rs. 25000/- | 2nd yr fellowship 167533/- contingency 1356/- | 3rd Yr. Fellowship:, 177400/-, Contingency: 24,952/-, Final Yr. Fellowhsip: 116732 | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | FILE CLOSED | |
52308 | MS | Dr. Mohd. Ikram, Deptt. Of Physics, NIT (Deemed university) hazratbal, srinagar - 190006, Kashmir (J&K) | Synthesis, characteristics of some rare earth transition Metal Oxides & their Irradiations Study | Miss Asima Jan, DOJ:- 17.12.2012 | 17-12-2012 | 1st year Contingency Rs. 25000/-, 1st Yr Fellowship 49000/- ( 17.12.12 to 31.03.13) | 2nd yr fellowship 167774/-, conti 25000/- | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: , 75,885/-, Contingency: , 24,815/-, Final Yr.:, Fellowship: 136533-36370= 100163/- | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | File closing pending at PI end | |
52309 | MS | Dr. B.N.Dole, Deptt. Of Physics, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University,, Aurangabad, Maharashtra State - 431004 | Effect of SHI irradiation on different of Mn doped ZnO Nanoparticles | Mr. Haribhau A. Khawal, DOJ: 08/10/2012 | 08-10-2012 | 1st year Contingency Rs. 25000/-, fellowship 08.10.12 to 31.03.13 rs. 81200/- | 2nd yr fellowhship – 168000/-, 2nd yr contigency – 25000/- | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: (87267+92800)= 180067, 3rd Yr. Contingency: 25000, Final Yr. Fellowhsip: 99198 | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | File closing pending at PI end | |
52311 | AP | Dr. Nitin Kumar Puri, Deptt. Of Applied Physics, Delhi Technological University, Formerly Delhi College of Engineering, Bawana Road, Delhi - 110042 | Orgin of circular Rydberg states in Beam Foil excitation | Gajendra Singh , DOJ:- 21.02.2013 | 21-02-2013 | 1st year Contingency Rs. 25000/-, , 1st yr fellowship 185733/- (21.02.13 to 31.03.14) | 2nd Yr. Fellowhship: 168000, 2nd Yr. Contingency: 25000 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 186667, Contingency: 25000 | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | File closing pending at PI end | |
52312 | NP | Dr. Sanjay Kumar Chamoli, Deptt. Of Physics & Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi - 110007 | Nuclear structure studies at high spins in nuclei of mass region A-175 | Aman Rohlla, DOJ:- 01.01.2013 | 01-01-2013 | 1st year Contingency Rs. 25000/-, 1st Yr Fellwoship 42000/- (01.01.13 to 31.03.13) | 2nd yr contigency – 12501/-, 2nd fellowhship - 168000/- | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: , 1,74,000/-, Contingency: , 24,927/-, , Final, Fellowhship: 144000 | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | FILE CLOSED | |
52313 | NP | Dr. E. Prasad, Deptt. Of Physics, School of Mathematical and physical Science, Central university of Kerala, Riverside Transit Campus, Padnekad, Nileshwar, Kasaragod – 671314, Kerala, Note: Now w.e.f. 10/09/15 P.I. Of the project is :, Dr. Aneesh PM, Associate Professor,, Dept. Of Physics, , School of Mathematical and physical Science,, Central University of Kerala, Padennakkad P.O. Nilleshwar, Kasaragod- 671314 | Searching the stabilizing effects on N=126 compound systems formed in heavy ion collisions. | Laveen PV, DOJ: 05.11.2013 | 05-11-2013 | 1st year Contingency Rs. 25000/-, Fellowhship - 68133/- | 2nd Yr. Fellowhship: 168000, 2nd Yr. Contigency: 23664 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 177734, 3rd Yr. Contingency: 25000, , Final Yr. Fellowship: 114133 | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | FILE CLOSED | |
52314 | MS | Dr. Kushal Kalita, Deptt. Of Physics, Gauhati University, Guwahati - 781014 | Measurement of evaporation residue excitation functions and barrier distributions on 16O+176Ybb and fission fragment anisotropy studies on 2Mg28Si,208Pb Systems | Tapan Rajbongshi, DOJ:- 01.10.2012 | 01-10-2012 | 1st year Contingency Rs. 25000/-, fellowship 01.10.12 to 31.03.13 rs, 84000/- | 2nd yr contigency – 25000/-, 2nd yr fellowhship - 168000/- | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: (84000+96000)= 180000, 3rd Yr. Contingency: 25000, , Final Yr. Fellowship: 96000 | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | FILE CLOSED | |
53301 | AP | Prof. Tauheed Ahmad, Department of Physics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh – 202 002 | Study of the Energy Level Structure and Spectra of highly charged Indium atoms | MS. SWAPNIL, DOJ:- 15.05.2013 | 15-05-2013 | Contingency 25000/-, 1st yr fellowhship - 147933/- | 2nd Yr. Fellowhship: 167744, Contingecy: 24946 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 173600, Contingency: 25000 | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | File closing pending at PI end | |
53302 | MS | Dr. (Mrs.) Amarjeet Kaur, Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi – 110 007 | Mecahanism of Gas sensitivity in Ion beam irradiated conducting polymers | Mr. Ramesh Kumar , DOJ: 26/07/2013 | 26-07-2013 | Contingency 25000/-, Fellowhship - 131200/- | 2nd Yr. Fellowhship: 192000, Contigency: 24975 | 3rd Yr. Fellowhsip: 208933, Contingency: 24661 | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | FILE CLOSED | |
53304 | MS | Dr. Atul Khanna, Guru Nanak Dev University, Department of Physics, Amritsar, Punjab – 143 005 | Study of effects of ion beam irradiation on the structure and properties of oxide glasses | Ms. Amandeep Kaur, DOJ: 10/06/2013 | 10-06-2013 | Contingency 25000/-, 1st yr fellowhship – 121800/- ( 10.6.13 to 31.03.14) | 2nd Yr. Fellowhship: 168000, 2nd Yr. Contingecy: 24863 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 187400, Contingenjy: 25000 | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | FILE CLOSED | |
53305 | NP | Prof. B.P.Singh, Department of Physics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh – 202 002 | A study of energy and Angular distribution of neutrons in heavy-ions reactions | Mr. Prabhat Kumar, DOJ:-15.05.2013 | 15-05-2013 | Fellowship 147933/-, & contingency 25000/- | 2nd Yr. Fellowhship: 167744, 2nd Yr. Contingency: 24889 | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | FILE CLOSED | ||
53306 | MS | Dr. Anupinder Singh, Department of Physics, Guru Nanak Dev university, Amritsar – 143 005 | Irradiation Induced Magnetoelectric Properties of 3d Transition Metal Doped Environment Friendly Barium Strontium Titanate | Ms. Anumeet Kaur, DOJ: 21.05.2013, DOR: 10.11.2014, Mr. Jagdeep Singh, DOJ: 05.06.2015 | 05-06-2015 | Contingency 25000/-, Fellowhship - 145133/- | 2nd Yr. Fellowhship: 167835, 2nd yr. Contingecy: 24976 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 137697, 3rd Yr. Contingency: 22060 | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | FILE CLOSED | |
53307 | MS | Dr. D. Behera, Department of Physics, NIT, Rourkela – 769 008 | Enhancement, by Swift heavy ion irradiation, of Critical Current Density in High Tc Superconductors/Ferromagnetic heterostructure multilayers thin films | Mr. Satya Narayan Tripathi, DOJ: 01/07/2013 | 01-07-2013 | Contingency 25000/-, Fellowhship - 126000/- | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 168000, 2nd Yr. Contingency: 25000 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 186000, Contingency: 11000 | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | FILE CLOSED | |
53308 | MS | Dr. Subhasis Ghosh, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi – 67 | Modification of Grain Boundaries to Improve Polycrystalline Oxide Thin Films Using High Energy Ions | Mr. Pawan Kumar Srivastava, DOJ: 31/10/2013 | 31-10-2013 | Contingency 25000/-, 1st yr fellowhship – 70466/- ( 31.10.13 to 31.03.14), Arrears 1st Yr : 10067 | 2nd Yr. Contigency: 25000/-, 2nd Yr. Fellowhship: 192000/- | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 127123, 3rd Yr. Contingency: 14100 | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | File closing pending at PI end | |
54302 | MS | Dr. Rahul Singhal, Department of Physics MNIT Jaipur JLN Marg, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur-302017 (Raj) | Tailoring the structural, electrical and optical properties of Ag-ZnO and Ag-TiO2 nano-composite thin films for various applications using energetive ubns. | Mr. Himanshu Sharma, DOJ: 11/12/2013, , Ms. Heena Inani, DOJ: 25/04/2016 | 25-04-2016 | 1st yr contigency – 25000/-, , 1st yr fellowhship – 59200/- (11.12.13 to 31.03.14), Arrear Amount Rs. 7400 , (1st Yr. Fellowship, 2013-14) | 2nd Yr. Contingecy: 3031/-, 2nd Yr. Fellowhship: 191639/- | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 199933Contingency: 25000, Less Unspent Balance: 38419, Net Grant: 186514, Final Yr. Fellowship: 50269 | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | FILE CLOSED | |
54303 | MS | Dr. Ramphal Sharma, Associate Professor, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar marathwada University, , Aurangabad - 431004 | Effect of SHI ions on structural and opto-electronic properties of plasmonic Ag nanoparticles doped CdS1-xSex/Cu2S fr photovoltaic.s | Mr. Deepak S. Upadhye, DOJ: 25/09/2013 | 25-09-2013 | 1st yr contigency – 25000/-, Fellowhship - 86800/- | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 168000, 2nd Yr. Contingecy: 15000 | 3rd Yr. Fellowhsip: (81200+99200)=180400, Contngency: 25000, Final Yr. Fellowship: 92488 | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | FILE CLOSED | |
54305 | NP | Dr. Bivash Ranjan Behera, Department of Physics, Centre for advanced Studies in Physics, Panjab University, Chandigarh | Mapping the Evaporation Residuce Cross Sections for shell Closed Nuclei (Extra Push Versus Shell Closure) | Ms. Devinder Pal Kaur, DOJ: 01.09.2015 | 01-09-2015 | 1st yr contigency – 25000/-, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 112000 | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 192000, 2nd Yr. Contingency: 24994 | 3rd Yr. (2017-18) Fellowship: 206000, Contingency: 24986 | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | FILE CLOSED | |
54306 | MS | Prof. P.D.Sahare, Department of Physics & Astrophysis,, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110007 | Modifications by swift heavy ion (SHI) beam in wide band gap semiconductor nanoparticles for its applications as multifunctional materials | Mr. Sudhist Kumar, DOJ: 05/11/2013 | 05-11-2013 | 1st yr contigency – 25000/-, Fellowhship - 77866/- | 2nd Yr. Fellowhship: 192000, 2nd Yr. Contigency: 4986 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 201733, Contingecy: 25000, , Final Yr. Fellowship: 128389 | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | File closing pending at PI end | |
54308 | MS | Dr. P.K.Bajpai, Professor & Head, Department of Pure & Applied Physics, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya(A Central University), Koni Bilaspur -495009 | Studies of Swift Heavy Ion Beam Irradiation on ceramic perovskites thin films of BaSnO3, SrSnO3 and Ba/SrSnO3 for specific Gas Sensing Applications | Mr. Atanu Maiti, DOJ: 07/02/2014 | 07-02-2014 | 1st yr contigency – 25000/-, Fellowship: 1,92,266/- | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | File closing pending at PI end | |||
54309 | NP | Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Assistant Professor, PG department of Physics, JCDAV College Dasuya, Punjab University Chandigarh | Octupole Correlation and lifetime measurements in A~120 mass region. | (1)Mr. Manjit Singh, DOJ: 01.04.2014, DOR: 20.08.2014, , (2) Mr. Yogesh Kumar, DOJ: 10.02.2015, (3)Mr. Gurmeet Kumar, DOJ: 12.10.2015 | 12-10-2015 | 1st yr contigency – 25000/-, , 1st Yr. Fellowship: 1,92,000/-, (Period: 01.04.14 to 31.03.15) | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 87500, Contingenchy: 24680 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship:111032, 3rd Yr. Contingency: 15640 | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | FILE CLOSED | |
54314 | AP | Dr. Anil Kumar, Professor & Head, Department of Physics, Jai Prakash Vishwavidyalaya, Rahul Sankrityayan nagar Chapra – 841 302 Bihar | Atomic Spectroscopy of Iron Group Elements of Astrophysical Importance | Mr. Basu Kumar, DOJ: 08/10/2013 | 08-10-2013 | 1st yr contigency – 25000/-, Fellowhship - 81200/- | 2nd Yr. Fellowhship: 167639/- | 3rd Yr. Fellowhsip: 180067/-, , Final Yr. Fellowship: 99733 | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | File closing pending at PI end | |
54315 | NP | Dr. Samarjit Sihotra, Department of Physics, Panjab University, Chandigarh – 160014 | Nuclear Structure studies in some Ag, Rh, and Pd isotops close to N=Z=50 shell closure | Mr. Himanshu Kumar Sudhanshu, DOJ: 05.03.2014, DOR: 07.07.2014, Ms. Nidhi Jain, DOJ: 09.07.2015, Ms. Maninder Kaur,, DOJ: 10.02.2016, DOR: 31.07.2017 | 10-02-2016 | 1st yr contigency – 25000/-, 1st Yr. Fellowship: , (14400+ 192000)= 206400 | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 135989, Contingency: 24936 | Standard funding sanctioned ( UFR fellow + consolidated Rs.25,000/- per year for 3 years ) | File closing pending at PI end | ||
54318 | NP | Prof. Gulzar Singh, Department of Physics, Panjab University, Sec-14, Chandigarh – 160014 | Systematics of Multi-step Compund pre-equilibrium emission o neutrons from symmetric light-heavy ion collisions at low projectile energies Elab~4-7MeV/A | Ms. Honey Arora, DOJ: 04.09.2015 | 04-09-2015 | 1st yr contingecy – 25000/-, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 96600 | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 168000, 2nd Yr. Contingency: 24826 | 3rd Yr. (2017-18) Fellowship: 181800, Contingency: 24969, Less: Bank Interest: 2320, Total Grant: 204449 | FILE CLOSED | ||
54319 | MS | Dr. Dinesh K Kanchan , The M.S. University of Baroda, Vadodara,(Guj)-390002 | The Role of Ion Beam Irradiation in Sodium Salt Based Polymer Nano-composite Electrolytes for Battery Applications | Ms. Gargi Dave, DOJ: 02.12.2013 | 02.12.2013 | 1st yr contigency – 25000/-, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 56000 | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 167548, Contingency= 0 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 176015, 3rd Yr. Contingency: 25000, Final Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 128002 | FILE CLOSED | ||
54320 | NP | Dr. Hardev Singh, Department of Physics, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, haryana -136119 | Exploring the reaction processes in heavy-ion induced fusion-fission reactions | Ms. Kavita, DOJ: 25/05/2015 | 25-05-2015 | 1st yr contigency – 25000/-, Fellowship: 143267 | FILE CLOSED | ||||
54321 | NP | Dr. Dharmendra Singh , Assistant Professor, Cetnral University of Jharkhand, Ranchi – 835205, Jharkhand | Role of Target Deformation on Incomplete Fusion dynamics during heavy in Collisions | Mr. Pankaj Kumar Giri, DOJ: 01.09.2014 | 01-09-2014 | 1st yr contigency – 25000/-, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 98000 | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 168000, 2nd Yr. Contingency: 25000 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 182000, 3rd Yr. Contingency: 25000, , Final Yr. (2017-18) Fellowship: 80000 | FILE CLOSED | ||
55301 | MS | Dr. Sudipta Bandyopadhyay, Department of Physics, University of Calcutta,, 92, A.P.C. Road, Kolkatta west Bangal – 700009 | Defect Correlated magnetic Properties of Ion Irradiated Fe and Ni Doped ZnO thin films | Not appointed so far | ----- | 1st yr contingency 25000/- paid | File closing pending at PI end | ||||
55305 | MS | Dr. Mahendra D.Shirsat, Department of Physics, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad – 431001 | Effects of SHI irradiation on SWNTs/Organic Conducting Polymer (OCP) Nanocomposites: Sensitive Detectin of Heavy Metal Ions | Ms. Harshada K. Patil, DOJ: 07/03/2014 | 07-03-2014 | 1st yr contingency 25000/- paid, Fellowship: 1,79,666/- | 2nd Yr. Fellowhsip: 168000, Contingency: 25000 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 179200, 3rd Yr. Contingency: 25000 | File closing pending at PI end | ||
55310 | MS | Dr. Dillip K Pradhan, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela odisha – 769008 | Swift heavy ion irradiated ferroelectronic-Ceramics-Polymer Nanocomposites for power Nano-electronics. | Hari Sankar Mohanty, DOJ: 02.04.2014 | 02-04-2014 | 1st yr contingency 25000/- paid, 1st Yr. Fellowhship: 167533 | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 25000 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 191934, 3rd Yr. Contingency: 25000 | FILE CLOSED | ||
55311 | NP | Dr. N. L. Singh, M.S.University of Baroda, Vadodara -390002 Gujrat | Effect of break up on fission/fusion cross sections and fission anisotrophy in 6,7Li induced reactions with fissile targets | Ms. Anamika Parihari , DOJ: 01.09.2014, DOR: 01/09/2014, Ms. Chhavi Joshi, DOJ: 01.09.2015, DOR: 05.10.2017 | 01-09-2015 | 1st yr contingency 25000/- paid, 1st Yr. Fellowhship: 98000/- | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 98000, 2nd Yr. Contingency: 25000 | 3rd Yr. (2016-17) Fellowship: 182000, Contingency: 2788, Total Grant: 184788 | FILE CLOSED | ||
55312 | MS | Dr. J. Kumar, Crystal Growth Centre, Anna University, Chennai – 25 | Investigation of Swift heavy ion irradiation on PZN-PT thin films | (1) Mr. Silambarasan. S., DOJ: 19.03.2014, DOR: 26.05.2014, , (2) Mr. A. G. Ramu, DOJ: 03/07/2014, , (3) Ms. Shalini Thulasidharan, DOJ: 02/02/2015 | 02-02-2015 | 1st yr contingency 25000/- paid, Fellowship: , 1,74,066/- | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 112208, Contingency: 25000 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 171600, 3rd Yr. Contingency: 25000 | FILE CLOSED | ||
55313 | NP | Dr. Tarkeshwar Trivedi, Department of Pure &Applied Physics, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Koni, Bilaspur – 495009 | Systematic Investigations of Octupole Correlations in 150-153Eu N=87-90 Nuclei | Mr. Pawan Kumar Agrahari, DOJ: 18.11.2014, , Mr. Sutanu Bhattacharya, DOJ: 01.01.2016 | 01-01-2016 | 1st yr contingency 25000/- paid, 1st Yr. Fellowhship: 62067 | 2nd Yr. Fellowhsip: 168000, Contingency: 24996 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 109395, 3rd Yr. Contingency: , (25000 – 25000)=0, , Final Yr. Fellowship: 121067 | FILE CLOSED | ||
55314 | AMS | Dr. S.K.Singh, Associate Professor, Department of Geology,, Delhi University, New Delhi – 110067 | Estimation of erosin rate in the Yamuna River basin, NW Himalya | No Student Appointed so far | ----- | 1st yr contingency 25000/- paid | File closing pending at PI end | ||||
55315 | MS | Dr. Pawan K. Diwan, Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Science, University Institute of Engineering and Technology (UIET), Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra- 136119 | Higher Order Moments in Energy loss Distribution of Swift Heavy Ions on Metallic Foils. | Mr. Sunil Kumar, DOJ: 02.08.2014 | 02-08-2014 | 1st yr contingency 25000/- paid, Fellowhship: 112000 | 2nd Yr. Fellowhship: 167548, Contingency: 24997 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 184467, 3rd Yr. Contingency: 25000, , , Final Yr. Fellowship: 60280 | FILE CLOSED | ||
55317 | AMS | Prof. G. N. Nayak, Department of Marine Sciences, Goa University, Goa – 403206 | Estimation of Breyllium from polar regions – and lake sediments (like Dal lake, Loktak lake Lakes in Leh region – paleo-oceanographic Implications | Ms. Shabnam Choudhary, DOJ: 11.04.2014, DOR: 31/03/2016, , Ms. Trishala Bhutia, DOJ: 21/09/2016, DOR: 30/04/2017 | 21-09-2016 | 1st yr contingency 25000/- paid, 1st Yr. Fellowhship: 163333 | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 10757 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 191334, 3rd Yr. Contingency: 24723 | FILE CLOSED | ||
55318 | NP | Dr. Avinash Agarwal, Associate Professor, Bareilly College, Bareilly, M.J.P.Rohilkhand University, Bareilly – 243 005 | Study of role of angular momentum and effect of projetile structurein incomplete fusion reactions | Mr. Sunil Prajapati, DOJ: 15.09.2014 | 15-09-2014 | 1st yr contingency 25000/- paid, 1st Yr. Fellowhship: 104533/- | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 192000, Contingency: 25000 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 205067, 3rd Yr. Contingency: 25000, Final Yr. (2017-18) Fellowship: 98400 | File closing pending at PI end | ||
