Design Features
The first magnetic quadrupole doublet (Q1Q2) is planned to be
superconducting in order to increase the solid angle of acceptance.
The magnetic doublet is being developed with the help from experts
from Michigan State University, USA.
The lower radius and higher radius sides of MD1 chamber are lined
with tantalum with water-cooled copper backing to stop the primary beam
in gas-filled mode and vacuum mode operation, respectively.
The quadrupole Q3, between MD1 and MD2, is split into two halves
with the intermediate space provided for the insertion of slits or beam
stoppers depending on the mode of operation.
The entrance and exit of Q3 chamber are provided with welded
bellows to allow the sideway movement of Q3 in a precise and reproducible
manner on linear rails. The space thus created may be used as focal
plane position in gas-filled mode for better transmission of low
velocity, heavy ERs.
Quadrupoles Q6 and Q7 are provided with sideway movement
mechanism for creating extra space around the first focal plane to
install HPGe / Clover detectors, if required in an experiment.
The electrostatic dipole (ED) of the second stage has curved
anode and cathode plates machined from solid titanium and is capable of
reaching voltages of +/- 300 kV across a gap of 12 cm.
Two dedicated focal plane detector systems are planned for
the two modes of operation.