
Evaporation residue excitation function measurement for
16O+194Pt reaction , E. Prasad, K.M. Varier,
N. Madhavan, S. Nath, J. Gehlot, Sunil Kalkal, Jhilam Sadhukhan,
G. Mohanto, P. Sugathan, A. Jhingan, B.R.S. Babu, T. Varughese, K.S. Golda,
B.P. Ajith Kumar, B. Satheesh, Santanu Pal, R. Singh, A.K. Sinha and S. Kailas,
Phys. Rev. C 84 (2011) 064606. |
HYRA gas-filled separator coupled to 4π spin spectrometer at IUAC,
New Delhi , N. Madhavan, I. Mazumdar, T. Varughese, J. Gehlot, S. Nath,
D.A. Gothe, P.B. Chavan, G. Mohanto, M.B. Naik, I. Mukul and A. K. Sinha,
EPJ Web of Conferences 17 (2011) 14003. |
Entrance channel effect for CN 200Pb , Gayatri Mohanto,
N. Madhavan, S. Nath, J. Gehlot, M.B. Naik, E. Prasad, Ish Mukul, T. Varughese,
A. Jhingan, R.K. Bhowmik, A.K. Sinha, I. Mazumdar, D.A. Gothe, P.B. Chavan,
Santanu Pal and V.S. Ramamurthy,
EPJ Web of Conferences 17 (2011) 16007. |
ER cross section measurement in 16O+194Pt reaction
using gas-filled mode of HYRA , E. Prasad, K.M. Varier, N. Madhavan,
S. Nath, J. Gehlot, Sunil Kalkal, Jhilam Sadhukhan, G. Mohanto, P. Sugathan,
A. Jhingan, B.R.S. Babu, T. Varughese, K.S. Golda, B.P. Ajith Kumar,
B. Satheesh, Santanu Pal, R.Singh, A. K. Sinha and S. Kailas,
EPJ Web of Conferences 17 (2011) 16011. |
Hybrid recoil mass analyzer at IUAC - First results using gas-filled mode and
future plans , N. Madhavan, S. Nath, T. Varughese, J. Gehlot, A. Jhingan,
P. Sugathan, A.K. Sinha, R. Singh, K.M. Varier, M.C. Radhakrishna, E. Prasad,
S. Kalkal, G. Mohanto, J.J. Das, Rakesh Kumar, R.P. Singh, S. Muralithar,
R.K. Bhowmik, A. Roy, Rajesh Kumar, S.K. Suman, A. Mandal, T.S. Datta,
J. Chacko, A. Choudhury, U.G. Naik, A.J. Malyadri, M. Archunan, J. Zacharias,
S. Rao, Mukesh Kumar, P. Barua, E.T. Subramaniam, K. Rani, B.P. Ajith Kumar and
K.S. Golda,
PRAMANA - Journal of Physics 75 (2010) 317. |
Contact us:
N. Madhavan
Inter University Accelerator Centre
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Phone: +91 11 26893955
Telefax: +91 11 26893666
Email: madhavan@iuac.res.in