56301 | MS | Dr. S. J. Dhoble, Associate Professor, , Department of Physics, RTM Nagpur University, , Nagpur-440033, PIN Code: 440033 | Thermoluminescence characterization of lithium based TLD materials by using swift ions and photons | Mr. Karan Kumar Gupta, DOJ: 25.11.14 | 25-11-2014 | 1st yr contingency 25000/- paid, 1st Yr. Fellowhship: 58800 | 2nd Yr. Contingency: 25000, 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 168000 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 173200, 3rd Yr. Contingency: 25000, , Final Yr. Fellowship: 124087 | FILE CLOSED | ||
56303 | MS | Dr. R. P. Chauhan, Associate Professor, Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra-136119 (Haryana), India | Study of Ion Beam Induced Modifications in Semiconducting Nanostructures | Mr. Suresh Panchal, DOJ: 20/10/14 | 20-10-2014 | 1st yr contingency 25000/- paid, Fellowship: 86400 | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: , Rs. 191794, Contingency: , Rs. 24953 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 203333, 3rd Yr. Contingency: 25000, , Final Yr. Fellowship: 105574, , Final Yr. Fellowship Arrears (2017-18):, 13267 | Ongoing | ||
56310 | RB | Prof. (Mrs.) C. M. Chaturvedi, Professor & Head, Molecular Neuroendocrinology Laboratory, Department of Zoology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi- 221005 | High LET radiation induced effects on signaling pathways in human prostate cancer cell line | Ms. Pallavi Srivastava, DOJ: August, 12, 2015 | 12-08-2015 | 1st yr contingency 25000/- paid, , 1st Yr. Fellowship: Rs.122667 | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 191655, 2nd Yr. Contingency: 24960 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 191867, 3rd Yr. Contingency: 25000 | FILE CLOSED | ||
56311 | NP | Prof. S. Mukherjee, Professor of Physics, Department of Physics,, Faculty of Science, M. S. University of Baroda,, Vadodara- 390002 | Effect of Neutron pair correlation in the quasi elastic scattering and threshold anomaly | Mr. Jaimin R. Acharya, DOJ: 01.12.14 | 01/012/2014 | 1st yr contingency 25000/- paid, , 1st Yr. Fellowhship: 56000 | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 168000, 2nd Yr. Contingency: 25000 | Ongoing | |||
56316 | MS | Dr. Satyabrata Mohapatra, Assistant Professor, School of Basic and Applied Sciences , Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, , Sec-16 C, Dwarka, , New Delhi- 110078 | Study of effects of swift heavy ion Irradiation on structural, optical and photocatalytic properties of Graphene-ZnO nanocomposites | Not Appointed so far | ----- | 1st yr contingency 25000/- paid | FILE CLOSED | ||||
56317 | NP | Dr Anagha Chakraborty , Assistant Professor , Department of Physics, Siksha Bhavana, Visva-Bharati, P.O.: Santiniketan, Dist.: Birbhum, West Bengal, India | Revisiting High Spin Level Structure of Nuclei around A ~ 150 region : Issues of Octupole Oscillations and Deformations | Mr. Kiranmoy Mandal, DOJ: 28.02.15 | 28-02-2015 | 1st yr contingency 25000/- paid, 1st Yr. Fellowhship: 194133, (1st Yr. Difference Amount was paid: Rs. 14400) | 2rd Yr. Fellowship: not being paid as already having much unspent balance., , 2rd Yr. Contingency: 25000 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 193000, 3rd Yr. Contingency: 25000 | FILE CLOSED | ||
56318 | MS | Prof. P. D. Sahare , Professor of Physics, , Department of Physics & Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110 007 | Comparative Study of Some New Highly Sensitive Micro- and Nanocrystalline TLD/OSL Phosphors using SHI | Ms. Martina Saran, DOJ: 01.03.15 | 01-03-2015 | 1st yr contingency 25000/- paid, 1st Yr. Fellowship, : 182000 | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 168000, 2nd Yr. Contingency: 25000 | 3rd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 176000, Contingency: 25000, Total: 201000 | FILE CLOSED | ||
56321 | MS | Dr. Kamlendra Awasthi , Inspire Faculty , Department of Physics, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, JLN Road, , Jaipur 302017 Rajasthan | Functionalization of nanochannels in track etched polymeric membranes for gas separation/sensing | Mr. Rajesh Kumar, DOJ: 03.11.14 | 03-11-2014 | 1st yr contingency 25000/- paid, 1st Yr. Fellowhship: 69067/- | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 178933, Contingency: 24337 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 201867, 3rd Yr. Contingency: 25000, Less: Unspent Bal.: 8688, Total Amount: 218179, , Final Yr. Fellowship: 116707 | FILE CLOSED | ||
56322 | MS | Dr. Dambarudhar Mohanta , Associate Professor , Department of Physics, Tezpur University , PO:Napaam, Assam-784028 | Effect of ion irradiation on nanostructured transition metal dichalcogenide systems | Mr. Saurabh Jyoti Hazarika, DOJ: 30/09/14 | 30-09-2014 | 1st yr contingency 25000/- paid, 1st Yr. Fellowhship: 84467/- | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 25000 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 180066, 3rd Yr. Contingency: 24993, , Final Yr. Fellowship: 95457 | FILE CLOSED | ||
56324 | MS | Dr. Nitin K. Puri , Assistant Professor , Room No. IW-TF-16, Department of Applied Physics, Delhi Technological University (DTU), formerly Delhi College of Engineering (DCE), , Bawana Road, Delhi-110042 | Photovoltaic and Multiferroic properties of multilayered BFO/BTO thin films using Swift heavy ion irradiation | Mr. Kmal Arora, DOJ: 02/11/15 | 02-11-2015 | 1st yr contingency 25000/- paid, 1st Yr. Fellowhsip: 69533 | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 168000, 2nd Yr. Contingency: 25000 | 3rd Yr. (2017-18) Fellowship: 177934 , 3rd Yr. (2017-18) Contingency: 25000 | Ongoing | ||
57301 | MS | Dr. Anant Pandey, Assistant Professor of Physics, Shri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110021 PI CHANGED, Now from Dated: 24/05/17 the PI of the Project is , Prof. Pratik Kumar, Head, Medical Physics Unit, IRCH, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi- | Synthesis and Characterization of Energy Independent Thermoluminescent Materials for Dosimetry of Ion Beams. | Ms. Kanika Sharma, DOJ: April, 01, 2015 | 01-04-2015 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, Fellowship: 168000 | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 168000, 2nd Yr. Contingency: 25000, Less: Interest: 4520, Total Amount: 188480 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 192000, 3rd Yr. Contingency: 25000, Less: Unspent Bal.: 3986 | FILE CLOSED | ||
57302 | MS | Dr. Balbir Singh kaith, Professor, Department of Chemistry, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar- 144011 (Punjab) | γ- Radiation Induced Sysnthesis of Super- absorbents and impact of Swift Heavy Ion Bombardment on the Physico-Chemical Properties. | Mr. Amit Kumar, DOJ: 03.03.15 | 03-03-2015 | 1st yr. Contingecy: 25000, Fellowship: 181533 | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 147871, 2nd Yr. Contingency: 23799 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 174946, 3rd Yr. Contingency: 25000 | FILE CLOSED | ||
57306 | MS | Dr. P. Matheswaran , Assistant Professor , Department of Physics, , Kongunadu Arts and Science College, GN Mills (PO) , Coimbatore , Pin-641029 | Phase Change Memory Properties of SHI irradiated metal chalcogenide thin films. | Mr. M. Pandian,, DOJ: August, 25, 2015 | 25-08-2015 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr Fellowhship: 101267 | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 168000, 2nd Yr. Contingency: 25000 | 3rd Yr. (2017-18) Fellowship: 182933, 3rd Yr. (2017-18) Contingency: 25000, Final Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 76800 | FILE CLOSED | ||
57307 | NP | Dr. Ashok Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Phyiscs, Panjab University, Chandigarh,, Pin- 160014 | Life time measurements in 104-112Cd nuclei using Recoil Distance Doppler Shift Method. | Not Appointed so far | ---- | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000 | File closing pending at PI end | ||||
57308 | AMS | Dr. S. Balakrishnan , Professor , School of Physical. Chemical & Applied Sciences , Department of Earth Sciences , Pondicherry University. Pondicherry , Pin- 605014 | Estimation of Denudation rate in Krishna River Basin using 10Be/9Be AMS analysis on river water and sediment samples. | Mr. Soumya Prakash Dhal DOJ: 25/08/2015 | 25-08-2015 | 1st Yr. Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 101267 | Ongoing | ||||
57309 | MS | Dr. N. A. Shah, Professor,, Department of Physics,, Saurashtra Univeristy,, Rajkot, Gujrat, Pin- 360005 | Swift Heavy Ion (SHI) Irradiation Studies on Doped YMnO3 Based Thin Film Devices. | Mr. Keval J. Gadani, DOJ: April 13, 2015 | 13-04-2015 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, Fellowship: 162400 | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 168000, 2nd Yr. Contingency: 24629 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 191733, 3rd Yr. Contingency: 24358 | FILE CLOSED | ||
57313 | MS | Dr. Ruma Ray , Assistant Professor, , Department Of Physics, Gurudas College, , 1/1 Suren Sarkar Road, Kolkata – 7000054, W.B. | Studies on the influence of ion beam irradiation coupled with gamma irradiation on the behaviour of high melting , thermoplastics and polymer nanocomposites. | Mr. Subir Kumar Patla, DOJ: April 21, 2015 | 21-04-2015 | 1st yr. Contigency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 181333 | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 192000, 2nd Yr. Contingency: 25000 | 3rd Yr. (2017-18) Fellowship: 204000 , 3rd Yr. (2017-18) Contingency: 25000, , Final Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 12000 | FILE CLOSED | ||
57314 | MS | Dr. S. V. S. Nageswara Rao, , Associate Professor , School of Physics, University of Hyderabad, Gachibowli, Hyderabad , Pin- 500046 | Effects of swift heavy ion irradiation on the structural and optical properties of Si nanoparticles and , nanostructures prepared by different methods. | Mr. M. Dhanunjaya, DOJ: September 01, 2015 | 01-09-2015 | 1st yr. Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 112000 | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 192000, 2nd Yr. Contingency: 25000 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 206000, 3rd Yr. Contingency: 25000, Final Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 90000 | FILE CLOSED | ||
57316 | MS | Dr. Shashank N. Kane , Professor , School of Physics, D. A. University , Khandwa Road, Indore (M. P.) , Pin- 452001 | Effect of swift heavy ion irradiation (SHI) on structural and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline spinel ferrites. | Ms. Rajnandini Sharma, DOJ: 23/08/16 | 23-08-2016 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 102200 | 2nd Yr. (2017-18) Fellowship: 167864, Contingency: 25000 | 3rd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 183067, Contingency: 25000, Total: 208067 | FILE CLOSED | ||
57318 | MS | Dr. Ajit Kumar Patra, Assistant Professor , Department of Physics,, Central Univeristy of Rajasthan, NH-8, Bandarsindri Dist: Ajmer, Rajasthan- 305817 | Effect of swift-heavy ions on magnetic and transport properties of Heusler alloys. | Ms. Priyanka Mishra, DOJ: 22.05.15 | 22-05-2015 | 1st Yr. Contigency: 25000, Fellowhsship: 144667 | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 167849, 2nd Yr. Contingency: 24960 | FILE CLOSED | |||
57320 | MS | Dr. R. G. Sonkawade, Professor , Dept. of Physics,, Shivaji University, Kolhapur- 416004 | Effect of low and high energy irradiation on metal- conducting polymer composite films synthesized by electrochemical route | Mr. Bagal Indrajit Vijay, DOJ: 18/09/2015, DOR: 22/05/17, Mr. Maqsood R. Waikar, DOJ: 11/08/2018 | 11-08-2018 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 90067 | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 167999, 2nd Yr. Contingency: 24999 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 180866, 3rd Yr. Contingency: 24989, , Final Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 15674 | Ongoing | ||
57321 | MS | Dr. Rahul Pal , Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Central University of , Rajasthan, Bandarsindri , Pin Code: 305817AFFILIATION CHANGED: | Swift heavy ion irradiated transition metal-oxides for fuel cell electrode catalysts. | Not Appointed so far | ---- | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000 | File closing pending at PI end | ||||
58301 | MS | Dr. Ashok Kumar, Professor, Department of Physics,, Tezpur University, , Napaam, Assam, Pin: 784028 | SHI Irradiation Effects on Graphene Based Conducting Polymer Nanocomposites for Electrode Applications. | Ms. Madhabi Devi, DOJ: 01/10/2015 | 01-10-2015 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowhsip: 84000 | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 168000, 2nd Yr. Contingency: 25000 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 180000, 3rd Yr. Contingency: 25000, , Final Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 96000 | FILE CLOSED | ||
58303 | MS | Dr. Balaji Birajdar, Assistant Professor, Special Centre for Nanoscience, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067 | Nanostructure- Dielectric Properties Relationship in Lead Free Relaxor Ferroelectrics Using Transmission Electron Microscopy. | Mr. Rohtash Kumar , DOJ: 27.11.15 | 27-11-2015 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr Fellowship 57,867/- | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 154000, 2nd Yr. Contingency: 0 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 176266, Contingency: 25000, , Final Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: , 138907 | Informed through email dated 3 May 2024 that will submit in 3 weeks | PI yet to submit details for closing the project | |
58306 | MS | Dr. Ramakanta Naik, DST-INSPIRE Faculty,, Department of Physics, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar,, Pin Code- 751 004 | Swift Heavy Ion Induced Mixing of Bi/As2Se3 Bi-Layers for Tailoring the Properties of the Bi/As2Se3 Composite System. | Ms. Mukta Behera, DOJ: 01.10.15 | 01-10-2015 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowhsip: 84000 | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 168000, 2nd Yr. Contingency: 25000 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 180000, 3rd Yr. Contingency: 25000, Less: Unspent Bal. 143, Final Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 75608 | FILE CLOSED | ||
58308 | MS | Dr. Shiv Poojan Patel , Assistant Professor , Department of Pure & Applied Physics ,, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya (A Central University) , Koni, Bilaspur (C.G.) India | Metal Induced Crystallization of Amorphous Semiconductors Under Swift Heavy Ion Irradiation. | Mr. Gurupada Maiti, DOJ: 13.01.16 | 13-01-2016 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 36867 | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 167714 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 173733, 3rd Yr. Contingency: 11305, , Final Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 149050 | FILE CLOSED | ||
58309 | NP | Dr. Samit Kr Mandal, Associate Professor, Department of Physics & Astrophysics,, University of Delhi,, Delhi-110007 | Investigation of Few-Nucleons Transfer and Fusion Reactions Mechanism in Medium Mass Nuclei at and Near the Coulomb Barrier. | Ms. Khushboo, May 03, 2016 | 03-05-2016 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 153533 | 2nd Yr. (2017-18) Fellowship: 167564, Contingency: 13901 | 3rd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 190400, Contingency: 25000, Total: 215400 | FILE CLOSED | ||
58310 | NP | Dr. Ajay Kumar, Assistant Professor, Physics Department, , BHU, Varanasi,, Pin Code: 221005 | Study of Unresolved Issues of Heavy Ion Fusion Reaction Dynamics Through Particle Evaporation. | Mr. Niraj Kumar Rai, DOI: 01/02/17, DOR: 31/03/19, , Ms. Viveka Gautam , DOJ: 15/07/19 | 15-07-2019 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 32000 | 2nd Yr. (2017-18) Fellowship: 192000, Contingency: 24966, Tatal Grant: 216966 | 3rd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 196000, , Final Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: 178961, Arrears (Fellowship): 70000 | FILE CLOSED | ||
58311 | MS | Dr. Pravanjan Mallick, Lecturer in Physics, North Orissa University,, Takatpur, Baripada, Odisha- 757003 | Evolution of Properties of NiO/ZnO pn Junction Under SHI Irradiation. | Mr. Pankaj Kumar Das, DOJ: 31/12/2015 | 31-12-2015 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 42467 | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 168000, 2nd Yr. Contingency: 24308, Less: Bank Interest: 106, Total Amount: 192202 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 174533, 3rd Yr. Contingency: 25000, Less: Unspent Bal.: 553, , Final Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 143998 | FILE CLOSED | ||
58312 | NP | Dr. Bivash Ranjan Behera, Professor of Physics, Department of Physics, Panjab University, Sector -14, Chandigarh, 160014 | Measurement of Fusion Barriers Distributions. | Ms. Tamanna Arora, DOJ: 01.09.16, DOR: 04.05.2017, Mr. Amit, DOJ: 19.03.18 | 19-03-2018 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 98000 | 2nd Yr. (2017-18) Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 24962 | Final Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: 65000, Less: Bank Interest: 5611, Total: 59389 | FILE CLOSED | ||
58314 | MS | Dr. K. Baskar, Professor, Crystal Growth Centre, Anna University, Chennai-600025 PI CHANGED:, Prof. S. Narayana Kalkura , Crystal Growth Centre, , Anna University, Chennai-600025 | Irradiation Effects on InGaN and AlInGaN Epilayers grown by Metal Organic Chemical Vapour Deposition (MOCVD). | Mr. S. Pradeep, DOJ: 01.10.15 | 01-10-2015 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, Fellowhsip: 84000 | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 154000, 2nd Yr. Contingency: 25000 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 180000, 3rd Yr. Contingency: 25000, Final Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 96000 | FILE CLOSED | ||
58315 | MS | Dr. Ranjith G. Nair , Assistant Professor,, Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology , Silchar, Assam-788010 | Energetic Ion Beam Assisted Synthesis Of Ag/Au Ion Implanted Titania/Zno Thin Film and Investigation of Their Utility As Photoanode for Dye Sensitized Solar Cell. | Mr. P. Mathan Kumar, DOJ: 04.01.16, DOR: 01.12.17, Mr. Nikhil S.K., DOJ: 02.02.18 | 02-02-2018 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowhsip: 41067 | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 168000, 2nd Yr. Contingency: 0 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 174333, Less: Unspent Bal.: 1777, 3rd Yr. Contingency: 25000, Final Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 78883 | FILE CLOSED | ||
58317 | RB | Dr. Utpal Ghosh, Assistant Professor of Biophysics,, Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics, University of Kalyani, West Bengal-741235 | Investigation of DNA Repair Pathways and Cross- Talk Between PARP-1 and P53 After Carbon Ion Beam Irradiation in Cultured Human Cells. | Ms. Priyanka Chowdhury, DOJ: 16.10.15, DOR: 22.11.2016, , Mr. Sourav Ghosh, DOJ: 31.03.17 | 31-03-2017 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 88533 | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 191725, 2nd Yr. Contingency: 25000 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 110733, 3rd Yr. Contingency: 25000, , 3rd Yr. (2017-18) Arrears Amount: 24067, Final Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 117000 | FILE CLOSED | ||
58318 | NP | Prof. A. K. Bhati , Physics Department, Panjab University, Chandigarh -160014 | Nuclear Electromagnetic Moments And the Atomic Magnetic Moments Measurements Using The PAD Technique. | Ms. Anu Rathi, DOJ: Oct. 03, 2016, DOR: 30.06.2017, Ms. Ritu Rani, DOJ: 29.01.18, DOR: 30.06.18 | 29-01-2018 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 95467 | 2nd Yr. (2017-18) Fellowship: , (48000 + 81600 – 499) =81101, Contingency: , (25000 – 3561) = 21439, Total Grant: 102540 | FILE CLOSED | |||
