
About NAND
The large array of neutron detectors, named
National Array of Neutron Detectors (NAND) is a DST supported nuclear physics experimental facility
set up at IUAC. The detector array consists of 100 liquid scintillators, each cell having 5"x5" cylindrical size
and type BC501A ( Saint Gobain) coupled to 5" photo multiplier tube
(Hamamatsu R4144). They are all mounted at a fixed flight distance of 175 cm from the target position.
The detectors are mounted on a
semi-spherical dome ( geodesic) structure optimized for the present geometry. The Target is
placed in a thin walled spherical scattering chamber of 100 cm
diameter. Target chamber also has provision to put charged
particle detectors like large area position sensitive
multiwire proportional counters (MWPC) and silicon detectors
to detect neutron emitting sources (heavy ions and fission
fragments) and other associated light charged particles in
coincidence with neutrons.The full array will allow the measurement of energy and angular distribution
of neutrons produced in the nucleus-nucleus collision.This array is planned particularly to study dynamics involved
in heavy ion induced fusion-fission reactions near and above
the Coulomb barrier.
The NAND is a
joint project with participation from Punjab University,
Delhi University,
Karnataka University
and Inter University Accelerator Centre.
This facility has been developed and installed at IUAC in collaboration with all the
major nuclear physics research laboratories in the country
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