
Multinucleon transfer reactions for the 28Si+90,94Zr
systems in the region below and near the Coulomb barrier ,
Sunil Kalkal, S. Mandal, N. Madhavan, A. Jhingan, E. Prasad, Rohit Sandal,
S. Nath, J. Gehlot, Ritika Garg, Gayatri Mohanto, Mansi Saxena, Savi Goyal,
S. Verma, B.R. Behera, Suresh Kumar, U.D. Pramanik, A.K. Sinha, R. Singh,
Phys. Rev. C 83 (2011) 054607. |
Reconstruction of γ-multiplicity distribution from a finite number of
its moments , S. Nath,
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 640 (2011) 225. |
Fusion and transfer reactions around the Coulomb barrier for
28Si+90,94Zr systems ,
Sunil Kalkal, S. Mandal, N. Madhavan, A. Jhingan, E. Prasad, Rohit Sandal,
J. Gehlot, S. Verma, Ritika Garg, Savi Goyal, Mansi Saxena, S. Nath,
Bivash Behera, Suresh Kumar, U.D. Pramanik, Davinder Siwal, Gayatri Mohanto,
H.J. Wollersheim, A.K. Sinha and R Singh,
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 312 (2011) 082027. |
Angular momentum distribution for the formation of evaporation residues in
fusion of 19F with 184W near the Coulomb barrier ,
S. Nath, J. Gehlot, E. Prasad, Jhilam Sadhukhan, P.D. Shidling, N. Madhavan,
S. Muralithar, K.S. Golda, A. Jhingan, T. Varughese, P.V. Madhusudhana Rao,
A.K. Sinha and Santanu Pal,
Nucl. Phys. A 850 (2011) 22. |
Erratum to ``TERS v2.0: An improved version of TERS''
[Comput. Phys. Commun. 180 (2009) 2392] , S. Nath,
Comput. Phys. Commun. 181 (2010) 1659. |
Evaporation residue excitation function from complete fusion of
19F with 184W , S. Nath, P.V. Madhusudhana Rao,
Santanu Pal, J. Gehlot, E. Prasad, Gayatri Mohanto, Sunil Kalkal, Jhilam
Sadhukhan, P.D. Shidling, K.S. Golda, A. Jhingan, N. Madhavan,
S. Muralithar, A.K. Sinha,
Phys. Rev. C 81 (2010) 064601. |
Channel coupling effects on the fusion excitation functions for
28Si+90,94Zr in sub- and near-barrier regions ,
Sunil Kalkal, S. Mandal, N. Madhavan, E. Prasad, Shashi Verma, A. Jhingan,
Rohit Sandal, S. Nath, J. Gehlot, B.R. Behera, Mansi Saxena, Savi Goyal,
Davinder Siwal, Ritika Garg, U.D. Pramanik, Suresh Kumar, T. Varughese,
K.S. Golda, S. Muralithar, A.K. Sinha, R. Singh,
Phys. Rev. C 81 (2010) 044610. |
Interaction of loosely bound radioactive 7Be and stable
7Li with 9Be , S. Verma, J.J. Das, A. Jhingan,
K. Kalita, S. Barua, K.S. Golda, N. Madhavan, P. Sugathan, S. Nath,
T. Varughese, J. Gehlot, S. Mandal, Ranjit, P.K. Sahu, B. John, B.K. Nayak,
V. Jha, A. Saxena, S.K. Datta, R. Singh,
Eur. Phys. J. A 44 (2010) 385. |
TERS v2.0: An improved version of TERS , S. Nath,
Comput. Phys. Commun. 180 (2009) 2392. |
Experimental signature of entrance channel effect in heavy mass region via
evaporation residue cross section and spin distribution measurements ,
P.D. Shidling, N. Madhavan, V.S. Ramamurthy, S. Nath, N.M.Badiger, Santanu