58319 | MS | Dr. Nimisha Sharma, Associate Professor, University School of Biotechnology, GGS Indraprastha University, New Delhi- 110078 | Engineering Zinc Oxide-Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites for Antibactrial Applications by Swift Heavy Ion Irradiation. | Ms. Komal Jain, DOJ: Feb. 01, 2016 | 01-02-2016 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 28000 | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 168000, 2nd Yr. Contingency: 24995 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 158000, 3rd Yr. Contingency: 24881 | FILE CLOSED | ||
58322 | MS | Dr. Sandeep Kumar, UGC-Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Central University of Rajasthan, Banadarsindri, Ajmer, Rajasthan-305817 | Ion Beam Induced Modification of Transport Properties of Mn Dopted GaAs Nanowires. | Ms. Anita Gurnani, DOJ: January 22,2016, DOR: April, 01, 2017 | 22-01-2016 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 32667 | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 167849, 2nd Yr. Contingency: 16489 | Ongoing | |||
58324 | AP | Dr. Punita Verma , Associate Professor , Department of Physics, , Kalindi College, , East Patel Nagar , New Delhi -110008 | Molecular Orbital Approach to the Inference of X-Ray , Measurements at Small Inter Atomic Distances. | Mr. Neeraj Sharma, DOJ: Feb. 15, 2016, Date of Terminating: 15/10/16, , Ms. Ruchika Gupta, DOJ: 02/11/16 | 02-11-2016 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr Fellowship: 24000 | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 192000, 2nd Yr. Contingency: 25000 | 3rd Yr. Fellowship: 151400, 3rd Yr. Contingency: 24998, Final Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 143600 | FILE CLOSED | ||
59306 | NP | Dr. Maninder Kaur, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, SGTB, Khalsa College, Anandpur Sahib, Ropar, Punjab., Pin Code- 140118 , AFFILIATION CHANGED:, Dr. Maninder Kaur, Department of Physics, I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University, Kapurthala Jalandhar Highway, Kapurthala-144603, Punjab-India | To investigate the effect of deformation on nuclear dissipation. | Ms. Rupinder Kaur,, DOJ: 22/04/2016 | 22-04-2016 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 180800 | 2nd Yr. (2017-18) Fellowship: 192000, Contingency: 25000 | 3rd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 214600, Contingency: 24910, Total 239510 | FILE CLOSED | ||
59310 | NP | Prof. H. P. Sharma, Associate Professor, Banaras Hindu University,, Varanasi-221005 | Search for Anti-magnetic Rotation in 100,106,108pd. | Mr. Amit Kumar Gupta DOJ: 11/09/2019, DOR: 28/07/2022 | 11-09-2019 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2019-20): 166667 | 2nd Yr. (2021-22):, Fellowship: 300000, Contingency: 24581, Total: 324581 | 3rd Yr. (2022-23) Fellowship: 320000 Contingency: 24572, Total:344572, Final Yr. (2023-24) Fellowship: 84290 | Through email dated 15 April 2024, PI was asked to return the unutilized grant money in order to settle the accounts. | Ongoing | |
59311 | MS | Dr. Tanuj Kumar, Assistant Professor, Central University of Haryana (CUH), Jant-Pali, Mahendergarh- 123029P.I. AFFILIATION CHANGED:, Dr. Tanuj Kumar, Asst. Prof., , Dept. of Nano Sciences and Materials , Central University of Jammu,, Rahya-Suchani (Bagla), District: Samba – 161143, Jammu (J&K) | Importance of Amorphous/Crystalline (a/c) Interface in Nanoscale Surface Pattering of Si (100) using Ion Beam. | Mr. Hans Raj , DOJ: 07/02/17, DOR: 01.07.2017, Ms. Deepika, DOJ: 09/11/17, DOR: 21/05/18, Mr. Sushil Kumar Saini, DOJ: 18/09/18 | 18-09-2018 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 24267 | 2nd Yr. (2017-18) Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 25000 | 3rd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 115933, Contingency: 25000, Total: 140933 | FILE CLOSED | ||
59312 | MS | Dr. Ankush Vij, Assistant Professor, , Department of Physics,, Amity School of Applied Sciences, Amity Univerisy, Haryana, Panchgaon, Gurgoan-122413 | Ion beam induced modification in MgO Based nanophosphors: luminescence and related studies. | ----- | No Fund Sanctioned as Private University | File closing pending at PI end | |||||
59313 | AMS | Prof. Shakil Ahmad Romshoo, Professor and Head of the Department,, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Kashmir, Hazratbal Srinagar, Kashmir-190006 | Cosmogenic radionucleid dating (10Be, 26Al) of the Glacio-fluvial deposits of Kashmir Valley. | Mr. Omar Jaan Paul, DOJ: 16/01/17 | 16-01-2017 | 1st Yr. Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 35467 | 2nd Yr. (2017-18) Fellowship: 167758, Contingency: 23981, Total Grant: 191739 | Final Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship:151750 | Ongoing | ||
59315 | MS | Dr. Ratnesh Gupta, Professor and Head, School of Instrumentation, Devi Ahilya University, Takshshila Campus, khandwa Road, INDORE-452001 | In-situ monitoring and study of resistance switching properties of metal-oxide thin films by swift heavy ions. | Ms. Pooja Karna, June 23, 2016 | 23-06-2016 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 129733 | 2nd Yr. (2017-18) Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 24750, Total Grant: 192750 | 3rd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 186534, Contingency: 24996, Total: 211530, , Final Yr. (2019-20):, Rs.43,709/- | Ongoing | ||
59316 | MS | Dr. Utpal Shashikant Joshi, Professor, Department of Physics,, School of Sciences, , Gujarat University , Ahmedabad-380009 | Heavy ion induced controlled defects for improving the electrical properties of oxides and polymer based devices. | Mr. Sushant R, Zinzuvadiya, July 07, 2016 | 07-07-2016 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 123667 | 2nd Yr. (2017-18) Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 24700 | 3rd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 186133, Contingency: 24700, Total: 210833 | Ongoing | ||
59319 | MS | Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Assistant Professor of physics,, Univeristy School of Basic and Applied Sciences, Guru Govind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi-110078 | Study of swift heavy ion induced modifications of oxide based nonocomposite meterials for application in gas sensor. | Mr. Vikas Kumar , DOJ: Feb. 13, 2018 | 13-02-2018 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 21467 | 3rd Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: 170133, Contingency: 24984, Arrears Fellowhship:21467 | FILE CLOSED | |||
59320 | MS | Dr. G. Ramesh Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, University College of Engineering Arni (A Constituent college of Anna University Chennai), Thatchur, Arni- 632326 | Swift Heavy Ion Irradiation Effects on Multiferroic Properties of Pure and Rare Earth Doped Bismuth Ferrite Thin Films. | Mr. R. Venkatapathy, August 09, 2016 | 09-08-2016 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 108733 | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 153654, Contingency: 25000 | 3rd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 184000, Contingency: 25000, Less: Bank Interest: 358, Total: 208642 | Ongoing | ||
59321 | AMS | Dr. Jitendra Kumar Pattanaik , Assistant Professor ,, Centre for Geography and Geology, Central University of Punjab, City campus, Mansa Road, Bathinda - 151001 | Determination of extent and timing of basin , Quaternary glaciation in the Upper Alakananda using cosmogenic radionuclides 10 Be and 26Al . | Mr. Haldhar Kumar, DOJ: 07.09.2016 | 07-09-2016 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 95200 | 2nd Yr. (2017-18) Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 14836 | 3rd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 181600, Contingency: 23668, Total: 205268 | FILE CLOSED | ||
60301 | MS | Dr. Rahul Singhal, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics,, Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur, JLN Marg, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur- 302017 | Low energy ion irradiation studies of metal-fullerene nanocomposites. | Ms. Heena Inani, 02/01/2017, DOR: 30/06/2017, , Ms. Seema Verma, DOJ: 18/09/2017 | 18-09-2017 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 42000 | 2nd Yr. (2017-18) Fellowship: 161532, Contingency: 25000, Less: Bank Interest: 926 | 3rd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 130232, Contingency: 24992, Less: Bank Interest: 2466, Total: 152758, , Final Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: 119289, (After being deduction Bank Interest Rs.1441) | FILE CLOSED | ||
60307 | AMS | Dr. Milap Chand Sharma, Professor, Centre for the Study of Regional Development (CSRD), Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi- 110067 | Surface exposure dating of glacial stages and establishing local last glacial maximum (LLGM) in Miyar and Neelkanth Glacial Valleys of Lahaul Himalaya. | Ms. Elora Chakraborty, 13/12/16 | 13-12-2016 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 50867 | Ongoing | ||||
60310 | NP | Prof. N. M. Badiger, Department of Physics,, Karnatak University, Dharwad, Pin Code: 580003 | Study of fission dynamics near super heavy region. | Mr. Prashant N. Patil, 10/12/16 | 10-12-2016 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 52267 | 2nd Yr. (2017-18) Fellowship: 167668, Contingency: 25000, Total Grant: 192668 | 3rd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 175933, Contingency: 25000, Total: 200933, , Final Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: 130687 | Ongoing | ||
60312 | MS | Dr. P. S. Solanki, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Saurashtra University Rajkot - 360 005 (Gujarat) | Swift heavy ion (SHI) Irradiation studies on manganite based thin film devices. | Mr. Bhargav S. Rajyaguru, DOJ: 03.10.16 | 03-10-2016 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 83533 | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 167564, Contingency: 24423 | 3rd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 180400, Contingency: 23962, Final Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: 96537 | FILE CLOSED | ||
60319 | RB | Dr. Jaydeep Bhattacharya , Assistant Professor , School of Biotechnology, Jawaharlal Nehru University , New Delhi-110067 | To study the genotoxic effect and differential protein expression level in the directly irradiated cells and through radiation induced bystander effect in presence and absence of Gold nanoparticles of different size and shape. | Mr. Vikas Maurya, 20.03.17 | 20-03-2017 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 198400 | 2nd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 175794, Contingency: 24962, Total: 200756 | 3rd Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: 269191, Contingency: 24400, Total: 293591 | PI met in person to ask the procedure to return unspent money, email also forwarded to him again dated 13/12/2024 | Ongoing | |
60321 | NP | Dr. N. L. Singh, Professor, Department of Physics,, The M. S. University of Baroda, Vadodara, Gujarat, Pin Code: 390002, PI CHANGED:, Dr. M. B. Suresh Kumar, Associate Professor, , Department of Physics, , M. S. University of Baroda,, Vadodara- 390002 (Gujarat) | Study of heavy ion induced fusion/ fission reactions around coulomb barrier. | Mr. Ratan Kumar Singh, DOJ: 24/10/2016 | 24-10-2016 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 73733 | 2nd Yr. (2017-18) Fellowship: 167880, Contingency: 1254, Total Grant: 169134 | 3rd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 179000, Contingency: 25000, Total: 204000, , Final Yr. (2019-20) , Fellowship: 108267 | FILE CLOSED | ||
60322 | MS | Prof. N. L. Singh, Department of Physics, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara Gujarat PI CHANGED:, Dr. M. B. Suresh Kumar, Associate Professor, , Department of Physics, , M. S. University of Baroda,, Vadodara- 390002 (Gujarat). | Radiation effects in nuclear ceramics for the immobilization of radioactive waste. | Ms. Asha, DOJ: 24/10/2016 | 24-10-2016 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 73733, , , 1st Yr. (2016-17) Fellowship Arrears:, 6867 | 2nd Yr. (2017-18) Fellowship: 191880, Contingency: 1254, Total Grant: 193134 | 3rd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 203067, Contingency: 25000, Total: 228067 | FILE CLOSED | ||
60323 | AMS | Prof. J. P. Shrivastava, Department of Geology, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007 | Isotopic compositions, 10Be and 14C dating of loess-palaeosol sequences from Dilpur formation of Kashmir: Palaeoclimatic reconstruction. | Ms. Meenakshi, DOJ: 27/10/2016 | 27-10-2016 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 72333 | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 24983 | 3rd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 178800, Contingency: 25000, Total: 203800 | FILE CLOSED | ||
60325 | MS | Prof. R. C. Srivastava, Dept. of Physics, C.B.S. & H. G. B. Pant University of Ag. & Tech., Pantnagar, (Uttarakhand), Pin Code: 263145 | Study of swift heavy ion irradiation induced effects in graphitic nanocomposites and thin films. | Mr. Pankaj Singh Rawat, DOJ: 11/01/2017 | 11-01-2017 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 37800 | 2nd Yr. (2017-18) Fellowship: 167684, Contingency: 24957 | 3rd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 173867, Contingency: 24949, Total: 198816, , Final Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: 133436 | FILE CLOSED | ||
60326 | MS | Prof. R. G. Sonkawade, Department of Physics,, Shivaji University, Kolhapur-416004, Maharashtra | Effect of swift heavy ion irradiation on supercapacitor properties of manganese oxide/ conducting polymer thin film. | Mr. Shaikh Anis A, DOJ: 20.10.16 | 20-10-2016 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 75600 | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 24999 | 3rd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 179267, Contingency: 24999, Total: 204266, , Final Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: 106132 | Ongoing | ||
60329 | RB | Dr. Utpal Ghosh, Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics, University of Kalyani, Kalyani, Nadia, Wes Bengal-741235 | Signaling pathways of activation and secretion of matrix metallopreteinases from lung carcinoma cells after irradiation with carbon ion beam. | Ms. Payel Dey, DOJ: 28/10/16 | 28-10-2016 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship:82133 | 2nd Yr. (2017-18) Fellowship: 191931, Contingency: 25000 | 3rd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 202800, Contingency: 25000, Total: 227800, , Final Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: 162658 | FILE CLOSED | ||
60331 | MS | Dr. Aman Mahajan, Department of Physics, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab- 143005 | Fabrication of plasmonic dye sensitized solar cell using ion beam engineered photoanodes. | Mr. Om Prakash, DOJ: 08/11/16 | 08-11-2016 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 76267 | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 190400, Contingency: 24906 | 3rd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 201533, Contingency: 25000, Total : 226533, , Final Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: 129441, Arrears (Fellowship): 42333, Total: 171774 | FILE CLOSED | ||
60332 | AMS | Dr. A L. Ramanathan, Room No.-209, School of Env. Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi- 110067 | Application of multi-proxy approach to understand the past glaciations & climatic variation of western Himalayas. | Mr. Om Kumar, DOJ: 01/12/16 | 01-12-2016 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 64000 | 2nd Yr. (2017-18) Fellowship: 178000, Contingency: 25000, Total Grant: 203000 | 3rd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 200000, Contingency: 25000, Total: 225000 | Ongoing | ||
60333 | MS | Prof. Sunita Rattan, Amity Institute of Applied Sciences (AIAS), , E-1 Block, 3 rd Floor, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh, Sec- 125, Noida- 201301 | A novel method to exfoliate expanded graphite to graphene within the polymer matrix using swift heavy ions. | ----- | No Fund Sanctioned as Pvt. University | - | File closing pending at PI end | ||||
61301 | MS | Dr. Pratima Solanki , Assistant Professor,, Special Centre for Nanoscience, Jawaharlal Nehru University, , New Delhi - 110067 | Effect of ion irradiation on Biopolymer-metal oxide based nanocomposites for removal of Water Pollutants. | Ms. Deeti, DOJ: 03.05.17, DOR: 16.06.17, Ms. Deepali, DOJ: Feb. 01, 2018, DOR: 16.02.18, Mr. Navneet Chaudhary , DOJ: 28.03.18, DOR: 01.07.2019, Mr. S. Zimad Husain Hashmi, DOJ: 06.09.19 | 06-09-2019 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 49000 | 2nd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 2750, Total: 170750 | 3rd Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: 142303, Contingency: 21500, Total: 163803 | Unspent balance left in the project head will be submitted soon | Ongoing | |
61304 | MS | Dr. D. D. Pandya, Associate Professor,, Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC), Saurashtra University, Rajkot, Gujarat-360005 | Electro and megnetotransport studies on manganite based thin films and devices: Role of swift heavy ion irradiation | Ms. Alpa Zankat, DOJ: 17/04/2017 | 17-04-2017 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship: 160533 | 2nd Yr. (2017-18) Fellowship: , 168000, Contingency: , (25000 – 31) = 24969 | 3rd Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: 190934, Contingecy: 24847, Total: 215781, , Final Yr. (2020-21) , Fellowship: 8163 | FILE CLOSED | ||
61305 | MS | Dr. Faiyazur Rahman, Associate Professor,, Department of Physics,, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202002 | Swift heavy ion irradiation induced modifications of doped indium oxide films for optoelectronic applications. | Mr. Afroz Khan, DOJ: Sept., 26, 2017 | 26-09-2017 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. (2017-18) Fellowship: 98667 | 2nd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 192000, Contingency: 25000, Total: 217000 | Final Yr. (2020-21) , Fellowship: 163333 | FILE CLOSED | ||
61306 | MS | Dr. Pawan Kumar Tyagi, Asst. Professor,, Dept. of Applied Physics, , Delhi Technological University (Formerly Delhi College of Engineering), Shahabad, Daulatpur, Bawana Road, Delhi-110042 | Ion irradiation on filled- multiwalled carbon nanotubes to create N-V Center. | Not Appointed so far | ----- | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000 | File closing pending at PI end | ||||
61310 | MS | Dr. Pragati Kumar , Assistant Professor , Department of Nano Sciences and Materials , Central University of Jammu, Temporary Academic Block , Sector-E, Extn. Sainik Colony, Jammu, Pin Code: 180011 | Ion beam induced modification of luminescence activators doped CdS thin films. | Mr. Sanjeev Bhandari, DOJ: 01/08/2017, DOR: 29.09.217, Ms. Tania Kalsi, DOJ: 20.12.17, DOR: 11/09/19, Mr. Qamar Ali Mir, DOJ: 10/12/19 | 10-12-2019 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship: 112000 | 2nd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 130953, Contingency: 25000, Total: 155953 | 3rd Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: 184000, Contingency: 25000, Total: 209000, , Final Yr. (2020-21) , Fellowship: 5354 | FILE CLOSED | ||
61314 | MS | Prof. J. K. Quamara, Department of Physics,, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra- 136119 PI CHANGED:, Dr. Anurag Gaur, , Assistant Professor (Physics), National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra – 136119 | Dielectric relaxation investigations in swift heavy ion irradiated ferroelectric ceramic/ ploymer nano- composites. | Ms. Mandakini, DOJ: 08.02.17 | 08-02-2017 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 23800 | 2nd Yr. Fellowship: 168000 | 3rd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 170467, Contingency: 25000, Total: 195467, , Final Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: 163733 | Ongoing | ||
