Sl. No. | Reference No. | Details and Download |
1 | IUAC/NIT/18/GS/2024-25 | Inter -University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) invites online bids on behalf of the Director IUAC, New Delhi through e-procurement Portal under two bid system, viz., and Technical and financial bids, from eligible / experienced parties for the work/supply “Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 3X300 kVA, 3 Phase On Line UPS Systems in parallel (N+1 configuration) along with PostWarranty Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (CAMC) for period of 10 years” at Inter- University Accelerator Centre (IUAC), New Delhi”. Download NIT |
2 | IUAC/NIT/17/AP/2024-25 | Inter - University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) invites online bids on behalf of the Director IUAC, New Delhi through e-procurement Portal under two bid system, viz., Technical and Financial bids, from eligible / experienced parties for the “Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance (CAMC)1 of Access Control System at IUAC Campus, New Delhi”. Download NIT Download Corrigendum |
3 | IUAC/NIT/16/UK/2024-25 | Inter - University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) invites online bids on behalf of the Director IUAC, New Delhi through e-procurement Portal under two bid system, viz., Technical and Financial bids, from eligible / experienced parties for the work/supply “Housekeeping-cum-Material Shifing Services”. Download NIT |
4 | IUAC/NIT/15/HAR/2024-25 | Inter -University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) invites online bids on behalf of the Director IUAC, New Delhi through e-procurement Portal under two bid system, viz., and Technical and financial bids, from eligible / experienced parties for the work/supply “Renovation/Upgradation of Clinic (including Civil, Electrical, and Furniture Works) at IUAC Campus, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi”. Download NIT |
5 | IUAC/NIT/14/IS/2024-25 | Inter - University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) invites online bids on behalf of the Director IUAC, New Delhi through e-procurement Portal under two bid system, viz., Technical and Financial bids, from eligible / experienced parties for the “Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Scanning Probe/ Atomic Force Microscope at IUAC, New Delhi, as per Annexure A". Download NIT |
6 | IUAC/NIT/13/BKG/2024-25 | Inter - University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) invites online bids on behalf of the Director IUAC, New Delhi through e-procurement Portal under two bid system, viz., and Technical and financial bids, from eligible / experienced parties for the work “Annual Contract for Round the clock Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Works of HVAC PHASE-I ” at Inter-University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) Campus, New Delhi – 110067 Download NIT |
7 | IUAC/NIT/10/BBC/2024-25 | Inter - University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) invites online bids on behalf of the Director IUAC, New Delhi through e-procurement Portal under two bid system, viz., Technical and Financial bids, from eligible / experienced parties for the work/supply of Helium Gas on rate contract basis for a period of initially for one year which may be extended by two more years. Download NIT |
8 | IUAC/NIT/12/BBC/2024 | Inter - University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) invites online bids on behalf of the Director IUAC, New Delhi through e-procurement Portal under two bid system, viz., Technical and Financial bids, from eligible / experienced parties for the work/supply of Gases on rate contract basis for a period of initially for one year which may be extended by two more years. Download NIT |
9 | IUAC/NIT/10/HAR/2024-25 | Inter -University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) invites online bids on behalf of the Director IUAC, New Delhi through e-procurement Portal under two bid system, viz., and Technical and financial bids, from eligible / experienced parties for the work/supply “Renovation/Upgradation of Clinic (including Civil, Electrical, and Furniture Works) at IUAC Campus, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi”. Download NIT |
10 | 09/GOR/2024-25 | Inter - University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) invites online bids on behalf of the Director IUAC, New Delhi through e-procurement Portal under two bid system, viz., Technical and Financial bids, from eligible / experienced parties for the supply of “Fabrication, machining, coil winding, epoxy impregnation, integration, testing and supply of one H-Dipole water-cooled, DC electromagnet with mounting structure as per Annexure A". Download NIT |