Pal, A.K. Sinha, A. Jhingan, S. Muralithar, P. Sugathan, S. Kailas,
B.R. Behera, R. Singh, K.M. Varier, M.C.Radhakrishna,
Phys. Lett. B 670 (2008) 99. |
A Monte Carlo C-code for calculating transmission efficiency of recoil
separators and viewing residue trajectories , S. Nath,
Comp. Phys. Comm. 179 (2008) 492. |
A Monte Carlo code to calculate transmission efficiency of HIRA ,
S. Nath,
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 576 (2007) 403. |
Measurements of elastic scattering for 7Be,7Li+9Be
systems and fusion cross sections for 7Li+9Be system ,
S. Verma, J.J. Das, A. Jhingan, K. Kalita, S. Barua, K.S. Golda, N. Madhavan,
P. Sugathan, S. Nath, T. Varughese, J. Gehlot, S. Mandal, S. Ranjit, P.K. Sahu,
B. John, B.K. Nayak, A. Saxena, S.K. Datta, R. Singh,
Eur. Phys. Journal Special Topics 150 (2007) 75. |
Fission Hindrance studies in 200Pb: Evaporation residue
cross-section and spin distribution measurements , P. D. Shidling,
N. M.Badiger, S. Nath, R. Kumar, A. Jhingan, R. P. Singh, P. Sugathan,
S.Muralithar, N. Madhavan, A. K. Sinha, S. Pal, S. Kailas, S. Verma,
K.Kalita, S. Mandal, R. Singh, B. R. Behera, K. M. Varier, M. C.Radhakrishna,
Phys. Rev. C 74 (2006) 064603. |
Change of 7Be decay rate in exohedral and endohedral C60
fullerene compounds and its implications , A. Ray, P. Das, S.K. Saha,
S.K. Das, J.J. Das, N. Madhavan, S. Nath, P. Sugathan, P.V.M. Rao, and A. Jhingan,
Phys. Rev. C 73 (2006) 034323. |
Elastic scattering and fusion cross sections for 7Be,7Li+27Al
systems , K. Kalita, S. Verma, R. Singh, J.J. Das, A. Jhingan,
N. Madhavan, S. Nath, T. Varughese, P. Sugathan, V.V. Parkar, K. Mahata,
K. Ramachandran, A. Shrivastava, A. Chatterjee, S. Kailas, S. Barua, P. Basu,
H. Majumdar, M. Sinha, R. Bhattacharya, A.K. Sinha,
Phys. Rev. C 73 (2006) 024609. |
Astrophysical S17(0) factor from a measurement of the
2H(7Be, 8B)n reaction at Ec.m. = 4.5
MeV , J.J. Das, V.M. Datar, P. Sugathan, P.V. Madhusudhana Rao, A. Jhingan,
A. Navin, S.K. Dhiman, S. Barua, S. Nath, T. Varughese, A.K. Sinha, R. Singh,
A. Ray, D.L. Sastry, R.G. Kulkarni, R. Shyam,
Phys. Rev. C 73 (2006) 015808. |
Spectroscopy of
90Nb at high spin , A. Chakraborty, Krishichayan, S.S. Ghugre,
R. Goswami, S. Mukhopadhyay, N.S. Pattabiraman, S. Ray, A.K. Sinha, S. Sarkar,
P.V.M. Rao, U. Garg, S.K. Basu, M.B. Chatterjee, M.S. Sarkar, L. Chaturvedi,
A. Dhal, R.K. Sinha, I.M. Govil,
R.K. Bhowmik, A. Jhingan, N. Madhavan,
S. Muralithar, S. Nath, R.P. Singh, P. Sugathan,
Phys.Rev. C 72 (2005) 054309. |
Investigation of
scattering between mirror nuclei 7Be and 7Li ,
S. Barua, J.J. Das, A. Jhingan, N. Madhavan, T. Varughese, P. Sugathan,
K. Kalita, S. Verma, B. Bhattacharjee, S.K. Datta, K. Boruah,
Phys. Rev. C 72 (2005) 044602. |
Development of a large area telescopic detector system for elastic and transfer