61317 | MS | Prof. Shakeel Khan , Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Engineering & , Technology, AMU, Aligarh, , Pin Code: 202002 | Effect of SHI irradiation induced modifications on structural, electrical, and magnetic properties of Ni doped BiFeO3 nanostructures. | Mr. Moh. Nadeem, DOJ: 01.06.17 | 01-06-2017 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship: 160000 | 2nd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: , 192000, Contingency: , (25000 –06) = 24994, Total: 216994 | 3rd Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: 212000, Contingecy: 25000, Arrears (Fellowship): 90000, , Final Yr. (2020-21) , Fellowship: 56000 | FILE CLOSED | ||
61320 | MS | Prof. Shruti Aggarwal, BFR-302, B Block, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi – 110078 | Investigation of the thermoluminescence properties of the doped perovskite materials with ion beam irradiation. | Ms. Neelam Tyagi, DOJ: Nov., 01, 2017, DOR: 16/01/2019, Ms. Aayushi Jain, DOJ: 11/04/2019 | 11-04-2019 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 70000 | 2nd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 25000, Less: 04, Total Rs. 192996 | 3rd Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: 173333, Contingency: 25000, Less: Unspent Bal.: 35007, Total: 163326 | FILE CLOSED | ||
61322 | MS | Prof. Atul Khanna, Department of Physics,, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar-143005, Punjab | Tailoring of photoluminescence properties of rare earth doped tellurite glasses by swift heavy ion irradiation. | Ms. Rajinder Kaur, DOJ: 03.08.17 | 03-08-2017 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship: 109200 | 2nd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 166735, Contingency: 25000, Total: 191735 | 3rd Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: 184400, Contingency: 23727, Total: 208127, , Final Yr. (2020-21) , Fellowship: 63821 | FILE CLOSED | ||
61329 | MS | Dr. Vikas Sharma , Head I/C and Assistant Professor,, Department of Physics, , SoPS, Doon University,, Kedarpur, Dehradun,, Pin Code: 248001 | Effect of ion-irradiation on different components of hybrid solar cells. | Ms. Karishma , DOJ: Oct. 14, 2017 | 14-10-2017 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 78400 | 2nd Yr. (2018-19):, Fellowship: 167729 , Contingency: 24917 | FILE CLOSED | |||
62301 | MS | Dr. Archana Tiwari, Assistant Professor in Physics,, Department of Physics,, Sikkim University ( A Central University), Gangtok – 737102, Sikkim | Green synthesis of metal nanoparticles and their size modulation by swift heavy ion irradiation. | Ms. Laden Sherpa, DOJ: Dec. 01, 2017 | 01-12-2017 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. (2017-18) Fellowship: 56000 | 2nd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 24954, Total: 192954 | 3rd Yr. (2019-20) , Fellowship: 176000, Contingency: 25000, , Final Yr. (2020-21) , Fellowship: 98133 | FILE CLOSED | ||
62303 | MS | Dr. Rahul Singhal , Assistant Professor,, Department of Physics, Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur , JLN Marg, Malviya Nagar , Jaipur- 302017, Rajasthan | Ion Irradiation Induced growth of Cu nanoparticles in , fullerene matrix. | Ms. Jyotsna Bhardwaj, DOJ : Feb. 16, 2018, DOR: 31/01/19, Ms. Yogita, DOJ: 25/03/19, DOR: 20/07/19 | 25-03-2019 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 20067 | 2nd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 749, Less: Bank Interest: 706, Total: 168043 | 3rd Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: 123996, Contingency: 24980, Less: Bank Interest: 1925, Total: 147051, , Final Yr. (2020-21) , Fellowship: 168000, Less:, Unspent Bal.:27309, Bank Interest: 1092, Total Amount: 140691 | FILE CLOSED | ||
62305 | MS | Dr. Satyabrata Mohapatra, Assistant Professor,, University School of Basic and Applied Sciences, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, , Sec-16 C, Dwarka, , New Delhi- 110078 | Study of effects of swift heavy ion irradiation on the structural, optical and photocatalytic properties of Ag-TiO2 and Au-TiO2 plasmonic nanocomposites. | Not Appointed so far | ----- | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000 | Rs. 4346 as Unspent Bal. along with Interest is being returned to IUAC. Last Email received on 28 Aug, 2024 | File closing pending at PI end | |||
62307 | MS | Prof. Ramphal Sharma, Department of Physics, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad- 431004 | Effect of SHI irradiation on modification of structural and opto-electronic properties of basic heterojunction nanostructure Zn1-xMgxS/Cu2S thin film solar cell. | Mr. Vishnu Vilas Kutwade, DOJ: 21.07.18 | 21-07-2018 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 117133 | 2nd Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 25000, Total: 193000 | 3rd Yr. (2020-21) , Fellowship: 185200, Contingency: 25000, Total: 210200, , Final Yr. (2021-22) , Fellowship: 58667 | FILE CLOSED | ||
62312 | MS | Dr. Dambarudhar Mohanta,, Department of Physics,, Associate Professor,, Tezpur University, PO: Napaam, Tezpur, Assam,, Pin Code: 784028 | Studies on photocatalytic, photoluminescence and mechanical properties of WS2/C-dot nanoscale systems subjected to irradiation. | Mr. Hemganga Jyoti Sarmah, Dec. 18, 2017 | 18-12-2017 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 55467 | 2nd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 192000, Contingency: 25000 | Final Yr. (2020-21) , Fellowship: 238877 | FILE CLOSED | ||
62314 | AMS | Prof. G. N. Nayak , Department of Marine Sciences, Goa University, , Goa – 403 206 , PROJECT TRANSFERED TO (via letter dated 09/08/2019):, , Dr. Maheshwar R. Nasnodkar, Assistant Professor, Marine Science, School of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Goa University, 403206 | Beryllium concentration, clay minerals and metals in sediments in reconstruction of paleo-climate. | Ms. Janhavi Kangane, DOJ: Nov. 15, 2017 | 15-11-2017 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. (2017-18) Fellowship: 63467 | 2nd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 25000, Total: 193000 | Final Yr. (2020-21) , Fellowship: 119466 | FILE CLOSED | ||
62315 | MS | Dr. Shiv Poojan Patel , Assistant Professor,, Department of Pure & Applied Physics,, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya (A Central University), , Koni, Bilaspur (C.G.),, Pin Code: 495009 | Tailoring the thermoelectric properties in SnTe nanocrystalline thin films using ion irradiations. | Ms. Aradhana Singh, DOJ: 04.04.18, DOR: 01.06.19, , Mr. Gurupada Maity, DOJ: 01/10/2019 | 29-11-2017 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 166600 | 2nd Yr. (2019-20):, Fellowship: 111534, Contingency: 24923 | 3rd Yr. (2020-21) , Fellowship: 177785, Contingency: 24988, Total: 202773 | Ongoing | ||
62316 | NP | Prof. Shashi K. Dhiman , Department of Physics ,Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, Shimla-171005 | Investigation of Isomers and High-Spin states in 183,185Ir isotopes. | Ms. Anupriya Sharma, DOJ: Nov., 29, 2017 | 29-11-2017 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 65067 | 2nd Yr. (2017-18) Fellowship: 192000 | 3rd Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: 200133, Contingency: 25000, Total: 225133, , , Arrears in Fellowhship : 85066, , Final Yr. (2020-21) , Fellowship: 209633 | FILE CLOSED | ||
62317 | MS | Dr. Neeraj Panwar, Assistant Professor,, Department of Physics, , Central University of Rajasthan, Bandarsindri, Ajmer, Pin Code: 305817 | Impact of ion irradiation on the exchange bias, magnetization reversal, spin reorientation and magnetocaloric effect in orthochromites. | Ms. Komal Kanwar, DOJ: 07.09.18 | 07-09-2018 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2018-19): 95200 | 2nd Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 5048, Total: 173048 | 3rd Yr. (2020-21) , Fellowship: 181600, Contingency: 23585, Total: 205185, , Final Yr. (2021-22) , Fellowship: 76732 | Ongoing | ||
62318 | MS | Dr. M. Wasi Khan, Associate Professor,, Department of Physics, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), Aligarh, Pin Code: 202002 | Tailoring the optical and photocatalytic performance of Cr substituted TiO2 nanostructured thin films by SHI irradiation. | Mr. Mohd. Abushad, DOJ: 02.04.18 | 02-04-2018 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 167533 | 2nd Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 25000, Total: 193000 | 3rd Yr. (2020-21) , Fellowship: 191934, Contingency: 25000, Total: 216934, , Final Yr. (2021-22) , Fellowship: 533 | FILE CLOSED | ||
62319 | NP | Dr. Varinderjit Singh, Assistant Professor,, Department of Physical Sciences, IKG Punjab Technical University, Kapurthala, Punjab | Investigation of fusion enhancement for neutron-rich symmetric and asymmetric systems near and below the fusion barrier. | Not Appointed so far | ----- | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000 | FILE CLOSED | ||||
62320 | MS | Prof. Mahendra D. Shirsat , Professor and Director,, RUSA – Center for Advanced Sensor Technology, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar , Marathwada University, Aurangabad (M.S.) ,, Pin Code: 431004 | Field effect transistor based on swift heavy ion , Irradiated Metal-Organic-Framework for sensing applications. | Mr. Nikesh Kumar N. Ingle, DOJ: Oct. 25, 2017 | 25-10-2017 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. (2017-18) Fellowship: 73267 | 2nd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 168000 | 3rd Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: 178933, Contingency: 25000, , Final Yr. (2020-21) , Fellowship: 108799 | FILE CLOSED | ||
62326 | AMS | Prof. Alok Srivastava, Department of Chemistry,, Panjab University, Chandigarh-160014 | Geogenic study of Uranium using 11Be, 14C, 26Al and 36Cl based Acceletator Mass Spectrometry. | Not Appointed so far | ----- | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000 | FILE CLOSED | ||||
62328 | MS | Prof. S. V. S. Nageswara Rao ,, School of Physics ,, University Of Hyderabad (UOH), Gachibowli, Hyderabad , Pin Code: 500046 | Application of ion beams to study and engineer the resistive switching properties of transition metal oxides. | Mr. Arup Kundu Chowdhury, DOJ: 16/12/2019, DOR: 01/10/2021, Ms. Aadya Rahi, DOJ: 20/05/2022, DOR: 30/09/2022 | 16-12-2019 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship , (2019-20): 88333 | 2nd Yr. (2020-21):, Fellowship: 299570, Contingency: 25000, Total: 324570 | 3rd Yr. (2021-22) Fellowship: 61419 Contingency: 25000 Arrears Amount in Fellowship: 150806 Total: 237225 | FILE CLOSED | ||
62332 | NP | Dr. Samarjit Sihotra, Assistant Professor,, Deptt. Of Physics, Panjab university, Chandigarh, Sec-14, Chandigarh-160014 | Multiparticle configurations in some proton rich Lu and Hf Nuclei. | Ms. Manpreet Kaur, DOJ: 08.03.18, DOR: 17.04.18, Mr. Dalip Kumar , DOJ: 31/08/18, DOR: 31/12/18 | 31-12-2018 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 179200 | FILE CLOSED | ||||
62333 | MS | Dr. Sunil Kumar Arora, Associate Professor, Centre for Nano Science & Nano Technology, Block-II, South Campus, Panjab University, Chandigarh,, Pin Code: 160014 | Influence of high energy heavy ion irradiation on the resistive switching behavior of epitaxial transition metal oxide hetero-structures. | Ms. Sunidhi, DOJ: Nov.21,2017, DOR: June 30, 2018 | 30-06-2018 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. (2017-18) Fellowship: 77333 | FILE CLOSED | ||||
62334 | MS | Dr. Kanupriya Sachdev, Associate Professor and Head, Meterials Research Centre, MNIT Jaipur, JLN Marg, Malviya Nagar Jaipur,, Pin Code: 302017 | Irradiation studies on Mg Silicide based films for thermoelectric applications. | Ms. Suniksha Gupta, DOJ: Jan. 01, 2018 | 01-01-2018 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 42000 | 2nd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 167437 | 3rd Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: 174000, Contingency: 25000, Less: Bank Interest.:191, Total: 198809, , Final Yr. (2020-21) , Fellowship: 135915 | FILE CLOSED | ||
62337 | NP | Dr. Suresh Kumar , Assistant Prosessor and Rso , Department of Physics & Astrophysics , University of Delhi, Delhi -110007 | Investigation of the High-Spin states in the A= 85 mass region using In-beam , Gamma-ray Spectroscopy. | Ms. Neelam, DOJ: 05.02.18 | 05-02-2018 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship:25200 | 2nd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 25000, Less: Unspent Bal.: 2597, Total: 190403 | 3rd Yr. (2020-21) , Fellowship: 141867, Contingency: 25000, Less: Unspent Bal:31000, Less: Previous Yr's Diff.: 6000, Total: 159200, , Final Yr. (2020-21) , Fellowship: 147912 | FILE CLOSED | ||
62343 | AMS | Prof. Karunakara. N. , Centre For Advanced Research in Environmnetal , Radioactivity (CARER), Mangalore University, , Mangalagangothri-574199, Karnataka | Validation of liquid scintillation , spectrometry based Carbon-14 (14C) , measurements techniques by AMS and development of reference materials for , application in environmental monitoring programmes around nuclear power , plants. | Mr. Arya Krishnan K, DOJ: 15/07/2019 | 15-07-2019 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000 | 2nd Yr. (2019-20) , Fellowship: 299543, Contingency: 3974, Total: 303517 | 3rd Yr. (2020-21) , Fellowship: 326534, Contingency: 19232, Total: 345766, Final Yr. (2021-22) Fellowship: 97066 Less: Unspent Bal. (Contingency):213, Total Amount: 96853 | FILE CLOSED | ||
62345 | MS | Dr. Yashpal Singh Katharria, Assistant Professor,, PDPM Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design & Manufacturing(IIITDM) Jabalpur, Dumna Airport Road, Khamaria, Jabalpur-482005, M.P | Radiation effects in Gallium Oxide. | Mr. Shailendra Kumar , DOJ: 23.05.18, DOT: 14/ 10/19 | 14-10-2019 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 164800 | 2nd Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: 187513, Contingency: 25000, Arrears (Fellowship): 81000, Total: 293513 | Arrears amount released (Against Final Yr. (2021-22) in order to settle the Accounts. :3901 | Ongoing | ||
62348 | AMS | Dr. Jayant Kumar Tripathi,, Associate Professor,, Lab. No. 013/101, School of Environmental Sciencs, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067 | Quantification of denudation rates using 10Be in granitic landscapes spanning diverse climate regimes of northern India. | Mr. Md. Maroof Azam, DOJ: Nov. 01, 2017 | 01-11-2017 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 80000 | 2nd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 192000, Contingency: 0 | 3rd Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: 186000, Contingency: 24959, Arrears (Fellowship): 86000, Total: 296959, , Final Yr. (2020-21) Fellowship: 159001 | FILE CLOSED | ||
63302 | NP | Dr. Sanjay Kumar Chamoli , Assistant Professor ,, Department of Physics Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi , Pin Code: 110007 | Lifetime measurement study of octupole deformation in neutron deficient nuclei in , Xe-Cs-Ba region. | Mr. Anand Pandey, DOJ: 08.06.18 | 08-06-2018 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 156267 | 2nd Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: 192000, Contingency: 24919, Arrears (Fellowship): 81000, Total: 297919 | 3rd Yr. (2020-21) , Fellowship: 329300, Contingency: 24990, Total: 354290, , Final Yr. (2021-22) , Fellowship: 62533 | FILE CLOSED | ||
63304 | MS | Dr. Ghulam Nabi Dar, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, University of Kashmir,, Srinagar- 190006 | Effect of light and heavy ion irradiation on pure and transition metal doped iron oxide thin films. | Mr. Mubashir Qayoom, DOJ: 23.03.18 | 23-03-2018 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 4200 | 2nd Yr. (2018-19) Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 25000, Total: 193000 | 3rd Yr. (2019-20) , Fellowship: 168931, Contingency: 24993, , Final Yr. (2020-21) , Fellowship: 159106 | FILE CLOSED | ||
63305 | MS | Dr. R. P. Chauhan , Associate Professor , Department of Physics , National Institute of Technology, , Kurukshetra (Haryana)-1361 I9 | Modifications in the properties of II-VI semiconducting nanostructures by ion beam. | Ms. Jaya, DOJ: 10/10/2018 | 10-10-2018 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000 | 2nd Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 25000, Less: Unspent Bal.: 25332 | 3rd Yr. (2020-21) , Fellowship: 179933, Contingency: 104, Total: 180037, , , (3rd Yr., 2020-21), Arrears: Remaining Contingency Grant : 24792, , Final Yr. (2021-22), Contingency (Arrears Rs. 104 as calculated less in 3r Yr. (2020-21): 104, , Final Yr. (2021-22) , Fellowship: 100247 | Ongoing | ||
63307 | MS | Dr. Anup Thakur, Assistant Professor in Physics, Department of Basic & Applied Sciences, Punjab University, Patiala, Punjab, Pin Code: 147002 | Luminescence studies of swift heavy ion irradiated rare earth doped MgO based nanophosphors. | Ms. Savita , DOJ: 07.05.18, DOR: 31/08/20, Ms. Anshika Bansal, DOJ: 02/07/2021 | 02-07-2021 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 173333 | 2nd Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: 191570, Contingency: 25000, Arrears (Fellowship): 81000, Total: 297570 | 3rd Yr. (2020-21) , Fellowship: 333333, Contingency: 25000, Total: 358333 | FILE CLOSED | ||
63308 | MS | Prof. Lakhwant Singh, Department of Physics, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar-143005 | Dosimetric aspects of irradiated TL nanophosphors for ion beam radiotherapy. | Ms. Parwinder Kaur, DOJ: 02.05.18 | 02-05-2018 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship:176000 | 2nd Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: 272484, Contingency: 24805, Total: 297289 | 3rd Yr. (2020-21) , Fellowship: 333833, Contingency: 24998, Total: 358831 | FILE CLOSED | ||
63314 | NP | Dr. Tarkeshwar Trivedi, Asst. Professor,, Department of Pure & Applied Physics, , Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Koni, Bilaspur, Pin Code: 495009 | Investigation of interplay of collective and magnetic rotation in medium mass In isotopes. | Ms. Arunita Mukherjee, DOJ: 21.08.18 | 21-08-2018 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 103133 | 2nd Yr. (2019-20):, Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 24914 | 3rd Yr. (2020-21) Fellowship: 183200, Contingency: 86, Total: 183286, , , Final Yr. (2021-22) , Fellowship: 74667 | FILE CLOSED | ||
63316 | NP | Dr. Ashok Kumar , Associate Professor , Department of physics ,, Panjab University, Chandigarh , Pin Code: 160014 | High spin structure and lifetime measurements, using recoil distance doppler shift method in mass region A~120 nuclei. | Ms. Bharti Rohila, DOJ: 11/12/2018, DOR: 12/01/2020 | 11-12-2018 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000 | Total=Rs. 291398 | FILE CLOSED | |||
63319 | MS | Dr. Pawan K. Diwan, Assistant Professor , Department of Applied Science, University Institute of Engineering and Technology (UIET), Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra-136 119 | Measurements of first four moments associated with energy loss spectrum of energetic heavy ions in different metals. | Ms. Sonia Rani, DOJ: 30.05.18 | 30-05-2018 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 140933 | 2nd Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: 167970, Contingency: 25000, Total: 192970 | 3rd Yr. (2020-21) Fellowship: 188600, Contingency: 25000, Total: 213600, , Final Yr. (2021-22) , Fellowship: 31467 | FILE CLOSED | ||
63323 | MS, | Dr. Sanjeev Gautam, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Panjab University , Chandigarh, Dr. S. S. Bhatnagar University Institute of Chemical Engineering & Technology, , Pin Code: 160014 | Irradiation induced interface and magnetic study of Zinc ferrite/insulator/cobalt ferrite multilayers. | Ms. Shaffy, DOJ: 26.06.18 | 26-06-2018 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 146667 | 2nd Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: , :279530 | 3rd Yr. (2020-21) , Fellowship: 327500, Contingency: 25000, Less: Unspent Bal.: 8999, Less: Bank interest: 1086, Total: 342415, , Final Yr. (2021-22) , Fellowship: 72158 Arrears amount: Final Yr. (2022-23) Fellowship: 23124 (in order to settle the accounts) | FILE CLOSED | ||
