
Detector cooling system
To reduce noise level and hence to increase energy resolution of silicon surface
barrier detectors, cooling provision is provided with the brass detector holders.
The Freon cooling arrangement, with coolant feedthrough on one of the back ports
of the chamber, can bring detector temperature down up to -4o C for
six detectors in half an hour. A warming up facility is installed along with the
detector cooling system, once the timing performance is tested out. Warming up
time for the detectors from -4o C to 20o C is about 20
minutes. |
Gamma detector cup
Particle-gamma correlation studies require the gamma detector to be placed quite
close to the target to have better count rates. We have vacuum compatible
gamma detector cups to have access inside the chamber at 90o and
30o. Detectors with diameter upto 23 cm can be placed at a distance
of 29 cm from the target, while detectors with diameter upto 8 cm can be placed
at a distance of 9 cm from the target. Detectors with diameter upto 5 cm can be
mounted from the top. |
Gas detector set-up
Different types of gas detectors like ionization chambers, parallel plate
avalanche counters (PPAC), multi wire proportional counters (MWPC) etc. are used
in GPSC for nuclear physics as well as materials science experiments. A flange
with gas feedthrough is mounted at a back angle port. The gas flow control system
is made in such a way that it can handle different gas pressure regions
according to the requirement. |
In-vacuum target transfer facility
This versatile facility which consists of a feedthrough, a transfer body and an
intermediate body has multipurpose usage. Within a time lapse of about 20
minutes, one target ladder can be replaced with another with very little
disturbance in the chamber vacuum (chamber vacuum changes from low
10-6 mbar to low 10-5 mbar). |
Contact us:
Dr. P. Sugathan
Inter University Accelerator Centre
Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, Post Box 10502
New Delhi 110067, India
Phone: +91 11 26893955
Telefax: +91 11 26893666
Email: sugathan@iuac.res.in