reaction angular distribution measurements , K. Kalita, A. Jhingan,
S. Barua, J.J. Das, T. Varughese, P. Sugathan, N. Madhavan, S. Nath, S. Verma
and R. Singh,
Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics 43 (2005) 573. |
Development of a high
efficiency annular detector system for RIB experiments at NSC ,
Akhil Jhingan, S. Barua, J.J. Das, T. Varughese, P. Sugathan, N. Madhavan,
S. Nath, K. Kalita, S. Verma,
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 539 (2005) 269. |
Production of light
radioactive ion beams (RIB) using inverse kinematics , J.J. Das,
P. Sugathan, N. Madhavan, P.V. Madhusudhana Rao, A. Jhingan, T. Varughese,
S. Barua, S. Nath, A.K. Sinha, B. Kumar and J. Zacharias,
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 241 (2005) 953. |
Lifetime measurements
of microsecond isomers in the N = 48 nuclei 88Zr and 90Mo
using recoil-isomer tagging , A. Chakraborty, Krishichayan, S.S. Ghugre,
R. Goswami, S. Mukhopadhyay, N.S. Pattabiraman, S. Ray, A.K. Sinha, S. Sarkar,
P.V.M. Rao, U. Garg, S.K. Basu, L. Chaturvedi, A. Dhal, R.K. Sinha, I.M. Govil,
M.B. Chatterjee, M.S. Sarkar, R.K. Bhowmik, A. Jhingan, N. Madhavan,
S. Muralithar, S. Nath, R.P. Singh, P. Sugathan,
Phys.Rev. C 70 (2004) 014311. |
A new measurement of
d(7Be, 8B)n reaction at Ec.m. = 4.5 MeV for the
extraction of S17(0) factor using ANC method , J.J. Das,
V.M. Datar, P. Sugathan, N. Madhavan, P.V. Madhusudhana Rao, A. Jhingan,
A. Navin, S.K. Dhiman, S. Barua, S. Nath, T. Varughese, A.K. Sinha, R. Singh,
A. Ray, D.L. Sastry, R.G. Kulkarni, R. Shyam,
Nucl. Phys. A 746 (2004) 561c. |
Study of elastic
scattering of mirror nuclei 7Be + 7Li , S. Barua,
J.J. Das, A. Jhingan, T. Varughese, N. Madhavan, P. Sugathan, S. Verma,
K. Kalita, B. Bhattacharjee, S.K. Datta, K. Boruah,
Nucl. Phys. A 746 (2004) 467c. |
A new detector system
for radioactive ion beam experiments at the focal plane of the recoil mass
spectrometer HIRA at NSC , Akhil Jhingan, P. Sugathan, S. Barua, J.J. Das,
T. Varughese, N. Madhavan, S. Nath, P.V. Madhusudhana Rao,
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 526 (2004) 376. |
Rotating target facility
for in-flight radioactive ion beam production using a recoil mass
spectrometer , T. Varughese, J.J. Das, N. Madhavan, P. Sugathan,
P.V. Madhusudhana Rao, A. Jhingan, S. Nath, A.K. Sinha, J. Zacharias,
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 521 (2004) 143. |
The present and planned
recoil mass spectrometers at Nuclear Science Centre, New Delhi , S. Nath,
A. Jhingan, T. Varughese, J.J. Das, P. Sugathan, N. Madhavan, R. Kumar,
R.P. Singh, S. Muralithar, R.K. Bhowmik, A.K. Sinha,
Yadernaya Fizika 66 (2003) 1567; Physics of Atomic Nuclei 66 (2003) 1523. |
Status of measurement
of 7Be(d, n)8B reaction to determine the astrophysical