63325 | AMS | Prof. Hema Achyuthan, Institute for Ocean Development, Anna University, , Chennai-600 025 | Cosmogenic radionuclide concentrations in laterites from Goa; implications on their exposure. | Mr. Aasif Mohmad Lone, DOJ: 26.03.18, DOR: 01.11.2018, Mr. Reffin T. Sajeev, DOJ: 04/12/2018, DOR: 29/02/2020, , Dr. U. Sangunathan, DOJ: 06/07/21 | 06-07-2021 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship: 170800 | 2nd Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: 153097, Contingency: 25000, Total: 178097 | 3rd Yr. (2020-21) , Fellowship: 25230, Contingency: 22536, , Total: 47766 | Ref. email dated 16 April, 2024 | Ongoing | |
64301 | NP | Dr. E. Prasad Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics, School of Physical Sciences, Central University of Kerala, Thejaswini Hills, Periye, Pin Code: 671316 | Systematic investigation of the effect of neutron excess in ER survival probability against fission in heavy ion fusion reactions. | Ms. Ashna B, DOJ: 08/05/2019 | 08-05-2019 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2019-20): 151200 | 2nd Yr. (2020-21):, Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 25000 | 3rd Yr. (2021-22): Fellowship: 190067 Contingency: 25000, Total Amount: 215067 | 64301, NP | Ongoing | |
64302 | MS | Dr. Abhinav Pratap Singh, Assistant Professor,, Physics Department, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Byepass G T Road, Jalandhar, Pin Code: 144011 | Study of evolution of ZnSnO3 phase in pure and doped Zinc Stannate thin films with swift heavy ion irradiation. | Mr. Hari Singh , DOJ: 12/11/18 , Ms. Neha Chauhan DOJ: 30/09/19 | 30-09-2019 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2018-19): 74133 | 2nd Yr. (2019-20):, Fellowship: 52467, Contingency: 18, Total: 52485 | 3rd Yr. (2020-21) Fellowship: 177266, Contingency: 10616, Bank Interest: 1553, Total: 186329, , Final Yr. (2021-22) Fellowship: 101830 | 64302, MS | FILE CLOSED | |
64303 | MS | Prof. Bijoy Kumar Kuanr, , Professor & Chairperson,, Special Center for Nanoscience, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi- 110067 | Selective ion implantation in layered magnetic nanostructures for spintronics devices. | Mr. Vipul Sharma , DOJ: 29.11.18 , DOR: 01.04.19 , Mr. Neetu Kumar , DOJ: 24/05/19 | 24-05-2019 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2018-19): 65067 | 2nd Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: , Fellowhship: 143733, Contingency: 25000, Total: 168733 | 3rd Yr. (2020-21) Fellowship: 159170 | 64303, MS | Ongoing | |
64309 | MS | Prof. N. A. Shah Department of Physics, Saurashtra Univeristy, Rajkot, Gujarat Pin Code- 360005 | Anisotropic magnetoelecric and magnetotransport properties of manganite based thin films. | Ms. Bhagyashree Udeshi, DOJ: 01.11.2018 | 01-11-2018 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2018-19): 70000 | 2nd Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: 168000Contingency: 24742, Total: 192742 | 3rd Yr. (2020-21) Fellowship: 178000, Contingency: 24471, Total: 202471, , Final Yr. (2021-22) Fellowship: 111741 | 64309, MS | Ongoing | |
64312 | MS | Dr. R. T. Rajendrakumar Associate Professor , Department of Nanoscience and Technology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu , Pin Code: 641046 | Swift heavy ion irradiation effects on the texture, microstructural and piezoelectric properties of reactivel sputtered, aluminium nitride thin films. | Mr. K. Govindharaj, DOJ: 01/11/2018 | 01-11-2018 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2018-19): 70000 | 2nd Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: , Fellowhship: 168000, Contingency: 25000, Total: 193000 | 3rd Yr. (2020-21) Fellowship: 178000, Contingency: 17186, Total: 195186, , Final Yr. (2021-22) Fellowship: 98252 | 64312, MS | FILE CLOSED | |
64313 | NP | Prof. Sujit Tandel UGC Associate Professor , UM-DAE Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences, University of Mumbai, Kalina, Santacruz(East), Mumbai , Pin Code: 400098 | Competition between intrinsic and non-axial collective states in Au isotopes . | Mr. Poulomi Roy, DOJ: 01.11.2018 | 01-11-2018 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2018-19): 70000 | 64313, NP | Ongoing | |||
64314 | NP | Prof. Bivash Ranjan Behera , Professor of Physics ,, Department of Physics, Centre for Advanced study in Physics, Panjab University, Sector-14, Chandigarh – 160014 | Search for anomalous particle spectra in heavy ion induced fusion reaction. | Ms. Honey Arora, DOJ: 05/03/2019 | 05-03-2019 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2019-20): 12600, 1st Yr. Fellowship Arrears (2019-20): 5500 | 2nd Yr. (2019-20):, Fellowship: 299417, Contingency: 24640, Total Amount: 324057 | 3rd Yr. (2020-21) Fellowship: 303533, Contingency: 24946, Less: Interest Earned: 37, Total Amount: 328442, , Final Yr. (2021-22) Fellowship: 309985 | 64314, NP | FILE CLOSED | |
64315 | MS | Dr. Pradip Das Assistant Professor, Department of Pure and Applied Physics, Guru Ghasidas University, Koni, Bilaspur, Pin Code: 495009 | Weak anti-localization and quantum oscillations in topological insulator using ion irradiation. | Mr. Babai Patra, DOJ: 10/04/19, DOR: 06/12/19, Ms. Shilpa Maity, DOJ: 21/12/2020 | 21-12-2020 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2019-20): 164267 | 2nd Yr. (2020-21/2021-22):, Fellowship: 32295, Contingency: 21857, Less: Bank Interest: 4906, Total: 49246 | 64315, MS | Through email dated 18 October 2024, PI was asked to return the unutilized grant money in order to settle the accounts. | Ongoing | |
64323 | NP | Prof. A M Vinodkumar Department of Physics, Calicut University , Kerala -673635 | Neutron multiplicity measurements for Md (Z=101) isotopes and their relevance to super heavy element production. | Ms. Sanila S., DOJ: 11/07/2019 | 11-07-2019 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2019-20): 217500 | 2nd Yr. (2021-22):, Fellowship: 299435, Contingency: 25000, Total: 324435 | 3rd Yr. (2021-22) Fellowship: 326033 Contingency: 25000 Total: 351033 | 64323, NP | Ongoing | |
64324 | MS | Dr. Rahul Singhal Assistant Professor , Department of Physics , JLN Marg, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur – 302017, Rajasthan | Fullerene based nanostructures by low energy ion bombardment . | Ms. Amena Salim, DOJ: 19.02.2019 | 19-02-2019 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2018-19): 18667 | 2nd Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: 149333Contingency: 23122, Less: Bank Interest: Rs.52, Total: 172403 | 3rd Yr. (2020-21) , Fellowship: 160786, Contingency: 24730, Bank Interest: (-) 759, Total: 184757, , Final Yr. (2021-22) Fellowship: 167421 | 64324, MS | FILE CLOSED | |
64325 | MS | Prof. P. D. Sahare Professor of Physics , Department of Physics & Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110 007 | Dosimetry of different swift ion beams of different energies: effect of fluence and energy. | Mr. Ashutosh Anand, DOJ:18.02.2019 | 18-02-2019 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2018-19): 19133 | 2nd Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: , Arrears Amount: 1000, Fellowhship: 273000Contingency: 23985, Total: 297985 | 64325, MS | FILE CLOSED | ||
64327 | MS | Dr. Manoj Kumar, Assistant Professor,High Pressure Physics Lab., Department of Physics, , Malaviya National Institute of Technology(MNIT) Jaipur, Pin Code: 302017 | Tuning the properties of topological insulators by ion implantation. | Ms. Jyoti Yadav, DOJ: 01/02/2019 | 01-02-2019 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2018-19): 32000 | 3rd Yr. (2020-21) Fellowship: 33000, Contingency: 24997, Less: Interest Earned: 5377, Total: 52620, , Final Yr. (2021-22) Fellowship: 99020 | 64327, MS | Ongoing | ||
64329 | MS | Dr. Kamlendra Awasthi Assistant Professor , Department of Physics, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, JLN Road, Jaipur- 302017, Rajasthan | Optical and structural properties of defects in rare earth ion implanted ZnO nanostructures. | Ms. Nishel Saini, DOJ: 01/02/2019, DOR: 15/05/2019, , Mr. Rahul Kumar, DOJ: 20/05/2019, DOR: 31/12/2020, , , Mr. Milankumar Dahyabhai Mayavanshi, DOJ: 03.09.2021 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2018-19): 32000 | 2nd Yr. (2019-20) Fellowship: , Fellowhship: 270935, Contingency: 24793, Less: Bank Interest: 06, Total : 295722 | 3rd Yr. (2020-21) Fellowship: 202162, Contingency: 25000, Less: Bank Interest: 2090, Total: 225072, , Final Yr. (2021-22) Fellowship: 123333, Less: Unspent Bal.: Rs.5838, Less: Bank Interest: 3679, Total Amount: 113816 | 64329, MS | FILE CLOSED | ||
64332 | MS | Dr. Srinivasa Rao Nelamarri Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur JLN Marg, Jaipur - 302017 | Effect of low energy ion implantation on the structural , and optical properties of KxNa1-x NbO3 thin films . | Ms. Pooja Choudhary, DOJ: 23/01/19, DOR: 20.05.19, Mr. Jayesh Goswami, DOJ: 29.11.19, DOR: 26.11.20 | 29-11-2019 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2018-19): 32200 | 2nd Yr. (2019-20):Fellowship: 80131, Contingency: 24994 | 3rd Yr. (2020-21) Fellowship: 92801, Contingency: 0, Less: Interest Earned: 2075, Total: 90726 | 64332, MS | Ongoing | |
64333 | MS | Prof. P. K. Bajpai Professor & Head Department of Pure & Applied Physics, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Koni, Bilaspur (C.G.)-495009 | Probing synergistic effects of ion beam irradiation in synergistic and swift heavy ion regimes in BiFeO3 based room temperature multiferroics. | Ms. Vaishali Tiwari , DOJ: 01/04/19, DOR: 08/03/2021 as per email | 01-04-2019 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2019-20): 168000 | NA | NA | 64333, MS | Ongoing | |
64335 | MS | Prof. Pramod Singh Department of Earth Sciences, School of Physical, Chemical and Applied Sciences, Pondicherry University Kalapet, Pondicherry Pin Code: 605014 | 14C dating of sediment core from Ponnaiyar River Basin implication to understanding the temporal variation in organic matter source. | Mr. Rajesh Samal , DOJ: 29.04.19 | 29-04-2019 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2019-20): 154933 | 2nd Yr. (2020-21):, Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 24954, Total Amount: 192954 | 3rd Yr. (2021-22) Fellowship: 190134, Contingency: 18578, Total: 208712 | 64335, AMS | Ongoing | |
64336 | MS | Dr. Feroz Ahmad Mir Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Baba Gulam Shah Badshah University, Rajouri, Jammu and Kashmir, Pin Code: 185231 | Modulations of physical properties of some substrates of microstrip antena’s by SHI irradiations. | Mr. Faheen Ullah , DOJ: 01/06/19 | 01-06-2019 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2019-20): 140000 | 64336, MS | Ongoing | |||
64337 | MS | Prof. Ratnesh Gupta School of Instrumentation, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Khandwa Road, Indore, Pin Code: 452001 | Modifications of exchange bias and training effects in FeCo/CoO and FeCo/NiO bilayers . | Ms. Priyanka Thakur, DOJ: 07/06/2019, DOR: 28/02/2020, , Mr. Rahul Tiwari, 22/10/2021 | 07-06-2019 | 1st Yr. Contingecy: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2019-20): 137200 | 2nd Yr. (2020-21/2021-22):, Fellowship: 87917, Contingency: 23650, Total Amount: 111567 | 64337, MS | Ongoing | ||
65306 | MS | Dr. Vir Singh Rangra Department of Physics, HP University, Shimla, Pin Code: 177005 (HP) | Effect of swift heavy ion irradiation on the luminescence properties of ZrO2 based nanophosphors. | Mr. Maneshwar Thakur, DOJ: 19/06/2019 | 19-06-2019 | First Yr. (2018-19) Contingency: 25000, , , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2019-20): 131600, , Arrears:, Rs.99,800/- | 2nd Yr. (2020-21):, Fellowship: 300000, Contingency: 20981, Total: 320981 | 3rd Yr. (2021-22) Fellowship: 328200, Contingency: 24817, Total: 353017, Final Yr. (2022-23) Fellowship: 58863 | 65306, MS | Ongoing | |
65307 | MS | Dr. Aritra Banerjee , Assistant Professor,, Department of Physics, , University of Calcutta,, 92, Acharya Prafulla Chandra Road, Kolkata , Pin Code: 700009 | Tuning of thermoelectric properties of p-type Sb2Te3 and n- type Bi2Te3 by ion beams. | Ms. Suchandra Mukherjee, DOJ: 12/07/19 | 12-07-2019 | First Yr. (2018-19) Contingency: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2019-20): 216667 | 2nd Yr. (2020-21):, Fellowship: 300000, Contingency: 24998, Bank Interest: (-) 1479, Total: 323519 | 3rd Yr. (2021-22) Fellowship: 326834, Contingency: 24992, Less: Unspent Bal.:4122, Total: 347704, Final Yr. (2022-23) Fellowship: 94267 Less: Unspent Bal.: 4256, Total : 90011 | 65307, MS | FILE CLOSED | |
65312 | MS | Dr. Yogita , Assitant Professor,, Department of Physics, , MCM DAV College for Women, Sector-36A, Chandigarh-160036 AFFILIATION CHANGED, Dr. Yogita , Assitant Professor,, Department of Physics,, J C Bose Univeristy of Science and Technology, YMCA, Faridabad, NH-2, Sector-6, Mathura Road, Faridabad- 121006 Haryana | Interrelatedness of ion irradiation induced defects with transport and thermoelectric properties of CZTS based thin films. | Not Appointed so far | 65312, MS | Ongoing | |||||
65313 | MS | Prof. Utpal Shashikant Joshi Department of Physics, School of Sciences, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad - 380009 | Swift heavy ion irradiation effects on some perovskite and related oxides for RRAM and , magnetoelectric devices. | Ms. Nisha Thankachan , DOJ: 01/05/19 | 01-05-2019 | First Yr. (2018-19) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2019-20): 154000 | 2nd Yr. (2020-21):, Fellowship: 161000, Contingency: 25000, Total: 186000 | 3rd Yr. (2021-22) Fellowship: 190000 Contingency: 25000, Total Amount: 215000 | 65313, MS | Ongoing | |
65316 | MS | Prof. Vaishali Singh, BFR-303, USBAS, GGS Indraprashtha University, , New Delhi-110078 | Structural and morphological studies of transition metal dichalcogenides/ polymer nanocomposites upon SHI irradiation. | Mr. Amar Ratan, DOJ: 01.04.19 | 01-04-2019 | First Yr. (2018-19) Contingency: 25000, , , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2019-20): 168000 | 2nd Yr. (2020-21):, Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 25000, Total: 193000 | 3rd Yr. (2021-22) Fellowship: 192000, Contingency: 25000, Total: 217000 | 65316, MS | Ongoing | |
65318 | NP | Dr. Vinod Kumar Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, University of Lucknow, Pin Code: 226007 | Spectroscopic Study of , 99 Nb, and 99,101Mo. | Mr. Yogendra Pratap Singh, DOJ: 01/08/19, DOR: 31/01/2020, Mr. Vyas Chandra Pandey, DOJ: 01.07.21, DOR: 21/09/2021, Ms. Annu Chowdhary, DOJ: 09/01/23 | 31-01-2020 | First Yr. (2018-19) Contingency: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2019-20): 112000 | 2nd Yr. (2020-21/2021-22) Fellowship: 98000, Contingency: 17274, Total: 115274 | 65318, NP | FILE CLOSED | ||
65319 | MS | Dr. Ashish B. Ravalia Assistant Professor, Department of Nanoscience and Advanced Materials, Saurashtra University, Rajkot – 360 005 | SHI Induced modifications in multifunctional properties of BiFeO3 based heterostructures. | Mr. Pankaj Solanki, DOJ: 01/04/2019, DOR: 30.11.2019, Ms. P. Josely Jose, DOJ: 02/03/2020 | 02-03-2020 | First Yr. (2018-19) Contingency: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2019-20): 168000 | 2nd Yr. (2020-21):, Fellowship: 125584, Contingency: 25000, Total: 150584 | 3rd Yr. (2021-22) Fellowship: 192000, Less: Unspent Bal.: 28036, Contingency: 25000, Total: 188964 | 65319, MS | Ongoing | |
65321 | MS | Dr. Ratan Das, Assistant Professor,, Department of Physics, Tripura University, Suryamaninagar, Agartala, Tripura (West), , Pin Code: 799022 | To study the correlation between optical and elastic properties of swift heavy ions irradiated samples of chemically synthesized a few Gr. II-VI semiconductor nanocrystals. | Ms. Sanghita Basak DOJ: 07/08/2019 | 07-08-2019 | First Yr. (2018-19) Contingency: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2019-20): 109667 | 2nd Yr. (2020-21):, Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 25000, Total: 193000 | 3rd Yr. (2021-22) Fellowship: 184133, Contingency: 25000, Final Yr. (2022-23) Fellowship: 67097 | 65321, MS | Ongoing | |
65322 | MS | Prof. Bhaskar Bhattacharya, Department of Physics, MMV, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Pin Code: 221005 | Ion beam implantation in ion conducting polymer electrolytes. | Mr. Kushal Mehrotra, DOJ: 10/06/2019 | 10-06-2019 | First Yr. (2018-19) Contingency: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship Arrears (2019-20): 135800 | 2nd Yr. (2020-21):, Fellowship: 167684, Contingency: 10333, Total: 178017 | 3rd Yr. (2021-22) Fellowship: 187400, Contingency: 5250, Total: 192650, Final Yr. (2022-23) , Fellowship: 36800, Less: Unspent Bal. (Contingency) : Rs.175/-, Total Amount: 36625 | 65322, MS | Ongoing | |
66303 | MS | Prof. Ashok Kumar, Department of Physics,, Tezpur University, Napaam, Assam, Pin Code: 784028 PROJECT TRANSFERED IN THE NAME OF:, , Dr. Dambarudhar Mohanta,, Department of Physics,, Associate Professor,, Tezpur University, PO: Napaam, Tezpur, Assam,, Pin Code: 784028 | Ion irradiation effects on conducting polymer@carbon, nanomaterials based nanocomposites functionalized with metal (Au/Ag) nanoparticles for amperometric, immunosensors for efficient detection of mycotoxins. | Mr. Ankush Medhi, DOJ: 23.10.2019 | 23-10-2019 | First Yr. (2019-20) Contingency: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship , (2019-20): 132500 | 2nd Yr. (2020-21):, Fellowship: 300000, Contingency: 25000, Total: 325000 | 3rd Yr. (2020-21) Fellowship: 316733, Contingency: 24775, Total: 341508, Final Yr. (2022-23) , Fellowship: 188533,Less: Unspent Bal.: 16735, Total Amount: 171798 | 66303 MS | FILE CLOSED | |
66306 | MS | Dr. S. Shanmuga Sundari Assistant Professor in Physics, Department of Physics, PSGR Krishnammal College for Women Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, Pin Code: 641004 | Development of optical waveguide in Alkali borate glasses using Ion beams. | Ms. S. Karthika, DOJ: 06.11.2020 | 06-11-2020 | First Yr. (2019-20) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship , (2020-21): 67667 | 2nd Yr. (2021-22):, Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 25000, Total: 193000 | 3rd Yr. (2022-23) Fellowship: 177666 Contingency: 25000 Total: 202666, Final Yr. (2023-24) Fellowship: 114667 | 66306&66512MS | FILE CLOSED | |
66308 | MS | Prof. Santosh Dubey Department of Physics, University of Petroleum & Energy Studies (UPES), Bidholi, Via Premnagar, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, Pin Code: 248007 | Investigation of formation and stabilization of low resistance Ni-Si phase under ion irradiation. | ----- | 66308 (LE) MS | [NOTE: FAILED TO SUBMIT Proper document against claiming Certificate of Sec 2(f), 12(b) so, not approved by IUAC for releasing of grant] | - | ||||
66322 | MS | Dr. Sadhana Katlakunta Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, University College of Science, Saifabad, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana, Pin Code: 500004 | Development of rare earth free permanent magnetic materials using transition metal co doped M type hexaferrites. | Mrs. K. Vani, DOJ: 06.10.2020 | 06-10-2020 | First Yr. (2019-20) Contingency: 25000, , , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2020-21): 82133 | 2nd Yr. (2021-22):, Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 25000, Total: 193000 | 3rd Yr. (2022-23) Fellowship: 179677, Contingency: 25000, Total: 204677, Final Yr. (2023-24) Fellowship: 98581 | 66322 MS | Ongoing | |
