Heavy Ion Reaction Analyzer in Beam Hall I of IUAC.
Side view of HIRA in Beam Hall I of IUAC.
HIRA sliding seal target chamber with HPGe detector.
HIRA target chamber with 14 element BGO detector array.
Small aluminium target chamber of HIRA for residue-tagged γ-spectroscopy.
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Array of 8 HPGe detectors coupled to HIRA.
Array of 8 HPGe Clover detectors, charged particle detector array (from TIFR)
and 4 neutron detectors coupled to HIRA.
Rotary/linear motion primary target wheel for producing in-flight, secondary
Liquid nitrogen cooled, primary gas cell target with havar window for
producing in-flight, secondary RIB.
In-vacuum transferable momentum filter slit assembly at the center of MD.
HIRA focal plane detector chamber.
HIRA focal plane set-up for isomer decay studies.