S17(0) factor using ANC method , J.J. Das, V.M. Datar,
P. Sugathan, N. Madhavan, P.V. Madhusudhana Rao, A. Navin, T. Varughese,
A. Jhingan, S. Nath, A. Ray, S. Barua, A.K. Sinha, J. Zacharias, R. Singh,
R. Shyam, S.K. Dhiman, R.G. Kulkarni, and D.L. Sastry,
Indian Journal of Physics 76 (2002) 133. |
Isotopic dependence and
channel coupling effects in the fusion of 16O + 112,116Sn
and 32S + 112,116,120Sn at energies around the
barrier , Vandana Tripathi, Lagy T. Baby, J.J. Das, P. Sugathan,
N. Madhavan, A.K. Sinha, P.V. Madhusudhana Rao, S.K. Hui, R. Singh, K. Hagino,
Phys. Rev. C 65 (2001) 014614. |
Development of low
energy radioactive ion beam facility at NSC , J J Das, P Sugathan,
N Madhavan, T Varughese, P V Madhusudhana Rao, J Zacharia, Akhil Jhingan,
Subir Nath, A K Sinha and R Singh,
Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics 39 (2001) 20. |
Spin and excitation
energy dependence of fission survival for the 19F + 175Lu
system , S.K. Hui, C.R. Bhuinya, A.K. Ganguly, N. Madhavan, J.J. Das,
P. Sugathan, D.O. Kataria, S. Muralithar, Lagy T. Baby, Vandana Tripathi,
Akhil Jhingan, A.K. Sinha, P.V. Madhusudhana Rao, N.V.S.V. Prasad,
A.M. Vinod Kumar, R. Singh, M. Thoennessen, and G. Gervais,
Phys. Rev. C 62 (2000) 054604. |
Role of 28Si
excitations in the sub-barrier fusion of 28Si+120Sn ,
Lagy T. Baby, Vandana Tripathi, J.J. Das, P. Sugathan, N. Madhavan, A.K. Sinha,
M.C. Radhakrishna, P.V. Madhusudhana Rao, S.K. Hui, and K. Hagino,
Phys. Rev. C 62 (2000) 014603. |
High spin states in 70Ge ,
B. Mukherjee, S. Muralithar, G. Mukherjee, R.P. Singh, R. Kumar, J.J. Das,
P. Sugathan, N. Madhavan, P.V. Madhusudhana Rao, A.K. Sinha, A.K. Pande,
L. Chaturvedi, S.C. Pancholi and R.K. Bhowmik,
Heavy Ion Physics 11 (2000) 189. |
Ion-optics of the
radioactive ion beam facility at NSC , J.J. Das, P. Sugathan, N. Madhavan,
P.V. Madhusudanan Rao, T. Varughese, B. Kumar and A.K. Sinha,
Indian Journal of Physics 73S (1999) 136. |
Transfer measurements
for the Ti + Ni systems at near barrier energies , K.M. Varier,
A.M. Vinodkumar, N.V.S.V. Prasad, P.V. Madhusudhana Rao, D.L. Sastry,
Lagy T. Baby, M.C. Radhakrishna, N.G. Puttaswamy, J.J. Das, P. Sugathan,
N. Madhavan, A.K. Sinha and D.O. Kataria,
Pramana - Journal of Physics 53 (1999) 167. |
Measurement of ground
state 2n pickup probability for 28Si + 68Zn ,
Vandana Thripathi, Lagy T. Baby, P.V. Madhusudhana Rao, S.K. Hui, R. Singh,
J.J. Das, P. Sugathan, N. Madhavan and A.K. Sinha,
Pramana - Journal of Physics 53 (1999) 173. |
Development of
radioactive ion beam facility using 15UD tandem accelerator at NSC ,
J.J. Das, P. Sugathan, N. Madhavan, B. Kumar, T. Varughese, P.V. Madhusudhana Rao
and A.K. Sinha,
Journal of Physics: G 24 (1998) 1371. |
Alpha- particle
emission as a probe of dynamical deformations , I.M. Govil, R. Singh,