66323 | RB | Dr. Anjali Awasthi Assistant Professor Department of Zoology, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur-302055, Rajasthan | Ion beam induced mutagenic study of Basmati Rice. | Ms. Ruhani Sharma, DOJ: 16.04.2021 | 16-04-2021 | First Yr. (2019-20) Contingency: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2021-22): 161000 | 2nd Yr. (2022-23):, Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 25000, Total Amount: 193000 | 3rd Yr. (2023-24), Fellowship: 191000, Contingency: 24970, Total: 215970, Final Yr. (2024-25) Fellowship: 8000 Total: 8000 | 66323, RB | Ongoing | |
66325 | MS | Dr. Kamlendra Awasthi Assistant Professor, Soft Materials Lab, Department of Physics, Malaviya National Institute of Technology (MNIT) Jaipur-302017 (Rajasthan) | Track etched membranes based bimetallic nanowires for hydrogen sensing. | Mr. Gaurav Pandey, DOJ: 01.09.2021 | 01-09-2021 | First Yr. (2020-21) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2021-22): , 175000 | 2nd Yr. (2022-23):, Fellowship: 300000, Contingency: 25000, Bank Interest: 573, Total Amount: 324427 | 3rd Yr. (2023-24): Fellowship: 321000, Contingency: 25000, Total: 346000, Final Yr. (2024-25) Fellowship: 140000 Total: 140000 | 66325 MS | Ongoing | |
66326 | MS | Dr. Tejashree Bhave Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Applied Physics, Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, Girinagar, Pune, Pin Code: 411025 | Ion beam assisted amorphization/ recrystallization of Bismuth Silicon Oxide and Bismuth Titanium Oxide microcrystalline films to tailor their nonlinear optical and electronic properties. | ----- | 66326 MS | [NOTE: FAILED TO SUBMIT Proper document against claiming Certificate of Sec 2(f), 12(b) so, not approved by IUAC for releasing of grant] | - | ||||
66327 | MS | Dr. Vijay Raj Singh, Assistant Professor,, Department of Physics, , Central University of Kashmir, Transit Campus, Near G B Pant Hospital, Srinagar- 190004 (J&K AFFILIATION CHANGED:, , Dr. Vijay Raj Singh, Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Central University of South Bihar, SH-7, Gaya Panchanpur Road, Village-Karhara,, Post: Fatehpur, Gaya-824236 (Bihar) | Ion beam induced disorder in Metal-insulator transition and megnetic properties of Vanadium Oxides. | Mr. Mufeeduzzaman, DOJ: 25.02.2021 | 25-02-2021 | First Yr. (2020-21) Contingency: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship , (2020-21): 15867 | 2nd Yr. (2021-22):, Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 0, Total: 168000 | 3rd Yr. (2022-23) , Fellowship: 140433, Contingency: 17424, Bank Interest: 739, Total Amount: 157118, 3rd Yr. (2022-23) Arrears amount (As per the revised UC/ES submitted to claim the amount deducted in last UC/ES submitted Fellowhship: 28000, Contigency: 7576, Total: 35576, Final Yr. (2023-24) Fellowship: 173714, Less: Unspent Bal.: 30070, Total: 143644, Fellowship (Arrears): 27694 Payment made (under Fellowship Head) against submission of revised UC and ES (F. Y. 2022-23) in order to claim Rs.27694/- which was shown as Commuted Liability in UC and ES submitted (earlier) against which last year (2022-23) installment of grant was released. | 66327 MS | FILE CLOSED | |
66330 | NP | Dr. S. Appannababu Assistant Professor (UGC – FRP), Department of Nuclear Physics, Andhra University, Waltair, Visakhapatnam, Andhrapradesh, Pin Code: 530003 | The study of evaporation residue measurements for the compound nuclei 222,224Th. | Not Appointed so far | ----- | First Yr. (2019-20) Contingency: 25000 | 66330 NP | Ongoing | |||
67302 | NP | Dr. Kushal Kalita Associate Professor, Gauhati University, Physics Department, Gauhati University, Guwahati-781014 | Studies on fusion inhibition by measurements of complete, incomplete and fission fragment cross-sections., | Ms. Lakhyajit Sarma, DOJ: 11.05.2021 | 11-05-2021 | First Yr. (2020-21) Contingency: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2021-22): 267500 | 2nd Yr. (2022-23): Fellowship: 300000 Contingency: 25000, Total Amount: 325000 | 3rd Yr. (2023-24), Fellowship: 298968, Contingency: 25000, Total: 357033, Final Yr. (2024-25) Fellowship: 37032 Total: 37032 | 67302 NP | Ongoing | |
67304 | MS | Dr. Shubra Singh Assistant Professor, Crystal Growth Centre, Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu -600025 | Tuning of photoactivity of efficient modified Brownmillerites by swift heavy ion irradiation for energy and environmental applications., | Ms. Ezhilarasi S.B., DOJ: 09.09.2021 | 09-09-2021 | First Yr. (2020-21) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2021-22): , 94267 | 2nd Yr. (2022-23): Fellowship: 168000 Contingency: 24998 Total: 192998 | 3rd Yr. (2023-24) Fellowship: 181466, Contingency: 24971, Total: 206437, Final Yr. (2024-25) Fellowship: 84267 Total: 84267 | 67304 MS | Ongoing | |
67305 | MS | Prof. B. N. Dole Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad 431004 | Exploring the swift heavy ion Irradiation effect on the properties of GO based Ni doped Cobalt Oxide Nanocomposites for Supercapacitor Applications., | Mr. Dake Dhyaneshwar, DOJ: 28.05.2021 | 28-05-2021 | First Yr. (2020-21) Contingency: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2020-21): 141867 | 2nd Yr. (2022-23): Fellowship: 168000 Contingency: 0, Total Amount: 168000 | 3rd Yr. (2023-24), Fellowship: 188259, Contingency: 25000, Total: 213259 | 67305 MS | Ongoing | |
67306 | MS | Dr. Rabindra Nath Bhowmik Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Pondicherry University, R.V. Nagar, Kalapet, Pondicherry-605014 | Ion irradiation and implantation effects on structure, magnetism and electronic properties in corundum structured oxide thin films., | Mr. Vimal Narayan Sahoo, DOJ: 01.04.2021 | 01-04-2021 | First Yr. (2020-21) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2021-22): 168000 | 2nd Yr. (2022-23):, Fellowship: 164267, Contingency: 24998, Total Amount: 189267 | 3rd Yr. (2023-24) Fellowship: 192000, Contingency: 25000, Total: 217000 | 67306, &67502MS | FILE CLOSED | |
67309 | NP | Dr. Buddhadev Mukherjee Assistant Professor III, Physics Department, Visva-Bharati P.O. Santiniketan, District Birbhum West Bengal- 731235 | Lifetime measurements of excited states in 66Zn and 66Ga., | Mr. Sourav Barman, DOJ: 16.08.2021, DOR: 01.04.2023, Mr. Koustav Bhandary, DOJ: 13/09/2023 | 16-08-2021 | First Yr. (2020-21) Contingency: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2021-22): , 105467, , Arrears 1st Yr. Fellowship (2021-22): 3667 | 2nd Yr. (2022-23):, Fellowship: 294633, Contingency: 21574, Less: Arrears Amount (Sent):3667, Total Amount: 312540 | 3rd Yr. (2023-24) Fellowship: 165000, Contingency: 25000, Total: 190000, Final Yr. (2024-25): Fellowship: 112097, Less: Unspent Bal. Rs.9600, Total: 102497 | 67309 NP | Ongoing | |
67314 | MS | Dr. K. Sethuraman , Assistant Professor, , School of Physics, , Kamaraj University, , Palkalai Nagar, Madurai - 625 021 Tamilnadu AFFILIATION CHANGED:, Dr. K. Sethuraman , Associate Professor,, Department of Materials Science, School of Technology, Central University of Tamilnadu, Thiruvarur – 610005, Tamilnadu | Effect of swift heavy ion irradiation on chalcopyrite absorber and kesterite counter electrode for efficient solar cell applications., | Mr. C. Thiyakarajan, DOJ: 06.09.2021 | 06-09-2021 | First Yr. (2020-21) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2021-22): , 95667 | 2nd Yr. (2022-23):, Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 25000, Bank Interest: 935, Total Amount: 192065 | 3rd Yr. (2023-24): Fellowship: 181666, Contingency: 25000, Total: 206666 | 67314 MS | Ongoing | |
67316 | MS | Dr. Akash Katoch UGC-Assistant Professor, Centre for Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Panjab University, Sector 14, Chandigarh-160014 | Effect of ion implantation on gas sensing capabilities metal oxide nanostrucutres., | Ms. Sandeep Kaur, DOJ: 25/04/2022 | 25-04-2022 | First Yr. (2020-21) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2022-23): 156800 | 2nd Yr. (2023-24): Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 25000, Bank Interest: 354, Less: Unspent Bal. 14000, Total:178646 | 67316 MS | Ongoing | ||
67318 | MS | Dr. Udai Bhan Singh Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, DDU Gorakhpur University, Civil Lines, Gorakhpur 273009 | Synthesis of Ag plasmonics and study of electronic sputtering by ion irradiation on thin films., | Ms. Shivani Chaudhary, DOJ: 23.12.2021 | 23-12-2021 | First Yr. (2020-21) Contingency: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2021-22): 46200 | 2nd Yr. (2022-23): Fellowship: 167865, Contingency: 0, Total: 167865 | 3rd Yr. (2023-24) Fellowship: 174580, Contingency: 25000, Total: 199580 | 67318, MS | Ongoing | |
67319 | MS | Dr. Anant Pandey Assistant Professor of Physics, Department of Physics, Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi, Benito Juarez Road, Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi-110021 | Synthesis of nanophosphor dosimeters for ion beams., | Ms. Ananya Bansal , DOJ: 19.04.21, DOR: 14-07-2022, Ms. Devanshi Sharma, DOJ: 15-11-2022 | 19-04-2021 | First Yr. (2020-21) Contingency: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2021-22): 285000 | 2nd Yr. (2022-23): Fellowship: 300000 Contingency: 25000 Less: Unspent Bal.: 1116 Total: 323884 | 3rd Yr. (2023-24), Fellowship: 40556, Contingency: 14750, Bank Interest: 5001, Total: 50305, Final Yr (2024-25) Fellowship: 8400 Less: Bank Interest-Rs.489 Total:7911, Fellowship Arrears: Total: 1200 | 67319 MS | Ongoing | |
67320 | MS | Dr. Nikhil Kumar Assistant Professor, Department Of Physics, DDU Gorakhpur University, Civil Lines, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh-273009 | Effect of ion beam on the properties of high Tc superconducting thin films, sensors and ferromagnetic nano-structures used for Cancer Therapy., | Mr. Bharat Kumar Gupta, DOJ: 15.01.2021 | 15-01-2021 | First Yr. (2020-21) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2020-21): 35933, , Arrears (1st Yr. Fellowship (2020-21): 4767 | 2nd Yr. (2021-22):, Fellowship: 299744, Contingency: 22540, Total: 322284 | 3rd Yr. (2022-23) Fellowship: 307645 Contingency: 24864 Total: 332509, Final Yr. (2023-24) Fellowship: 264645 | 67320 MS | Ongoing | |
68301 | MS | Dr. Rahul Singhal Assistant Professor, Department of Physics | SHI induced modifications of metal-carbon nanocomposite thin films. | Ms. Ameena Salim, DOJ: 01.07.2021 | 01-07-2021 | First Yr. (2020-21) Contingency: 25000, , , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2021-22): 126000 | 2nd Yr. (2022-23): Fellowship: 168000 Contingency: 24963, Less: Bank Interest: 5062, Total Amount: 187901 | 3rd Yr. (2023-24) Fellowship: 185062, Contingency: 25000 Total: 210062, Final Yr. (2024-25) Fellowship: 48000, Less: Bank Interest: 22 Unspent Bal.: 64, Total: 47914 | 68301, MS | Ongoing | |
68306 | NP | Prof. Mohamed Musthafa.M Dept. of Physics, Calicut University, PO, Kerala Pin Code: 673635 | Pre-equilibrium neutron emission at high excitation energies and validation with nuclear reaction models. | Ms. Swapna Balakrishnan, DOJ: 03.12.21 | 03-12-2021 | First Yr. (2020-21) Contingency: 25000, , , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2021-22): 55533 | 2nd Yr. (2022-23):, Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 25000, Less: Unspent Bal. Rs.456, Total Amount: 192544 | 3rd Yr. (2023-24): Fellowship: 175871, Contingency: 25000, Total: 200871, Final Yr. (2024-25) Fellowship: 129032 Unspent Bal.: 516 Total: 128516 | 68306, NP | Ongoing | |
68308 | MS | Dr. Rajesh Kumar , Assistant Professor of Physics, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi | Synthesis and SHI Beam Induced Modifications of MoS2 Nanostructures Thin Films for Potential Applications. | Not Appointed so far | ----- | First Yr. (2020-21) Contingency: 25000 | 68308, MS | Ongoing | |||
68310 | MS | Dr. Dillip K. Pradhan Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, NIT Rourkela, Odisha 769008 | Structural Phase Transitions induced by Swift Heavy Ion Irradiations in Lead Free Ferroelectric Perovskite Oxides. | Mr. Sanand Sahoo, DOJ: 01/02/2021 | 01-02-2021 | First Yr. (2020-21) Contingency: 25000, , , , , , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2020-21): 28000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship Arrears (2020-21): 22000 | 2nd Yr. (2021-22):, Fellowship: 300000, Contingency: 24997, Total: 324997 | 3rd Yr. (2022-23) Fellowship: 306000, Contingency: 24780, Total: 330780 | 68310, MS | Ongoing | |
68316 | NP | Prof. Bivash Ranjan Behera Department of Physics, Panjab University, Sector 14, Chandigarh-160014 | Study of transfer induced fission with NAND facility. | Mr. Amit, DOJ: 02.02.2021 | 02-02-2021 | First Yr. (2020-21) Contingency: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2020-21): 47500 | 2nd Yr. (2021-22):, Fellowship: 300000, Contingency: 25000, Less: Bank Interest: 625, Total: 324375 | 3rd Yr. (2022-23) , Fellowship: 304033, Contingency: 24900, Less: Bank Interest: 1379, Total Amount: 327554, Final Yr. (2023-24): Fellowship: 280966, Less: Unspent Bal.: 2675, Total:278291 | 68316, NP | FILE CLOSED | |
68318 | MS | Dr. P. Kannappan, Assistant Professor, , Department of Physics,, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam - 638401, Erode (Dt), Tamilnadu,, AFFILIATION CHANGED, Dr. P. Kannappan, Assistant Professor, , Department of Physics,, Sacred Heart College (Autonomous),, Tiruppattur- District, Tiruppattur-635601 | Swift heavy ion (SHI) irradiation induced room temperature ferromagnetism in undoped Zn based II-VI compound semiconductor nanostructures thin films for spintronic devices. | Mr. K. R. Naveen Kumar, DOJ: 25.08.2021, DOR: 31-03-2023, Mr. A. Mariya Joseph, DOJ: 25/09/2023 | 25-08-2021 | First Yr. (2020-21) Contingency: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2021-22): 101267 | 2nd Yr. (2022-23): Fellowship: 168000 Contingency: 25000, Total Amount: 193000 | 3rd Yr. (2023-24) Fellowship: 86800, Contingency: 25000, Total: 111800, Final Yr. (2024-25) Fellowship: 66839 Total: 66839 | 68318, MS | Ongoing, No Student at present | |
68321 | MS | Dr. Vanarajsinh Solanki Research Scientist, 106, PDPIAS Building, CHARUSAT, Changa, Gujarat-388421 | Refashioning Multifunctional Property of Porous Stannic Oxide with SHI irradiation. | ----- | ----- | 68321, MS | [NOTE: FAILED TO SUBMIT Proper document against claiming Certificate of Sec 2(f), 12(b) so, not approved by IUAC for releasing of grant] | - | |||
68322 | MS | Dr. P. Matheswaran Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics, Kongunadu Arts and Science College, GN MIlls PO, Coimbatore - 641029 | Electrical switching properties of quaternary chalcogenide (Ag-Se-Sn-Te) thin films. | Mr. K. Karthikeyan, DOJ: 21.01.2021 | 21-01-2021 | First Yr. (2020-21) Contingency: 25000, , , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2020-21): 33133 | 2nd Yr. (2020-21):, Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 25000, Total: 193000 | 3rd Yr. (2022-23) Fellowship: 173200, Contingency: 25000, Total: 198200, Final Yr.(2023-24) Fellowship: 154323 | 68322, MS | Ongoing | |
68331 | MS | Prof. S. Moorthy Babu Professor & Director, Crystal Growth Centre, Anna University, Chennai-600025 | SHI irradiation and Physicochemical Characterization of Pure and doped β-Ga2O3. | Mr. Hariharan R., DOJ: 09.09.2021 | 09-09-2021 | First Yr. (2020-21) Contingency: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2021-22): , 94267 | 2nd Yr. (2022-23): Fellowship: 168000 Contingency: 25000 Total: 193000 | 3rd Yr. (2023-24) Fellowship: 181466, Contingency: 25000, Total: 206466 | 68331 & 68512, MS | FILE CLOSED | |
69302 | MS | Dr. Rashi Nathawat Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Manipal University Jaipur,, Dehmi Kalan, Near GVK Toll Plaza, Jaipur-Ajmer Expressway, Jaipur, Rajasthan, | SHI irradiated Organic-Inorganic hybrid composite for ultra sensitive and selective gas sensing application. | ----- | ----- | ---------NA-------- | 69302, MS | [NOTE: FAILED TO SUBMIT Certificate of Sec 2(f), 12(b) so, not approved by IUAC for releasing of grant] | - | ||
69304 | MS | Dr. Aman Mahajan Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar-143005, Punjab | Transitional metal implanted MXenes for developing highly stable perovskite solar cells under ambient conditions. | Mr. Iqbal Singh, DOJ: 27.08.2021 | 27-08-2021 | First Yr. (2020-21) Contingency: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2021-22): 179167 | 2nd Yr. (2022-23): Fellowship: 300000 Contingency: 24463, Total Amount: 324463 | 3rd Yr. (2023-24) Fellowship: 321484, Contingency: 24983, Total: 346467, Final Yr. (2024-25) Fellowship: 135484 Less Unspent Bal. (Cont.): 27/- T otal:135457 | 69304, MS | Ongoing | |
69306 | MS | Dr. Shiv Poojan Patel Assistant Professor, Department of Pure & Applied Physics, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya (A Central University), Koni, Bilaspur-495 009, Chhattisgarh | Ion beam assisted metal induced crystallization of a-semiconductors. | Mr. Topeswar Meher, DOJ: 11/10/2021 | 11-10-2021 | First Yr. (2020-21) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2021-22): 142500 | 2nd Yr. (2022-23):, Fellowship: 300000, Contingency: 24435, Total Amount: 324435 | 3rd Yr. (2023-24), Fellowship: 317033, Contingency: 25000, Total: 342033, Final Yr. (2024-25) Fellowship: 177032 Total: 177032 | 69306, MS | Ongoing | |
69307 | MS | Prof. A. P. Gnana Prakash Department of Studies in Physics, University of Mysore, Manasagangotri, Mysore - 570006 | Reliability study of semiconductor devices for extreme environment applications. | Mr. Darshan M., DOJ: 01.04.2021 | 01-04-2021 | First Yr. (2020-21) , Contingency: 25000, Fellowship: 168000, Total: 193000 | 2nd Yr. (2022-23):, Fellowship: 154000, Contingency: 25000, Total Amount: 179000, Arrears Fellowship related to 2nd Yr. (2022 23), released in (2023-24):Fellowship: 14000 | 3rd Yr. (2023-24) Fellowship: 192000, Contingency: 25000, Total: 217000 | 69307, MS | Ongoing | |
69309 | MS | Prof. Hema Achyuthan Institute for Ocean Management, Anna University, Chennai 600025 | Late Quaternary-Holocene paleohydrology and paleoenvironments of Lakes in Sikkim Himalayas. | ----- | ----- | --------NA------- | 69309, AMS | [NOTE: FAILED TO SUBMIT Certificate of Sec 2(f), 12(b) so, not approved by IUAC for releasing of grant] | - | ||
69314 | MS | Prof. C. Sekar, Dept. of Bioelectronics and Biosensors, Alagappa University, Karaikudi-630003, TN | Microstructurally engineered nanocrystalline calcium phosphates for biosensing applications. | Mr. S. B. Mayil Vealan, DOJ: 03/08/2021 | 03-08-2021 | First Yr. (2020-21) Contingency: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2021-22): 111533 | 2nd Yr. (2022-23):, Fellowship: 167564, Contingency: 25000, Total Amount: 192564 | 3rd Yr. (2023-24), Fellowship: 183871, Contingency: 25000, Total: 208871 | 69314, MS | Ongoing | |
69315 | MS | Prof. Tinku Basu, Director, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh, Sector 125, Noida, Uttar Pradesh. 4392510 | Role of low energy ion beams in catalytic degradation of antibiotics in Pharmaceutical waste water using Metal organic Frameworks. | ----- | ----- | ---------NA-------- | 69315, MS | [NOTE: FAILED TO SUBMIT Certificate of Sec 2(f), 12(b) so, not approved by IUAC for releasing of grant] | - | ||
69318 | MS | Dr. Neelabh Srivastava Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Motihari (Bihar), Chanakya Parisar, Zila School Campus, Pin Code: 845401 | Interfacial coupling and defect mediated exchange bias in Cobalt based Huesler alloy thin film heterostructures for Spintronics: Structural, magnetic and spin-dependent transport study. | Mr. Anadi Krishna Atul, DOJ: 15.09.2021 | 15-09-2021 | First Yr. (2020-21) Contingency: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2021-22): , 91467 | 2nd Yr. (2022-23):, Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 24929, Total Amount: 192929 | Final Yr. (2023-24) Fellowship: 181066, Contingency: 25000, Total: 206066 | 69318, MS | FILE CLOSED | |
