
Annealing station
An oil free vacuum station based on turbo molecular pump and diaphragm pump
is set up in the GDA laboratory for annealing and evacuating the cryostats
of HPGe detectors. This system is protected against power failures with
solenoid activated valve. This annealing system has become the work station
for HPGe detector maintenance activities. |
LN2 autofilling system
An automatic liquid nitrogen filling system has been designed and made in-house,
with a dedicated controller which controls a set of electro-pneumatic
valves/sensors to fill the 12 HPGe detectors in proper sequence and in failsafe
mode. The temperature readout from the sensors (platinum resistor - PT100 whose
resistance varies linearly with temperature) is communicated to the PC through
the ADC in the controller. The controller also has the relays to operate the
24 V dc solenoids of electro-pneumatic valves. |
The filling system consists of dedicated manifolds for liquid nitrogen and
compressed air on both sides of the beamline each catering to 6 detectors. The
detectors are periodically and automatically filled once a day. Fill log is
maintained in a logfile for monitoring purposes. Filling is done from a 200 l
capacity LN2 dewar (at a pressure of 22 psig) which itself gets
filled from a 5000 l dewar
kept outside the Beam Hall, once in 2 days. The process is controlled by a GUI
code working in linux environment. The configuration of the number of
detectors, sensors, valves (enabled/disabled) are kept in the file
Contact us:
S. Muralithar
Inter University Accelerator Centre
Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, Post Box 10502
New Delhi 110067, India
Phone: +91 11 26893955
Telefax: +91 11 26893666
Email: murali@iuac.res.in