A. Kumar, J. Kaur, A.K. Sinha, N. Madhavan, D.O. Kataria, P. Sugathan,
S.K. Kataria, K. Kumar, Bency John and G.V. Ravi Prasad,
Phys. Rev. C 57 (1998) 1269. |
Sub-barrier few-nucleon
transfer reaction and channel coupling effects in heavy ion fusion ,
A.K. Sinha in collaboration with L.T. Baby, N. Badiger, J.J. Das, S.K. Hui,
D.O. Kataria, R.G. Kulkarni, N. Madhavan, P.V. Madhusudhana Rao, I. Mazumdar,
M.C. Radhakrishna, N.V.S.V. Prasad, N.G. Prasad, P. Shakeeb, R. Singh,
D.L. Sastry, P. Sugathan, V. Thripathi, K.M. Varier and A.M. Vinodkumar,
Journal of Physics: G 23 (1997) 1331. |
Identification of
Δν=2 identical bands in the nuclei 78Kr and
80Rb system , S.K. Tandel, S.B. Patel, R.K. Bhowmik,
A.K. Sinha, S. Muralithar, N. Madhavan,
Phys. Rev. C 56 (1997) R2358. |
Transfer and higher
order phonon coupling effects in the sub-barrier fusion of 28Si and
93Nb system , L.T. Baby, Vandana Tripathi, D.O. Kataria,
J.J. Das, P. Sugathan, N. Madhavan, A.K. Sinha, M.C. Radhakrishna, N.M. Badiger,
N.G. Puttaswamy, A.M Vinodkumar and N.V.S.V. Prasad,
Phys. Rev. C 56 (1997) 1936. |
One and two nucleon
transfer in the 28Si + 68Zn system at energies below the
Coulomb barrier , D.O. Kataria, A.K. Sinha, J.J. Das, N. Madhavan,
P. Sugathan, Lagy T. Baby, I. Mazumdar, R. Singh, C.V.K. Baba, Y.K. Agarwal,
A.M Vinodkumar and K.M. Varier,
Phys. Rev. C 56 (1997) 1902. |
Study of transfer
channel coupling and entrance channel effects for the near and sub-barrier
fusion of 46Ti + 64Ni, 50Ti + 60Ni
and 19F + 93Nb systems , N.V.S.V. Prasad,
A.M. Vinodkumar, A.K. Sinha, K.M. Varier, D.L. Sastry, N. Madhavan, P. Sugathan,
D.O. Kataria, J.J. Das,
Nucl. Phys. A 603 (1996) 176. |
Absence of isotopic
dependence in the sub-barrier fusion of 48Ti + 58,60,64Ni
system , A.M. Vinodkumar, K.M. Varier, N.V.S.V. Prasad, D.L. Sastry,
A.K. Sinha, N. Madhavan, P. Sugathan, D.O. Kataria, J.J. Das,
Phys. Rev. C 53 (1996) 803. |
A modular focal plane
detector system for the Heavy Ion Reaction Analyzer at NSC, New Delhi ,
D.O. Kataria, J.J. Das, N. Madhavan, P. Sugathan, A.K. Sinha, G. Dayanand,
M.C. Radhakrishna, A.M. Vinodkumar, K.M. Varier, M. Singh, N.V.S.V. Prasad,
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 372 (1996) 311. |
Calibration of
analyzing magnet for beam energy measurement using recoil mass separator
HIRA , N. Madhavan, J.J. Das, P. Sugathan, D.O. Kataria, D.K. Awasthi,
A. Mandal and A. K. Sinha,
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 370 (1996) 315. |
Heavy ion reaction
analyser (HIRA): a recoil mass separator facility at NSC , A.K. Sinha,
N. Madhavan, J.J. Das, P.Sugathan, D.O. Kataria, A.P. Patro, G.K. Mehta,
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 339 (1994) 543. |
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