69322 | MS | Dr. R. Arun Kumar Assistant Professor Grade I, Department of Physics, School of Sciences, National Institute of Technology Andhra Pradesh, Tadepalligudem, West Godavari Dt., Andhra Pradesh. | Development of Novel Thermoluminescent and Photoluminescent nanomaterials and Investigations on Their Response to C and Ag ions Irradiation. | Mr. Rahul Awasthi, DOJ: 07/11/2022, | 07/11/2022 | 1st Yr. (2022-23) Contingency Grant: 25000 1st Yr. Fellowship (2022-23): 120000 | 2nd Yr. (2023-24): Fellowship: 299726, Contingency: 14546, Total: 314272 | 3rd Yr. (2024-25) Fellowship: 314400 Contingency: 25000 Total: 339400 | 69322, MS | ongoing | |
69325 | MS | Dr. Satyabrata Mohapatra Assistant Professor, University School of Basic and Applied Sciences, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Sector 16C, Dwarka, New Delhi 110078 | Study of effects of swift heavy ion irradiation on the structural, optical and photocatalytic properties of CeO2-Graphene and CeO2-ZnO nanocomposite thin films. | Not Appointed so far | ----- | First Yr. (2020-21) Contingency: 25000 | 69325, MS | Ongoing | |||
69330 | MS | Prof. Mahendra D. Shirsat RUSA Centre for Advanced Sensor Technology, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad (M.S.), Pin Code: 431004 | Composite of Metal Organic Frameworks / reduce graphene oxide by Swift Heavy Ion irradiation enhance selectivity and sensitivity for sensing application. | Ms. Mayuri S. More, DOJ: 01.06.2021 | 01-06-2021 | First Yr. (2020-21) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2021-22): 140000 | 2nd Yr. (2022-23): Fellowship: 168000 Contingency: 0 | 3rd Yr. (2023-24) Fellowship: 62000, Contingency: 0, Total:62000 | 69330, MS | Ongoing | |
69332 | MS | Dr. Manvendra Kumar Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Institute of Science, Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth Vishwavidyalaya, Ujjain Road, Indore-453111 | Tuning Interfacial properties of Spin-Orbit torques systems by ion beam. | ----- | ------ | --------NA--------- | 69332, MS | [NOTE: FAILED TO SUBMIT Certificate of Sec 2(f), 12(b) so, not approved by IUAC for releasing of grant] | - | ||
69336 | MS | Dr. Piyush S. Solanki Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Saurashtra University, Rajkot - 360 005 (Gujarat) | Role of swift heavy ion irradiation in device characteristics of manganite based thin films. | Mr. Nayan A. Chondagar, DOJ: 01.06.2021 DOR: 24/12/2022 | 01-06-2021 | First Yr. (2020-21) Contingency: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2021-22): 140000 | 2nd Yr. (2022-23):, Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 24998, Total Amount: 192998 | 3rd Yr. (2023-24), Fellowship: 142824, Contingency: 24950, Total: 167774 | 69336, MS | Ongoing | |
69341 | MS | Dr. Abida, HOD, Asistant Professor, Kashmir University, Anantnag, Govt. Degree Collage for Women Anantnag Kashmir, Pin Code: 192101 | Irradiation of thin films of doped transition metal oxides. | Mr. Mohmad Asif Khan, DOJ: 17.03.2021 | 17-03-2021 | First Yr. (2020-21) , Contingency: 25000, Fellowhship: 175000 | 2nd Yr. (2022-23):, Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 25000, Total Amount: 193000 | 3rd Yr. (2023-24): Fellowship: 184258, Contingency: 0, Total: 184258 | 69341(Same as 69335), MS | Ongoing | |
70304 | MS | Dr. Ashvini D. Joshi Assistant Professor, Department of Nanoscience and Advanced Materials, Saurashtra University | Field effect studies on monovalent doped manganites for device applications: Electronic excitations through Irradiation. | Mr. Chintan M. Panchasara, DOJ: 01.11.2021 | 01-11-2021 | First Yr. (2021-22) Contingency: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2021-22): 125000 | 2nd Yr. (2022-23):, Fellowship: 300000, Contingency: 25000, Total Amount: 325000 | 3rd Yr. (2023-24) Fellowship: 315000, Contingency: 24957, Total: 339957, Final Yr. (2024-25) Fellowship: 196000 | 70304 MS | Ongoing | |
70306 | MS | Dr. Khalid Sultan , Assistant Professor (H.O.D), Department of Physics, Central University of kashmir | Investigation of irradiation induced modifications in thin films of RFe1-x MnxO3 system (R= rare earth). | Mr. Shohaib Abass, DOJ: 17.01.2022 | 17-01-2022 | First Yr. (2021-22) Contingency: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2021-22): 35000 | 2nd Yr. (2022-23): Fellowship: 168000 Contingency: 25000 Total: 193000 | 3rd Yr. (2023-24) Fellowship: 307451, Contingency: 25000, Less: Bank Interest: 1894, Total: 330557, Final Yr. (2024-25), Fellowship: 266452, Less: Unspent Bal.: 316, Total:266136 | 70306 MS | Ongoing | |
70307 | RB | Dr. Utpal Ghosh , Associate Professor, Deptt. Biochem. & Biophy., University of Kalyani, Chandannagar | Study of metastatic potential of p53 mutant human lung cancer cells H1299 irradiated with carbon ion. | Mr. Sandipan Chatterjee , DOJ: 27/01/2022 | 27-01-2022 | First Yr. (2021-22) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2021-22): 54167 | 2nd Yr. (2022-23):, Fellowship: 300000, Contingency: 25000: Total Amount: 325000 | 3rd Yr. (2023-24) Fellowship: 306484, Contingency: 25000, Total:331484 | 70307 RB | Ongoing | |
70308 | MS | Dr. Pravanjan Mallick Assistant Professor of Physics, Department of Physics, Maharaja Sriram Chandra Bhanja Deo University, Takatpur, Baripada-757003, Odisha | Swift heavy ion irradiation induced emergence of properties of ZnO nanoparticles embedded in PVA matrix for flexible devices. | Mr. Avijit Behera, DOJ: 01.12.2021 | 01-12-2021 | First Yr. (2021-22) Contingency: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2021-22): 56000 | 2nd Yr. (2022-23):, Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 25000, Total Amount: 193000 | 3rd Yr. (2023-24) Fellowship: 176000, Contingency: 25000,Total: 201000, Final Yr. (2024-25) Arrears in Fellowship: 2613 Fellowship: 200000 Total: 202613 | 70308 MS | Ongoing | |
70316 | MS | Prof. Balaprasad Ankamwar Dept. of Chemistry, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Ganeshkhind, Pune-411007 Maharashtra State. | Ion beam irradiation induced Gold and Silver nanomaterials as sers substrate for chemical and biological sensing. | Mr. Udaykumar Ramdas Rahane, DOJ: 01.12.21, DOR: 31.12.21, , Ms. Janvi Sanjay Shirsul, DOJ: 02/03/2022 | 01-12-2021 | First Yr. (2021-22) Contingency: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2021-22): 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2021-22):, 14000 (2nd Part) | 2nd Yr. (2022-23): Fellowship: 168000 Contingency: 25000, Total Amount: 193000 | 3rd Yr. (2023-24), Fellowship: 176000, Contingency: 25000, Total: 201000 | 70316 MS | FILE CLOSED | |
70319 | AP | Prof. Jiban Jyoti Das Physics Department, Cotton State University, Guwahati | Attempting to verify our hypothesis to discover new time scale for PIMS. | , Nabajyoti Pandit, DOJ: 24/02/2022 | 24-02-2022 | First Yr. (2021-22) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2021-22): 16333 | 2nd Yr. (2022-23): Fellowship: 168000 Contingency: 23874 Total: 191874 | 3rd Yr. (2023-24) Fellowship: 170413, Contingency: 25000, Total: 195413, Final Yr. (2024-25) Fellowship: 173143, Total:173143 | 70319 AP | Ongoing | |
70320 | MS | Dr. Khadke Udaykumar Associate Professor, Vijayanagara Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Ballari Karnataka State , Jnana Sagara Campus, Vinayaka Nagar, Cantonment, Ballari, Karnataka State | Ion beam induced ionic conductivity of PVDF based separators for the energy storage device. | Mr. Santoshkumar Dani, DOJ: 01.12.2021 | 01-12-2021 | First Yr. (2021-22) Contingency: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2021-22): 56000 | 2nd Yr. (2022-23):, Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 19349, Total Amount: 187349 | 3rd Yr. (2023-24) Fellowship: 175098, Contingency: 25000, Total: 200098, Final Yr. (2024-25) Fellowship: 128000 Total: 128000 | 70320 MS | Ongoing | |
70323 | MS | Dr. Nisha Verma , Assistant Professor, Material Research Center, Malaviya National Institute of Technology(MNIT) | Phase stability of immiscible systems under irradiation- a case study for Cu-Ta alloy. | Ms. Diya Singh, DOJ: 15/09/2022, DOR: 30/08/2023, Ms. Suraksha, DOJ: 20/10/2023 | 15/9/2022 | First Yr. (2021-22) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2023-24): 91467 | 2nd Yr. (2024-25): Fellowship: 167533, Contingency: 24993, Total:192526 | Null | 70323 MS | Ongoing | |
70327 | MS | Dr. Sandeep Kumar Assistant Professor, Central University of Rajasthan, Bandarsindri, Ajmer, Rajasthan | Study of resistive switching mechanism in ion irradiated ZnO nanorods. | Ms. Renu Kumari, DOJ: 05.01.2022, DOR: 28/08/2024 | 05-01-2022 | First Yr. (2021-22) Contingency: 25000, , 1st Yr. Fellowship (2021-22): 40600 | 2nd Yr. (2022-23):, Fellowship: 167593, Contingency: 12655, Total Amount: 180248 | 3rd Yr. (2023-24), Fellowship: 173741, Contingency: 23325, Total: 197066 | 70327 MS | Through email dated 18 October 2024, PI was asked to return the unutilized grant money in order to settle the accounts. | Ongoing |
71336 | NP | Prof. Sanjay Kumar Chamoli Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi -110007 | lifetime measurements in neutron deficient rare earth nuclei with mass A ~ 140. | Mr. Anand Pandey, DOJ: 25/03/2022, DOR: 10/10/2023, Ms. Razdeep Kaur Virdi, DOJ: 08/01/2024 | 25-03-2022 | First Yr. (2021-22) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2021-22): 3267, Arrears 1st Yr. Fellowship (2021-22): 2567 | 2nd Yr. (2022-23): Fellowship: 335811 Contingency: 0 Total: 335811 | 3rd Yr. (2023-24) Fellowship: 300678, Contingency: 24996, Total: 325674, Final Yr. (2024-25) Fellowship: 60192 Total: 60192 | 71336 NP | Ongoing | |
71344 | NP | Dr. Anagha Chakraborty Department of Physics, Siksha Bhavana, Visva- Bharati University, Santiniketan, West Bengal , Pin Code: 731 235 | Search for coexistence of different shapes and excitation mechanisms in transitional nuclei. | Mr. Anirban Basak, DOJ:19/10/2022 | 19-10-2022 | First Yr. (2021-22) Contingency: 25000 1st Yr. Fellowship (2022-23): 75871 | 2nd Yr. (2023-24): Fellowship: 300000, Arrears Fell.: 3903, Contingency: 25000, Total: 328903 | 3rd Yr. (2024-25) Fellowship: 300000 Contingency: 25000 Total: 325000 | 71344 NP | Ongoing | |
71346 | MS | Dr. Archana Tiwari Department of Physics, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi 221005 | Swift heavy ion irradiation mediated reduction of graphene oxide for thermoelectric applications. | Mr. Chinmay Chiranjeeb Nayab, DOJ: 31/05/2022, DOR: 03/06/2024, Mr. Kaustava Karmakar, DOJ: 28/08/2024 | 28-08-2024 | First Yr. (2021-22) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2022-23): 140467 | 2nd Yr. (2023-24) Fellowship: 139989, Contingency: 24593, Total: 164582 | 3rd Yr. (2024-25), Fellowship: 188516, Contingency: 25000, Total: 213516 | 71346 MS | Ongoing | |
71353 | NP | Dr. Ajay Kumar Tyagi, Associate Professor, Van De Graaff Laboratory, Department of Physics, Banaras Hindu University(BHU), Varanasi-221005 | Mapping of dissipation and entrance channel effects in heavy ion induced fusion reactions. | Mr. Utkarsh Mishra, DOJ: 24/05/2022, DOR: 01/04/2023 | 24-05-2022 | First Yr. (2021-22) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2022-23): 143733 | 2nd Yr. (2023-24): Fellowship: 167879, Contingency: 24969, Total: 192848 | 71353 NP | Ongoing | ||
71357 | MS | Dr. Rahul Singhal MNIT Jaipur, JLN Marg, Malviya Nagar , Jaipur- 302017 (Rajasthan) | Study of Au-Fullerene nanocomposite under low energy ion irradiation. | Ms. Vikesh DOJ: 21/04/2022 | 24-04-2022 | First Yr. (2021-22) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2022-23): 283333 | 2nd Yr. (2023-24): Fellowship: 285571 Contingency: 25000 Total: 310571 | Final Yr. (2024-25) Fellowship: 334000 Contingency: 25000 Total: 359000 | 71357 MS | Ongoing | |
71365 | MS | Prof. Nikesh A. Shah Department of Physics, Saurashtra University, Rajkot 360 005, Gujarat | Tuning of electrical properties through field effects for manganite based n-n Junctions: Role of Swift Heavy Ion Irradiation. | Mr. Mayur Parmar, DOJ: 01/06/2022 | 01-06-2022 | First Yr. (2021-22) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2022-23): 140000 | 2nd Yr. (2023-24): Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 24949, Total: 192949 | 3rd Yr. (2024-25) Fellowship: 188000 Contingency: 25000 Total: 213000 | 71365 MS | Ongoing | |
71366 | MS | Dr. Sachin Kumar Singh Assistant Professor , Department of Chemistry , DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur | Ion-beam Irradiation induced modifications in functional properties of Chiral Liquid Crystals and their applications in fabrication of ultrasensitive chip-based Optical-Sensors. | Mr. Satyabratt Pandey, DOJ: 04/04/2022 | 04-04-2022 | First Yr. (2021-22) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2022-23): 166600 | 2nd Yr. (2023-24): Fellowship: 168000, Enhancement: 3194, Contingency: 25000, Less: Unspent Bal.: 12 , Total:196182 | NULL | 71517/71366 MS | Ongoing | |
71367 | MS | Dr. Yogita Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, J C Bose University of Science and Technology, YMCA, Sec 6, Mathura Road, Faridabad | Ion irradiation induced structural transition and its correlation with thermoelectric properties of Ge-Sb-Te (GST) alloys. | Mr. Pushpender Singh Beniwal DOJ: 11/03/2022 | 11-03-2022 | First Yr. (2021-22) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2021-22): 17500 | 2nd Yr. (2022-23): Fellowship: 300000 Contingency: 0 | 3rd Yr. (2023-24):Fellowship: 302033, Contingency: 25000, Total: 327033, Final Yr. (2024-25) Fellowship: 177032, Total:177032 | 71367 MS | Ongoing | |
71368 | NP | Prof. Jiban Jyoti Das Physics Department Cotton, Cotton University, Guwahati | Production and slowing down of fast neutron beam produced using 15-UD Pelletron accelerator and HIRA facility for AD-BNCT investigations at IUAC, Delhi. | Ms. Rasna Baruah, DOJ: 11/04/2023 | 11/4/2023 | First Yr. (2021-22) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2023-24): 291667 | 2nd Yr. (2024-25): Fellowship: 300000 Contingency: 25000 Total:325000 | NULL | 71368/71362 NP | Ongoing | |
72301 | MS | Prof. Ravi Kumar, National Institute of Technology, H.P. Pin Code: 177005 | Effect of swift heavy ion irradiation induced strain on spin and orbital ordering in RVO3 thin films (R= La, Pr, Y). | Mr. Shivank Kalia, DOJ: 14/10/2022 DOR:19/12/2022 | 14-10-2022 | 1st Yr. (2022-23) Contingency Grant:, 25000 1st Yr. Fellowship (2022-23): 139516 | Ongoing | ||||
72303 | NP | Dr. Samarjit Sihotra, Panjab University, Chandigarh. Pin Code: 160014 | Nuclear structure studies in some neutron deficient nuclei in A~100 Mass Region Nuclei. | Ms. Neha Rani DOJ: 29/11/2022 DOR: 29/11/2022, Mr. Kuldeep, DOJ: 02/06/2023, DOR: 15/12/2023 | 29-11-2022 | 1st Yr. (2022-23) Contingency Grant:, 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2023-24): 249167 | Ongoing | ||||
72304 | MS | Dr. K. Senthilkumar, National Institute of Technology Meghalaya, Shillong, Meghalaya. Pin Code: 793003 | Photocurrent performance of ion implanted Iron Pyrite (FeS2) thin film as hole transport layer for the CZTS based solar cell. | Mr. Rudra Narayan Chakraborty DOJ: 11/10/2022 | 11-10-2022 | 1st Yr. (2022-23) Contingency Grant:, 25000 1st Yr. Fellowship (2022-23): 141935 | 2nd Yr. (2023-24): Fellowship: 270565, Contingency: 0, Total: 270565 | 3rd Yr. (2024-25) Fellowship: 317033 Contingency: 24942 Total: 341975 | Ongoing | ||
72307 | MS | Dr. Himani Sharma, Doon University, Kedarpur, Uttarakhand. Pin Code: 248012 | Z-scheme based WS2-WO3 and TiO2-WS2 nanostructures for hydrogen evolution reaction investigation. | Ms. Divyanshi Joshi, DOJ: 06/03/2023 | 6/3/2023 | 1st Yr. (2022-23) Contingency Grant:, 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2022-23): 11742 | 2nd Yr. (2024-25): Fellowship: 168000 Contingency: 25000 Total: 193000 | 3rd Yr. (2024-25) Fellowship: 170000 Contingency: 25000 Total: 195000 | Ongoing | ||
72309 | MS | Dr. B. Gokul, Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Pin Code: 641030 | Synthesis of tetrataenite (L10-FeNi) permanent magnet through ion beam irradiation. | Mr. Senthur Aathithan R, DOJ: 01/03/2023 | 1/3/2023 | 1st Yr. (2022-23) Contingency Grant:, 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2022-23): 14000 | 2nd Yr. (2023-24): Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 25000, Total: 193000 | 3rd Yr. (2024-25) Fellowship: 170000 Contingency: 25000 Total: 195000 | Ongoing | ||
72316 | MS | Dr. Arvind Kumar, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak (A Central University), MP. Pin Code: 484886 AFFILIATION CHANGED: Dr. Arvind Kumar University of Allahabad Prayagraj-211002 (UP) | Understanding the impact of Swift Heavy Ion (SHI) on nanostructured Zirconia and Hafnia film based devices and tuning of electron affinity. | Mr. Nitish Kumar, DOJ: 18/09/2023, DOR: 31/12/2024 | 18-09-2023 | 1st Yr. (2022-23) Contingency Grant:, 25000 | 2nd Yr. (2024-25): Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: (25000-25000)=0, Less: Interest: 1236, Total: 166764 | null | Ongoing | ||
72317 | MS | Dr. Ashish B. Ravalia, Saurashtra University, Rajkot, Gujarat. Pin Code: 360005 | Tailoring multiferroic and magnetodielectric properties of DyMnO3 thin films using ion irradiation and implantation. | Ms. Hajra Kumari Sumana, DOJ: 02/01/2023, DOR: 17/07/2023 | 02-01-2023 | 1st Yr. (2022-23) Contingency Grant:, 25000 1st Yr. Fellowship (2022-23): 55548 | 2nd Yr. (2023-24): Fellowship: 140000, Contingency: 25000, Total: 165000 | Ongoing | |||
72319 | MS | Dr. Farooq Hussain Bhat, IUST, Awantipora, J&K. Pin Code: 192122 | Effect swift heavy ion irradiation on structural, electrical and magnetic properties of Co doped LaMnO3 thin films. | Ms. Asifa Jan DOJ: 11/10/2022 | 11-10-2022 | 1st Yr. (2022-23) Contingency Grant:, 25000 1st Yr. (2022-23): Fellowship: 79484 | 2nd Yr. (2023-24): Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 24821, Less: Unspent Bal. 486, Total: 192335 | 3rd Yr. (2024-25) Fellowship: 179355 Contingency: 21024 Total: 199300 | Ongoing | ||
72321 | MS | Dr. Vinay Kumar, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Haryana. Pin Code: 125004 | Study the impact of Swift heavy ion irradiation on Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) for Application as Gas Sensor. | Not Appointed so far | - | 1st Yr. (2022-23) Contingency Grant:, 25000 | Ongoing | ||||
72323 | MS | Prof. Ratnesh Gupta, School of Instrumentation, Devi Ahilya University, Indore. Pin Code: 452001 | Tailoring electrical and optical absorption characteristics and electronic energy band structure of TiO2/ ZnO nanostructures through high energy ion beam. | Mr. Rahul Tiwari DOJ: 17/08/2022, DOR: 01/01/2024 | 17-08-2022 | 1st Yr. (2022-23) Contingency Grant:, 25000 1st Yr. Fellowship (2022-23): 187097 | 2nd Yr. (2023-24): Fellowship: 299999, Contingency: 24780 Total: 324779 | NULL | Ongoing | ||
73301 | MS | Dr. Ajay Shankar, Assistant Professor, Room No. 96, Ground Floor, Science Building, IGNTU Campus, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak, MP-484887 | The impact of swift heavy ion irradiation on the thin films based on CdS and graphene-based composites: A vital step towards new generation solar cells | Ms. Sajiya Iraqui, DOJ: 28/04/2023, DOR: 19/09/2024 | 28/4/2023 | First Yr. (2022-23) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2023-24): Total: 155400 | 2nd Yr. (2024-25): Fellowship: 168000 Contingency: 25000 Total: 193000 | NULL | Ongoing | ||
73303 | MS | Dr. Sanjeev Gautam, Assistant Professor, Panjab University, Dr. SSB University Institute of Chemical Engineering & Technology, Chandigarh, Sector-14, Chandigarh-160014 | Photovoltaic efficiency enhancement by ion-beams. | Ms. Monika Verma, DOJ: 04/05/2023, DOR: 31/03/2024 , Ms. Priyal, DOJ: 22/05/2024 | 22/5/2024 | First Yr. (2022-23) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2023-24): 272581 | NULL | NULL | Ongoing | ||
73308 | MS | Dr. P. Pazhanisamy, Asst. Professor of Chemistry, Sir Theagaraya College, Chennai-600021 | Swift heavy ion irradiation on Fe3O4@ Au Nanocomposite Hydrogels to enhance the catalytic reduction of 4-NP/ Methylene Blue. | Mr. M. Thiyagarajan, DOJ: 13/03/2023 | 13/3/2023 | First Yr. (2022-23) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr.. (2022-23): Fellowship: 8581 | 2nd Yr. (2023-24): Fellowship: 168000, Contingency: 1000, Total : 169000 | 3rd Yr. (2024-25) Fellowship: 169225, Contingency: 25000, Total:194225 | Ongoing | ||
73311 | MS | Dr. Sayan Bayan, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Rajiv Gandhi University, Doimukh, Arunachal Pradesh-791112 | Influence of ion irradiated materials in flexible Triboelectric Nanogenerators. | Mr. Madhav Baraily, DOJ: 08-08-23, DOR: 01/04/24, Mr. Sammun Khimhun, DOJ: 01/07/24 | 1/7/2024 | First Yr. (2022-23) Contingency: 25000, -1st Yr. Fellowship (2023-24): Total: 108839 | 2nd Yr. (2024-25): Fellowship: 225000 Contingency: 24232 Total: 249232 | NULL | Ongoing | ||
73317 | MS | Dr. Jeyanthinath Mayandi, Assistant Professor, Department of Materials Science, School of Chemistry, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai-625021 | Role of ion beams in dye sensitized solar cell devices | Mr. S. Allwin Rajesh, DOJ: 01/04/2023 | 1/4/2023 | First Yr. (2022-23) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2023-24): 168000 | 2nd Yr. (2024-25): Fellowship: 168000 Contingency: 25000 Less: Bank Interest Rs. 1770 Total: 191230 | NULL | Ongoing | ||
73320 | NP | Prof. Bivash Ranjan Behera, Professor, Department of Physics, Panjab University, Sector-14, Chandigarh-160014 | Neutron multiplicity measurements along Hg region | Ms. Yukta Sharma, DOJ: 27/09/2024 | 27/9/2024 | First Yr. (2022-23) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2024-25): Total: 153333 | NULL | NULL | Ongoing | ||
73322 | MS | Dr. Ratan Das, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Tripura University, Tripura-799022 | Determination of SHI irradiation induced dislocation density in rare earth metal doped selective dilute magnetic semiconductor nanocrystals from XRD peak profile analysis and its influence on the optical, electrical and magnetic properties. | Mr. Chingskang Debbarama, DOJ:23/04/2024 | 23/4/2024 | First Yr. (2022-23) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2023-24): Total: 157733 | NULL | NULL | Ongoing | ||
73326 | MS | Dr. Ghazala Anjum, Department of Physics, SP, College Srinagar, Cluster University, Srinagar | Study of Magneto-electric Coupling in Ni Substituted La0.6Bi0.4FeO3 Multiferroic System and Effect of SHI Irradiation. | Mr. Shah Faisal, DOJ: 16-06-2023, DOR: 31/07/2023, Ms. Shahidah Nazeer, DOJ: 02/03/2024, DOR: 30/11/2024 | 2/3/2024 | First Yr. (2022-23) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2023-24): Total: 237500 | 2nd Yr. (2024-25): Fellowship: 168000 Contingency: 25000 Less: 186001 Total:6999 | NULL | No active student | Ongoing | |
73328 | NP | Dr. Tarkeshwar Trivedi, Associate Professor, Department of Physics, University of Allahabad, Prayagraj(Allahabad), Uttar Pradesh - 211002 | Investigation of axially symmetric and asymmetric structure in f-p-g shell nuclei. | Ms. Anjali Dwivedi, DOJ: 08/11/2023, DOR: 07/12/23, Mr. Kameshwar Dubey, DOJ: 09/01/2024, DOR: 08/02/2024, Ms. Khushi Singh, DOJ: 19/06/2024 | 19/6/2024 | First Yr. (2022-23) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2023-24): Total: 66733 | 2nd Yr. (2024-25): Fellowship: 235000 Contingency: 25000 Less: Bank Interest: 1000 Total: 259000 | NULL | Ongoing | ||
73330 | MS | Prof. Dambarudhar Mohanta, Department of Physics, Tezpur University, PO Napaam, Tezpur-784028 | Irradiation led modified optoelectronic and thermoelectric response of nanoscale, 2D monochalcogenides | Ms. Stuti Tamuli, DOJ: 11/05/2023 | 11/5/2023 | First Yr. (2022-23) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2023-24): Total:149484, Arrears Amount (in Fellowship) Calculation against FY 2022-23 grant released: 1st Yr. Fellowship (2023-24): 11000 | 2nd Yr. (2024-25): Fellowship: 300000 Contingency: 25000 Less: Unspent Bal.: 355 Total: 324645 | NULL | Ongoing | ||
74302 | AP | Prof. Jyoti Rajput, Department of Physics, University of Delhi, Room No.-129, MS Building (Ground Floor), University of Delhi, North Campus, Delhi, Pin Code-110007 | Exploring molecular growth in ion-molecule interactions at low (<150 eV) centre-of-mass energies | Mr. Aakash Dixit, DOJ: 07.11.2023 | 7/11/2023 | First Yr. (2023-24) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2023-24): Total:120000 | 2nd Yr. (2024-25): Fellowship: 300000 Contingency: 0 Total: 300000 | NULL | ongoing | ||
74303 | MS | Dr. Vibha Chopra, Assistant Professor, P. G. Department of Physics and electronics, DAV College, Katra Sher Singh, Amritsar, Punjab, Pin Code-143006 | Carbon and Proton ion beam dosimetry of energy independent thermoluminescent phosphors. | Mr. Yash Ahalawat, DOJ: 03/11/2023 | 3/11/2023 | First Yr. (2023-24) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2023-24): Total: 69067 | 2nd Yr. (2024-25): Fellowship: 168000 Contingency: 0 Total: 168000 | NULL | ongoing | ||
74306 | MS | Dr. B. Sivasankari, Assistant Professor of Physics, The Standard Fireworks Rajaratnam College for Women (Autonomous), Sivakasi, Virudhunagar District, Tamilnadu, Pin Code-626123, | Ion beam irradiation effects on L-malic acid and Guanidine carbonate based NLO crystals. | Ms. D. Lakshmi Piriya, DOJ: 21/12/2023 | 21/12/2023 | First Yr. (2023-24) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2023-24): 46968 | 2nd Yr. (2024-25): Fellowship: 168000 Contingency: 25000 Total: 193000 | NULL | Ongoing | ||
74307 | MS | Dr. Pragati Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Nanoscience and Materials, Central University of Jammu, Rahya-Suchani, Samba, Jammu, J & K, Pin Code-181143 | SHI effect on photosensing properties of doped II-VI metal sulfides thin films. | Ms. Bhawana Singh, DOJ: 05/12/2023 | 5/12/2023 | First Yr. (2023-24) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2023-24): Total: 54194 | 2nd Yr. (2024-25): Fellowship: 168000 Contingency: 25000 Total: 193000 | NULL | Ongoing | ||
74308 | RB | Prof. Shaon Ray Chaudhuri, Department of Microbiology, Tripura University, Suryamaninagar, Pin Code-799022 | Understanding the efficacy of hexamine removal from simulated sewage water by low ionizing radiation exposed Micromonospora citrea SRCHD01 and Micrococcus luteus SRCHD02. | Mr. S. K. Wasim Ahmed, DOJ: 12/09/2023 | 9/12/2023 | First Yr. (2023-24) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2023-24): Total:165833 | 2nd Yr. (2024-25): Fellowship: 299999, Contingency: 23977, Total: 323976 | NULL | Ongoing | ||
74320 | MS | Dr. Sagar Sen, Assistant Prof., Department of Physics, Maharaja Bhoj Govt PG College Dhar, (M.P.) Indore - Ahmedabad Road Indore Naka Dhar, Pin Code-454001 | Tuning perpendicular magnetic anisotropy by swift heavy ion irradiation in Cobalt ferrite thin film for spintronics applications. | Mr. Dipendra Singh Dodiya, DOJ: 15/02/2024, DOR: 31/08/2024, Mr. Vinay Srivastava, DOJ: 29/10/2024 | 29/10/2024 | First Yr. (2023-24) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2023-24): Total: 21241 | 2nd Yr. (2024-25): Fellowship: 168000 Contingency: 25000 Total:193000 | NULL | Ongoing | ||
74330 | NP | Dr. Raja Nisar Ali, Assistant Professor, Central University of Kashmir, Pin Code-190006, | Systematic Study of Low Energy Break-up Fusion Reactions. | Mr. Faizan Hassan Shah, DOJ: 22/12/2023, DOR: 03/06/2024 | 22/12/2023 | First Yr. (2023-24) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2023-24): 46516 | NULL | NULL | No active student | Ongoing | |
74331 | NP | Dr. E Prasad, Associate Prof., Department of Physics, Central University of Kerala, Periye, Kasargod, Kerala, Pin Code-671316 | Quasi-elastic scattering studies in the 30Si+142,150Nd reactions at energies around the Coulomb barrier. | Mr. Shiva Prasad Nayak, DOJ: 08/05/2024 | 8/5/2024 | First Yr. (2023-24) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2024-25): Total: 150839 | NULL | NULL | Ongoing | ||
74333 | MS | Prof. Nandkumar Tukaram Mandlik, Prof. and Head, Fergusson College (Autonomous) Pune, Maharashtra, Pin Code-411004 | TL/OSL Study of Micro- and Nanophosphors for Dosimetry of Ion Beams. | Mr. Mukesh Kisan Jite, DOJ: 11.09.23 | 11/9/2023 | First Yr. (2023-24) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2023-24): Total:93333 | 2nd Yr. (2024-25): Fellowship: 168000 Contingency: 25000 Total:193000 | NULL | Ongoing | ||
75305 | MS | Dr. S. Jayanthi, Assistant Professor of Physics, The Standard Fireworks Rajaratnam College for Women (Autonomous), Sivakasi, Virudhunagar District, Tamil Nadu | Tuning the properties on polymer composites with ion beams for UV Shielding applications. | Ms. Sakthi Devi B DOJ: 18/07/2024 | 18/7/2024 | First Yr. (2023-24) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2024-25): Total: 118323 | NULL | NULL | Ongoing | ||
75311 | MS | Dr. Rajan Walia, Department of Physics, University of Allahabad, Prayagraj, U.P. | SHI irradiation of metal dichalcogenides nanocomposite thin films electrodes for fabrication of supercapacitors. | Mr. Anand Sagar, DOJ: 03/10/2024 | 3/10/2024 | First Yr. (2023-24) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2024-25): 83097 Total:83097 | NULL | NULL | Ongoing | ||
75314 | MS | Dr. E. Kayalvizhy, Department of Chemistry, PSGR Krishnammal College for Women (Autonomous), Peelamedu Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu | Swift heavy ion induced starch based CaCO3 nanocomposite hydrogels for Drug Delivery System and Heavy Metal Adsorption. | Mrs. R. Mohanpriya, DOJ: 04/09/2024 | 4/9/2024 | First Yr. (2023-24) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2024-25): 96600, Total:96600 | NULL | NULL | Ongoing | ||
75322 | MS | Dr. Feroz Ahmad Mir, Department of Physics, Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University(BGSB) University Rajouri, Jammu and Kashmir | Tuning the sensing properties of some rare earth based Metal Oxide Nanostructured Biosensors By SHI Irradiations. | Mr. Mudassar Masood Naik DOJ: 12/07/2024 | 12/7/2024 | First Yr. (2023-24) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2024-25): Total: 121032 | NULL | NULL | Ongoing | ||
75323 | MS | Dr. Sandeep Kumar, Department of Physics, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India | Swift heavy ion assisted control of resistive switching in epitaxial ZrO2 thin films for emerging memories. | Not appointed so far | First Yr. (2023-24) Contingency: 25000 | Ongoing | |||||
75325 | MS | Dr. Rajanish Nath Tiwari, Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Chanakya Parisar, Temp Camp, Zila School, Motihari, East Champaran, Bihar | Low to high energy phosphorous ion implantation in diamond single crystal. | Mr. Rishikesh Tiwari DOJ: 09/07/2024 | 9/7/2024 | First Yr. (2023-24) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2024-25): 122387 Total: 122387 | NULL | NULL | Ongoing | ||
75328 | NP | Prof. Jiban Jyoti Das, Department of Physics, Cotton University, Panbazar, Guwahati, Assam | Measurement of S Process Neutron source strength in AGB Stars by Time Reversal Method. | Mr. Monuj Gogoi, DOJ: 25/10/24 | 25/10/2024 | First Yr. (2023-24) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2024-25): 130645 Total: 130645 | NULL | NULL | Ongoing | ||
75333 | MS | Dr. Abhishek Kumar Soni,Department of Physics, School of Basic Sciences, Central University of Punjab, Main Campus, VPO: Ghudda, Bathinda, Punjab | Ion irradiation effect on upconversion and anti-Stokes processes with f-f transitions for fluorescence intensity ratio tuning and non-contact temperature sensing. | Ms. Kirti DOJ: 29/07/2024 | 29/7/2024 | First Yr. (2023-24) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2024-25): Total: 113355 | NULL | NULL | Ongoing | ||
75336 | MS | Dr. Surbhi Gupta, Department of Physics, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad(MNNITA), Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh | Achieving high tunability of charge to spin current interconversion in irradiated 2D spin Hall material/ferromagnet heterostructure. | Ms. Nupur Singh, DOJ: 18/10/2024 | 18/10/2024 | First Yr. (2023-24) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2024-25): 76323, Total:76323 | NULL | NULL | Ongoing | ||
75339 | MS | Dr. Keval Jayantilal Gadani, Indian Institute of Teacher Education (IITE), Ramkrushna Paramhans Vidya Sankul | Irradiation influenced resistive switching across Gd1-XCaXMnO3 Thin Film Devices. | Mr. Indrajit V. Bhola, DOJ: 08/04/24 | 8/4/2024 | First Yr. (2023-24) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2023-24): Total: 294167 | NULL | NULL | Ongoing | ||
76304 | MS | Dr. Ashish Kumar, Dept of Physics and Astronomical Science, Central University of Jammu Rahya Suchani (Bagla) Samba 181143 (Jammu and Kashmir) | Ion beam Induced defect engineering for thermoelectric applications | Not appointed yet | First Yr. (2024-25) Contingency: 25000 | Ongoing | |||||
76307 | MS | Dr. Gagan Dixit, G.B.Pant University of Ag. & Technology, Pantnagar 263145 (Uttarakhand) | Low energy ions (C,N,S) implantation in Spinel Ferrite to enhance their efficiency as electrode for supercapacitors | Not appointed yet | First Yr. (2024-25) Contingency: 25000 | Ongoing | |||||
76309 | MS | Dr. Fayaz Ahmad Najar, Deptt. of Physics, Government Degree College(GDC) Sumbal, University of Kashmir GDC Sumbal, Bandipora 193501 (Jammu and Kashmir) | Effect of SHI radiation on properties of some rare earth incorporated alkali sulfate crystals for optoelectronic application | Not appointed yet | First Yr. (2024-25) Contingency: 25000 | Ongoing | |||||
76316 | MS | Dr. Neelabh Srivastava Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Chanakya Parisar, Zila School Campus, Motihari, Pin Code- 845401 (Bihar) | Study of ion implantation in tuning and controlling the exchange bias in single-layer films of antiferromagnetic materials towards spintronics | Mr. Deepak Pandey, DOJ: 27/11/2024 | 27/11/2024 | First Yr. (2024-25) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2024-25): 57867, Total: 57867 | Ongoing | ||||
76317 | MS | Dr. Rahul Singhal Associate Professor, Physics Department, Malaviya National Institute of Technology(MNIT) Jaipur, JLN Marg, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur, Pin Code- 302017 (Rajasthan). | Carbon based sensor for the electrochemical determination of doping steroids | Not appointed yet | First Yr. (2024-25) Contingency: 25000 | Ongoing | |||||
76319 | MS | Prof. Shyama Rath Senior Professor, Department of Physics and Astrophysics University of Delhi, Delhi, Pin Code-110007 (Delhi). | Control of the optically and spin active VSi, and NC-VSi defects in 4H-SiC for quantum metrologies | Mr. Saurabh Kashyap DOJ: 28/02/2025 | 28/02/2025 | First Yr. (2024-25) Contingency: 25000, Fellowship paid 25892.00 for 28.02.25 to 31.03.25 | Ongoing | ||||
76320 | AMS | Dr. Pawan Kumar Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Faculty of Earth Environment and Space Sciences, Chaudhary Bansi Lal University, Bhiwani, Pin Code- 127021 (Haryana) | Constructing the Style, Timing and Extent of the Quaternary Glaciation in the Jhanavi Ganga of the NW Garhwal Himalaya. | Ms. Pooja, DOJ: 08/11/2024 | 8/11/2024 | First Yr. (2024-25) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2024-25): 119167 | Ongoing | ||||
76323 | MS | Dr. Karra Vinod Kumar Assistant Professor, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur, Pin Code-610005, (Tamil Nadu). | Enhancement of ferroelectricity in HfO2 based thin films by Ion irradiation for the application of HfO2 ferroelectric films based Non-volatile memory devices. | Not appointed yet | First Yr. (2024-25) Contingency: 25000 | Ongoing | |||||
76324 | NP | Prof. Manoj Kumar Sharma Department of Physics, University of Lucknow, Lucknow, Pin Code- 226007 (Uttar Pradesh) | Effect of various entrance channel parameters on low energy reaction dynamics | Not appointed yet | First Yr. (2024-25) Contingency: 25000 | Ongoing | |||||
76327 | NP | Prof. B. P. Singh Department of Physics, Aligarh Muslim University(AMU), Aligarh, Pin Code- 202002 (Uttar Pradesh) | Effect of Entrance Channel in Heavy Ion Collisions at Moderate Excitation Energies. | Mr. Aquib Siddique, DOJ: 18/12/2024 | 18/12/2024 | First Yr. (2024-25) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2024-25): 86290 Total: 86290 | Ongoing | ||||
76330 | MS | Dr. Rohit Ranjan Shahi Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Central University of South Bihar Gaya Panchanpur Road, Gaya, Pin Code- 824 236 (Bihar). | Effect of ion irradiation on Electrochemical Properties of High Entropy Materials. | Ms. Neeta Kumari, DOJ: 02/01/2025 | 2/1/2025 | First Yr. (2024-25) Contingency: 25000, 1st Yr. Fellowship (2024-25): Total: 41548 | Ongoing | ||||
76334 | MS | Dr. Pratap Assistant Professor, 101A, New CASEST, Physics Annex Building, University of Hyderabad, Gachibowli, Pin Code- 500046 (Telangana). | Doping and Defect structural evolution analysis under low and high-energy irradiation. | Not appointed yet | First Yr. (2024-25) Contingency: 25000 | Ongoing | |||||
76335 | MS | Dr. Govind Dayal Singh Assistant Professor, Department of Physics & Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi, Pin Code-110007 (Delhi). | Graphene Monolayer on Nanopatterned Silicon for Molecular Detection | Not appointed yet | First Yr. (2024-25) Contingency: 25000 | Ongoing | |||||
76337 | NP | Dr. Hardev Singh Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Pin Code- 136119 (Haryana). | Measurement of mass gated pre- and post-scission neutron multiplicities in a heavy ion-induced fusion-fission reaction. | Ms Kajal, DOJ: 20/01/2025 | 20/01/2025 | First Yr. (2024-25) Contingency: 25000, Fellowship paid 58870.00, for 20.01.25 to 31.03.25 | ongoing | ||||
77310 | AMS | Dr. Manasi Debnath, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Nagaland University, Nagaland | Quantify the Holocene climate dynamics in select glacial valleys in North Sikkim Eastern Himalaya | First Yr. (2024-25) Contingency: 25000 | |||||||
77312 | MS | Dr. Manju Bala, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Hindu College, University of Delhi | Development of Ion Beam Engineered BiCuSeO Nanostructured thin films for thermoelectric Device fabrication. | First Yr. (2024-25) Contingency: 25000 | |||||||
77313 | MS | Dr. Chongtham Jiten, Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Kirori Mal College University of Delhi | Study of Effect of Ion Implantation and Gamma Irradiation on the Properties of Piezoelectric Ceramics | First Yr. (2024-25) Contingency: 25000 | |||||||
77315 | MS | Dr. L. Kungumadevi, Assistant Professor in Physics, Mother Teresa Women’S University, Kodaikanal-624 101. | Impact of SHI Irradiation on Transition Metal oxides/rGO composites for Supercapacitor Applications | First Yr. (2024-25) Contingency: 25000 | |||||||
77316 | MS | Dr. Harpreet Singh, Dr. Harpreet Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar-143005, Punjab | Creation of Silicon Vacancies in Silicon Carbide for Quantum Sensing Applications | First Yr. (2024-25) Contingency: 25000 | |||||||
77319 | MS | Prof. V. S. Vasantha, Professor & Head, Department of Natural Products Chemistry Chairperson, School of Chemistry, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai – 625021, Tamil Nadu | Modifying the Properties of 2D Composite Materials Using Energetic Ion Beams for Electrochemical Sensor for Neurodegenerative Disorders | First Yr. (2024-25) Contingency: 25000 | |||||||
77321 | AMS | Dr. P. Udayaganesan, Associate Professor and Head, PG and Research Department of Geology, Alagappa Govt. College (Alagappa University), Karaikudi – 630003, Tamil Nadu. | Holocene climate variability and oceanographic shifts in the Southwestern Bay of Bengal: a multi-proxy approach | First Yr. (2024-25) Contingency: 25000 | |||||||
77322 | MS | Dr. Tanuj Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomical Sciences, Central University of Jammu, India | Development of Engineered Ripple-Patterned Surfaces for Enhanced SERS Detection of Water-Soluble Dyes | First Yr. (2024-25) Contingency: 25000 |